7th Notification: 2021 Dutch Cousins Gathering – Brochure & Registration

By the time of his death, Daniel Boone (1734–1820) had become a legend, and so he remains. But much of what Americans think they know about this great frontiersman is off the mark. Neither a backwoods bumpkin nor an epic slayer of Indians (and he never wore a coonskin cap), Boone was an intrepid explorer and natural leader whose actual exploits easily justify his larger-than-life reputation.
Boone played a crucial role in the exploration and settlement of Kentucky and the American west. He first began to seriously explore Kentucky in 1769, and in 1775 led the expedition that founded Boonesboro in present-day Madison County. Some of his most-famous exploits soon followed: the rescue of his daughter from Indian kidnappers; his own escape from captivity to warn Fort Boonesborough of an impending attack; leading the defense of the fort against a nine-day Shawnee siege. In the 1780s, Boone ran a tavern in Limestone (now Maysville) and later served as a delegate in the Virginia Assembly. He left Kentucky in 1799 for Missouri, where he died in 1820.
Daniel Boone is portrayed by actor Kevin Hardesty of Lexington. Hardesty received his B.F.A in acting/theatre from the University of Kentucky in 1986, and has since performed professionally in theatre, film, and television, including prominent leading roles in Biloxi Blues, Hamlet, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet.
Bo List of Lexington is the script writer. List has been working in the area as an actor, writer, and director for more than 20 years.
Kentucky Chautauqua is an exclusive presentation of Kentucky Humanities with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities and from: Christina Lee Brown, the Carson-Myre Charitable Foundation, and PNC.
Kentucky Humanities is a non-profit Kentucky corporation affiliated with the National Endowment for the Humanities. For more information, visit kyhumanities.org or call (859) 257-5932.
We are moving full steam ahead planning for our 9th Dutch Cousins Gathering in Frankfort, Kentucky.
The Covid-19 pandemic has presented some inflationary hurdles that we are trying to mitigate. Our main effort is in trying to the best of our ability, to be cost conscious and being good stewards of our seed funds. We have made the decision to email our brochure and registration forms to help ensure a successful gathering. We had quite a lot of returned brochures from our 2019 mailing, which resulted in a tough waste of funding. Please make sure that we have your current contact information – mailing address, phone numbers, email address, and Dutch family surname – by emailing the information to dutchcousinsofky@gmail.com . Please let us know if it is your home or cell phone.
If you have previously RSVP’d that you will be attending, please send in your registration and t-shirt forms as soon as possible. EVERYONE WHO ORDERS A SHIRT, AND IS REGISTERED AND PAID BY AUGUST 20, WILL ALSO GET A FREE BAG WITH LOGO TO MATCH YOUR T-SHIRT! (one bag with each $25 registration) No more T-shirts can be ordered after September 10, 2021.
For those of you still on the fence we hope that you will take the leap and decide to join us. It will be good to be with our cousins after this most difficult past year. To aid in your decision you may review Kentucky’s Covid19 regulations at https://governor.ky.gov/covid19 and the CDC’s regulations regarding large gatherings at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/large-events/considerations-for-events-gatherings.html
Our website is www.dutchcousins.org and these are the direct links to the 2021 Brochure and Registration Forms:
Brochure: https://bit.ly/2VwPh6J NEW UPDATED LINK
Registration: https://bit.ly/3xyyH4l NEW UPDATED LINK
See you in September!
Tamara Fulkerson
Dutch Cousins President 2020-2021