6th Notification: 2021 Dutch Cousins Gathering – Brochure & Registration
Research Day:
As you make plans to attend our Dutch Cousins 9th Gathering you are encouraged to participate in our research day on Monday September 27th at the Harrodsburg Historical Society, located at 220 South Chiles Street. Our board member Amalie Preston is their volunteer in charge. She always does such a wonderful job helping us wade through their archives in search of our Dutch ancestors.
Please visit the link provided to read an article about Harrodsburg and some of the other things you may choose to investigate on Sunday after our church service at the Old Mud Meeting House or on Monday after you’ve found your illusive relative.
The Oldest Town In Kentucky That Everyone Should Visit At Least Once: https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/kentucky/oldest-town-ky/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=kentucky&utm_campaign=newsletter&utm_content=nlbuttonB4
We are moving full steam ahead planning for our 9th Dutch Cousins Gathering in Frankfort, Kentucky.
The Covid-19 pandemic has presented some inflationary hurdles that we are trying to mitigate. Our main effort is in trying to the best of our ability, to be cost conscious and being good stewards of our seed funds. We have made the decision to email our brochure and registration forms to help ensure a successful gathering. We had quite a lot of returned brochures from our 2019 mailing, which resulted in a tough waste of funding. Please make sure that we have your current contact information – mailing address, phone numbers, email address, and Dutch family surname – by emailing the information to dutchcousinsofky@gmail.com . Please let us know if it is your home or cell phone.
If you have previously RSVP’d that you will be attending, please send in your registration and t-shirt forms as soon as possible. EVERYONE WHO ORDERS A SHIRT, AND IS REGISTERED AND PAID BY AUGUST 20, WILL ALSO GET A FREE BAG WITH LOGO TO MATCH YOUR T-SHIRT! (one bag with each $25 registration) No more T-shirts can be ordered after September 10, 2021.
For those of you still on the fence we hope that you will take the leap and decide to join us. It will be good to be with our cousins after this most difficult past year. To aid in your decision you may review Kentucky’s Covid19 regulations at https://governor.ky.gov/covid19 and the CDC’s regulations regarding large gatherings at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/large-events/considerations-for-events-gatherings.html
Our website is www.dutchcousins.org and these are the direct links to the 2021 Brochure and Registration Forms:
Brochure: https://bit.ly/2VwPh6J NEW UPDATED LINK
Registration: https://bit.ly/3xyyH4l NEW UPDATED LINK
See you in September!
Tamara Fulkerson
Dutch Cousins President 2020-2021