Letters 7/29/2019

Here’s the Latest! Time to register.

SEE YOU Sept 12,-16, 2019 in KENTUCKY!
Thursday through Saturday at the Kentucky State University, Harold R. Benson Ag building, 1525 Mills Ln, Frankfort, KY 
Sunday and Monday at Harrodsburg for the Old Mud Meetinghouse and the Harrodsburg Historical Research Library.

We are descendants of the Low Dutch who settled New Amsterdam, moved to New Jersey, migrated to near Gettysburg, and made history when they later populated the frontier.  Our Dutch Kentucky Cousins goal is to research, share, and preserve the genealogy and history of our common Low Dutch heritage, including but not limited to, the restoration and preservation of the old Mud Meetinghouse built by our ancestors in the early 1800s near Harrodsburg, KY.  We meet every two years to renew our love for each other.  Our mission is to honor the memory of these ancestors and enjoy the friendship of cousins, both newly- discovered and long-loved.

SENT BY: Joan Murray
I’m really sorry to be missing the Dutch Cousins reunion this year.  One of our granddaughters is getting married in Salem, OR at that time.  Immediate family comes first (with all of us I’m sure).  But I’ll be thinking about all of you and hope you have a good turn-out and a great time.   Joan Murray 


SENT BY:  Sherron Westerfield

Mailed registration yesterday to Janice Cozine.

SENT BY: Carolyn Leonard
We are getting excited as we gear up for the 2019 Dutch Cousins gathering in Kentucky, Sept 12,-16!
Thursday through Saturday at the Kentucky State University, Harold R. Benson Ag building, 1525 Mills Ln, Frankfort, KY 40601. 
Sunday and Monday at Harrodsburg KY for the Old Mud Meetinghouse worship and dedication and the Harrodsburg Historical Research Library to study the only repository for the Low Dutch history Archives.
We average 125-150 attendance – and can accommodate more! This will be our EIGHTH gathering of descendants of the many Dutch families who came from New Amsterdam to NJ, to Conewago Colony in Pennsylvania, and then on flatboats down the Ohio or on the Wilderness Trail in the 1780s to settle the Low Dutch Tract in Kentucky.

SENT BY: Laurel Auchampaugh

I recently discovered I am descended from Rev. Cornelius Cozine of Conewago Dutch Reformed Church.  His daughter Lemmeje married John Bodine.  their son Cornelius Bodine’s daughter Hannah J married my gr-gr grandfather Morgan Lewis Mattoon.  I live in Owasco, have visited Lemme’s grave and also where Rev. Geo. Brinkerhoff is buried.  I have been the historian of Owasco 35 years.  Very involved in the history of the Owasco Reformed Church, where 10 pioneer families from Conewago came to the Owasco Lake Area. 
        I am descended from 2 of the pioneer families Cornelius. and his brother Abraham Bodine, and Charles VanTine   I know Russell Gassaro, Archivist of New Brunswick Theological Seminary, and will be willing to share info.  Need to learn more about Rev. Cornelius Cozine

Dear cousin Laurel,
I am a descendant of Lemmeje Cozine Bodine’s youngest brother Garret, as is our Cozine expert, Jim Cozine of Las Vegas, so I am copying him on this email. Jim is the author of the webpage on Cozines that you viewed, but he does not follow the female line after they marry to keep the page from getting too complicated. Jim can certainly tell you all about Domine Cornelius and this is a fascinating family line.

I am also attaching a page from my family history sheet on Dom. Cozine and his children, I actually have done some research on the daughters and their families. I’d love to compare notes because I’m sure I have mistakes. I attaching a hotlink to the family page on my dropbox, but not sure it will work for you so I’m also attaching a picture of the page (which may not work either).  I will try to find a better way if this doesn’t work. It’s a new update to my Reunion genealogy program and I was not aware of this change. (hate updates!)

We certainly look forward to seeing you at the gathering in September, God willing. I am also attaching the registration blank in pdf, I hear the one I sent in the email last week does not print out right.

More later.Hope to hear from you soon.

Blessings, Carolyn

Carolyn & Laurel
I’m sorry to say that my Family History manuscript “ Finding our wooden shores” has suffered the same fate in my computer — the files are so old they will not open up in my new computer..
But I still have a hard copy of the updated Master of Summer 2015… and can make a copy of the pages covering the Rev Cornelius ( pgs 89~108) and mail it to Laurel..
I see this address in the online phone books – just let me know if this is what is wanted  & if the addy is still good – I can mail it tomorrow. Jim Coz. 

Dear Cousins:  

Thank you so much for sharing information on Rev. C. Cozine
If you were to google my name you might enjoy reading my monthly History Column in the Auburn Citizen.

I have done this since Feb. of 2006.  Since I found MY family on the Owasco Church records,
 it has been my desire to help many others  of the pioneer familiy descendants find theirs  .

Not only the Penn. group, but the Orange County families.
It has been such a joy for me to follow the Conewago folk.

I will be so happy to learn more about the Cozines  Jim and Carolyn. 
I have files on the Owasco Families, told their stories numerous times to visitors to the Church

I have successfully printed the Reg. form for the gathering in September.  Will now arrange and fill out for mailing.


SENT BY: Nancy Hensen

My DeGroff ancestry is as follows:

Gen. 1  Jean Laconte b. c. 1640 Picardy Middleburg Zeeland, Holland  d. 24-5-1675 Harlem, NY    Mar. Mary Laurens b. 1639 France  d. 10-11-1687   
Gen. 2  Moses DeGraff/DeGroff  b. 3-13-1661 Zeeland, Holland  d. c. 1720 Ulster Co. NY  Mar. Hester LaMaister/ Delamater  mar 168I hope th3  d. 1720 Ulster Co, NY
 Gen. 3 Abraham DeGroff  bp.  6-9-1695 Kingston, Ulster Co NY  d. 26-5-1774  Mar. 1683 Elizabeth Palmetier (Palmentier, Parmentier) bp. 16-7-1699 at Brooklyn, Kings Co NY  d.  Poughkeepsie NY 
Gen. 4 Michael DeGroff bp. 9-1-1726 Kingston, Ulster Co  NY  d. 2-12-1793 Conewago Adams Co PA   Mar. 16-4-1748 Rachel Swart bp. 19-3-1732 Kingston Ulster Co NY  d. c 1773 Conewago PA
Gen. 5 William Swart DeGroff b. c.1744 Poughkeepsie NY  mar. c. 1774 Willempte Nevius b. 25-2-1753 Somerset Co NJ  Willempte d. after 1796, Conewago PA  
             William migrated to Owasco, Cayuga Co NY  D. 20-1-1824 Owasco.
Gen. 6 Abraham DeGroff bp.  28-11-1779  Conewago Adams Co PA  mar. c. 1805  Cattina (Tiny) VanTine b. c.1783 D.?  Abraham d. 6-7-1811 Owasco Cayuga Co  NY  
Gen. 7 Abraham DeGroff b. 10-3-1810 Owasco Cayuga Co NY  D. Nunda Livingston Co NY,  Mar. c. 1832 #1 Sarah Duryea, #2 Sarah Perry , b. 6-3-1813 Schenectady, NY d. 26-9-1879 Nunda, NY
Gen. 8 Herbert DeGroff b.21-3-1850 Nunda Livingston Co NY.  Mar. 28-10-1885  Margaret Ellis b. 27-7-1865 Arkport NY  D. 16-11-1909 Nunda NY
Gen . 9 Ellis DeGroff b. 26-6-1888 Nunda NY  Mar. 27-12-1911 Gertrude Parker b. 16-10-1886 Leicester Wyoming  Co NY  Ellis d. 19-4-1919 Nunda NY   Gertrude d. 5-3-1971 Perry Wyoming Co NY

 I hope this is helpful. There are a few missing pieces.   The search goes on.  
Nancy Hansen


SENT BY: Janice Cozine (DUTCH COUSINS TREASURER -and general organizer!)
This large facility (Kentucky State University, Harold R. Benson Ag building) has everything we need, also has floor to ceiling windows overlooking the farm/property. Several hotels nearby give you some variety on where to stay. Most are right off I-64 at exit 53B for your convenience and we still have the option to stay at The Capital Plaza Hotel farther into town.

NOTE: **We are not endorsing any of these hotels, just sharing contact information.The information on hotel contact for reservations is on our website: www.DutchCousins.org——————————————————————

SENT BY: Vice President Tamara Fulkerson
2018-2019 Officers and Committee Chairs for Low Dutch Cousins

President                                                 Charles Westerfield of Louisville
Vice President                                        Tamara Fulkerson of Crestwood, KY
Secretary                                                Denise M. Perry of Somerville, TN
Treasurer                                                Janice Cozine of Mt Washington, KY
Editor, Dutch Letters & Newsletter         Carolyn Leonard of OKC
Board Member                                       Jim Cozine of Las Vegas, recommending incoming Eddie Cozine of KY
Board Member                                       Malcolm Banta of RotondaWest, FL
Board Member                                       Amalie Preston of Harrodsburg, KY
Immediate Past President                     Carolyn Leonard of OKC

Nominations Chair                                To be announced
Gathering Coordinator                          King & Sharon Cole of Texas
Registration                                          Janice Cozine of Kentucky
Financial/Audit Report                          Vince Akers of Indiana
Webmaster                                            Pam Ellingson of Wisconsin
Program Speakers                                Charles Westerfield of Louisville,KY 
Heritage Displays                                 Tamara Fulkerson of Crestwood, KY
Hospitality                                             Emily Welches of Noblesville, Indiana
Dutch Silent Auction                             King & Sharon Cole of Texas
Historian                                               Barbara Whiteside, Clarksville,IN                           
HHS Low Dutch Research Day           Amalie Preston of H’burg, KY
Photography                                        Charlie Westerfield of Louisville
Surname Banners                               Tamara Fulkerson of Crestwood, KY
DAR/SAR Ancestor Assistance           Charlotte Olson of Oswego, Ill
Conewago Project                               Malcolm Banta of Florida
Westerfield Marker                              Charlie Westerfield of Louisville
Publicity                                               Carolyn Leonard, OK & Denise Perry, TN
T-Shirt Fundraiser                               Janice Cozine of Kentucky
Family Research     Mary Jo Gohmann of Indiana 

What would YOU like to do to help keep the Dutch Cousins event going?

SENT BY: Eloise  Burnaford

FYI— see very last listing in “Conferences”, and see our Dutch Cousins Gathering listed among some other very prestigious events… in the NNI’s July 2019 eMarcurius.


SENT BY: Carolyn (herself)Had a phone call this week from Andrew Terhune, president of the New York Holland Society. He was asking permission to share information about our Dutch Cousins activities with his society. Of course I told him that was the purpose of our Dutch letters and our website – to share the information. In 2011 on our Dutch footprints to NY tour, we visited the Holland Society said the rent was too high and they have moved the offices to Albany to combine with the NNI group.

SENT BY: Pam Ellingson

Westerfield Cousins- We will have poster set up at the gathering in September. Please bring a copy of your Westerfield ancestry or other items that you want to add to the display.


SENT BY:  To stay in touch, we mainly use our official website, www.DutchCousins.org, and the weekly or so Dutch Letters email. The email goes out to almost 1,000 addresses – and I know it is passed on to others who do not use computers, and is posted at some libraries.  The letters are also archived on the website. 

SENT BY: Carolyn Leonard
Editor, Dutch cousins of Kentucky
E-mail me: Editor234 (at) gmail.com
On my web page www.CarolynBLeonard.com 
Dutch letters are archived on our official webpage, www.DutchCousins.org by Pam Ellingson
Barbara Whiteside has a facebook page that you may find interesting, Dutch Cousins in Kentucky


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