Letters 2017
Letters 01/16/2017
It is Decision Time!Do you have September 8m 2017 marked on your calendar?Have you started planning your itinerary?Secretary Denise Perry is working on the Newsletter now. It will be out soon with lots of information about the event and a registration form. Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers is designing the 2017 banner and looking at name badge options,We are all – Hoping to see you in Kentucky this September!Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do soimmediately !I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.—————————————————–Our official website: www.DutchCousins.orgWebmaster Pam Ellingson of Wisconsin(At the front page, click on “Gathering 2015” on the left)—————————————————–
THE COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now. We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time.405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky 502-227-5100Our Treasurer Janice Cozine and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that! They will be giving us more information very soon. Our Secretary Denise Meredith Perry is also working on getting the annual newsletter together.——————————————————
SENT BY Mr. Lynn Rogers (Co-ordinator for 2017)The bus trip to Shelbyville for the Massacre Reenactment will be on Saturday. If you send me contact info for Bud Everett Riker, I will contact him for possible additional email exchange. Meanwhile, the following probably would be of general interest:Response to Bud Everett RikerGerardus Ryker Sr (1740-1781) was killed at Floyd’s Defeat, Eastwood KY. A memorial stone for him was placed in the Resurrection United Methodist Church Cemetery about a quarter of mile from the monument. The sinkhole location where the Defeat victims were placed is nearby. His service in the militia qualifies him as a Patriot. The DAR/SAR service often cited for him (“Ensign”) is that performed by another with the same name.The father of Gerardus Sr was John Ryker (1690-1783), who took the oath of allegiance and is a Patriot. John was located by about 1744 in present Rockleigh in northeast NJ. All of Gerardus Sr’s children were baptized at the Tappan Dutch Reformed Church just over the New York line.Gerardus Sr had two sons (and other children), Gerardus Jr (1767-1839) and John (1764-1848) , both went on Clark’s campaigns against the Ohio Indians and did other service. Both seemed to have lost land located 5 miles north of Shelbyville KY because of defective titles. John was a colonel in the militia. John’s pension claim is the only first hand account (presently known) of the Westerfield Massacre survivor rescue and victim burial.—————————————————
SENT BY Corey Claude WesterfieldStart thinking on this request : One of our Dutch Cousin founders and first president, Claude Westerfield, turns 80 April 18th.His son Corey C. says his dad’s disease has not been kind to him. He’d like for each cousin to create a birthday card with a funny story about Claude or your relationship with him.Mail it before April 15th! Get started now.Here’s the address: PO Box 70, 1100 Tecumseh Ave, Farragut, IA 51639——————————————
SENT BY Bud Riker
Message to Lynn Rogers, I miss the Ryker-Riker reunions we used to have in Madison, I have retained all the material we got from the Madison Library, I remember you Lynn but I am sure you don’t remember me. Thanks for the reply.Everett Riker———————————————————————
SENT BY Carolyn LeonardHappy new Year!Click here for a special greeting card.http://www.jacquielawson.com/ecard/pickup?code=6663207475056&source=jl999&utm_medium=internal_email&utm_source=pickup&utm_campaign=receivercontent———————————————————————
SENT BY Martha Banta Boltz
So happy to get the latest newsletter, Caroline, I read and try to absorb each and every one! Am looking forward to the next reunion in 2018 (note from editor – the next reunion is THIS year – 2017). assuming I am still on the right side of the bluegrass by then.I was interested in the Westerfield/velt/etc. massacre, how tragic. These battles with the Indians are fascinating, we were on their territory and they didn’t like it. I wish it were possible to identify which tribes are represented in these altercations. When I got my DNA back, it showed I was 1% Native American, so the stories of some of the Banta women being kidnapped and kept prisoner for several years and then being released must account for some of these. I have no idea which Banta women it was, but would like to know. Would like to nail down my N/A ancestry which I am very happy about; had always heard about it as rumor, but guess DNA does not lie!In the last letter, that beautiful painted picture of the Banta cabin was shown, that a friend of one of our group had sent her — fantastic picture and looked exactly like when I saw it with my husband several years ago. Still wish the lady would have it scanned etc. onto some proper paper and sell copies or make them available to all of us. Mine off the computer is being framed this week! We need these visual representations of the things are grandchildren will never see otherwise and it’s our way of perpetuating our history. A picture is worth 1,000 words of print, etc.You do an excellent job and I appreciate it. Think I read somewhere that The Holland Society is now admitting Banta women; are you going to send us the appropriate way to handle this? Glad to hear we are now acknowledged!Thanks again,Martha Banta Boltz, now back in Kentucky(note from editor, if you want to learn more about the Holland Society, www.hollandsociety.org/)———————————————————————
SENT BY Bill & Gayle Hoag – of Oklahoma – Chairpersons of Silent Auction for 2017 Dutch Cousins!For your info. We just made reservations for the reunion in Sept. at the Capitol Plaza Hotel,Bill & Gayle Hoag———————————————————————
Letters 1/20//1017
Jack Taylor and I have been corresponding about this advertisement from the 1700s. Not so easy!Here’s what we came up with:
The person whose name is at the bottom (George Laschell) has a lot for sale or for rent for at least one year or more. The lot is in Hunterstown, Straban Township in York County. It is between 6-7 acres. (We know that Laschell the tavern owner bought the Conewago church property when the church closed.)On the lot is a big dwelling house with a beautiful cellar, good stables, a young apple orchard. Also, a tannery & tanning pits, bark and tanning houses all in good shape and almost like new.The house is on the main road from there to Chambersburg and is very suitable (or more convenient) for a workhouse, or store,or for bendes? (business?), easily seen, pleasant territory and in a good neighborhood.The nearer circumstances? and the conditions are known by Mr. David Cassat, Esquire, in York, Cornelius Cosine on the place (platz), or the subordinate.Names are David CASSAT, Esq., Cornelius Cosine on the Platz, & George Laschalls
——————————–Extra information or questions:Which Cornelius Cozine is this referring to? There were at least three: The Reverend, his son, and a grandson. Probably more.(The dominee) Cornelius Cozine died Aug 1786, as I understand his will, he left to wife Mary “all his estate real and personal.” His widow Mary (Koning VanOrden) probably wanted to sell the property (which was in Straban tnshp, York co (now adams) and go back to New Jersey. By 1790 she was remarried to David Samuel Demaree (b. 1728). They witnessed the baptism of a grandchild in 1790 and another grandchild in 1796 at Hackensack.So I think this could be the sale of Rev. Cozine’s home, near Gettysburg (in Straban Township, York co). The Cozine family seemed to have had tanneries for generations so it is making sense. But it also could have been one of the others.So the Rev. died 1786 and this is dated 1796. Cornelius Jr moved to KY in 1783/4 and died in KY in 1787Laschell is found spelled Lachell, Latchel, Lashell. They say they are Low Dutch. We do know the church, which was on Rev Cozine’s land, was sold to George Lashalls, the tavern keeper – so perhaps Lashalls was selling Cozine’s house separate from the land?David CaSSat, altho his name on the ad looks like Caffat, I think David Cassat was a member of the church and was a good friend to the Cozines.Any other thoughts from anyone?
Letters 1/21/2017

By Ron Belcher, a descendant who has spent many years in research. (This is the first installment of this VERY interesting story by Mr. Belcher)
Jacobus Westerfelt, who died at the massacre, had a brother named Jan (born 1734, #224, pg. 37 of the Walter Tallman Westervelt’s book of the Westervelt Genealogy that I have attached to this e-mail for reference). That Jan was not at Kentucky.
Jan who was at the massacre was born in 1744 (#228, page 55, married Anaetje Dye). Jan was the son of Gerritt Westervelt (#74, page 37, born 1724). Gerritt was the son of Jan Westervelt (#19, page 28, born 1686). Walter Tallman Westervelt listed three known children of Jan and Anaetje as Gerret, Marya and Lea who match by given name three of those who died at the massacre.
Jacobus (Jacobus Jr.) at the massacre was born in 1737 (#225, page 37, married Maria DeMarest). Jacobus was the son of another Jacobus (#70, page 36, born 1712). This second Jacobus (Jacobus Sr.) was the son of Jan Westervelt (#19, page 28, born 1686).
Thus Jacobus and Jan were first cousins who were the grandchildren of Jan Westervelt who himself was born in 1686.
There apparently were three girls at the massacre who were known as Lea and/or Leah based upon different source documents. Most frequently, Jan’s daughter is referred to as Leah, however, Walter Tallman Westervelt lists her name as Lea. Gets confusing. Lea and Leah were frequently Anglicized to be the same spelling, sometimes interchangeable.
The Ms. Strong interview by Draper was on microfiche, Louisville Public Library. Here are my transcribed notes for that Draper Source:
v Draper manuscripts, interview called Shame – Campbell. Original source: Draper, Lyman Copeland. 1735. Collection of Lyman Copeland Draper Manuscripts [Microfilm]. Louisville Public Library. Louisville, KY. Series CC, Vol. 13, p 84, Also, Vince Aker’s article in de halve maen, summer 1780. Ms. Strong was living at Cincinnati when the interview was conducted. At her earlier age she was a settler at Beargrass Creek (New Holland Station/Low Dutch Station), Jefferson CO, KY.
…Westerfelt’s family killed going to Harrodsburgh, near Bullit’s lick. (Bullit’s Lick is in Bullitt County, Kentucky.) Samuel Westerfelt, and his sister got back. This the same summer of 1780…
Interview with Miss Campbell, a settlerat the New Holland, Low Dutch Station, founded at May of 1780 by the newly arrived Dutch settlers.
Regarding the Swans (James, father and daughter, Betsy). I was forwarded this information a few years back and will simply pass it along as it is pertinent to the Westervelt roster, timing and route of travel.
… On Sunday, Jas Swan was moving from ‘tother side of Linn’s Station somewhere, up to Floyd’s to go with these Westerfelts next morning. The Indians attacked him between Linn’s Station and Floyd’s, and came so near that they got the loading from under the girl on horseback and she clung to the mane while the horse ran off with her to the station. He had moved up what else he had and left this for the last. He was on foot with his gun beside her. They jerked the load from under her. About 12 years she was. And she pitched on the horse’s mane & clung on. Her father got in through the woods.
An early portion of the journey by the Westervelt Caravan obviously was departure from Linn Station southward toward Harrod’s Town. For its starting point, guides originated at Floyd’s Station, Westervelt from Low Dutch Station, Swan from Linn Station. Starting point for other travels might be determined with further research – which I have not undertaken as it wouldnot materially affect the massacre events, roster or timing in history.
Regardless, I will sign off for now. My apologies if any of this is confusing or unclear. I had to hurry just a bit as my schedule is quite busy today. I did request approval from Bluegrass Roots and will let you know soon. regards for now – Ron
Letters 2/10/2017 Dutch Cousins Meeting coming up soon!

Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do so immediately !I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.
Our official website: www.DutchCousins.org
Webmaster Pam Ellingson of Wisconsin
(At the front page,”Gathering 2017″)
THE COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now.
We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky 502-227-5100
Our Treasurer Janice Cozine and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that! They will be giving us more information very soon. Our Secretary Denise Meredith Perry is also working on getting the annual newsletter together.
SENT BY Rodney Dempsey
Carolyn, can you answer Dennis’ question : “Is the history of the Waterfield Massacre in book form? “
NOTE: CAN ONE OF YOU WESTERFIELD BUNCH ANSWER THIS? I forwarded him the digital copy sent by Ron Belcher. I thought that was attached to the Dutch Letters earlier?
SENT BY Joan Murray
I meant to email you after you sent out the info on the Westerfield Massacre. I think it is very appropriate for our entire group, and particularly this year because we are going to be focusing for one day on the Long Run Massacre. I think all the Low Dutch families interest all of us even though we may not have a direct line running through them. Joan
SENT BY Larry Voreis
About ten years ago when I visited with Arthur Weaner he took me to the location of Rev. Cozine’s home which was located on the west side of the main road from York to Gettysburg and Chamberstown. The Conewago Church was near the Rev. Cozine’s home, on the east side of the road. Arthur was trying to get a historical marker installed at the site of the church, without success. Somewhere I have a record of our visit, but it may take me a while to find it.My guess is Cozine’s homestead was near the tannery, as there is no mention of a tannery in the inventory of the estate of the Reverend.Regards,Larry
SENT BY Diana Todd
??? Is there a document copy of John Ryker’s testimonial ?
Where can we find the document (s) if there is a document?
I think John Ryker is my 7x great grandfather.
NOTE FROM CAROLYN – This article is coming to you in SEVEN installments – all very interesting. The 7th installment has all the footnote and source information.
I have a strong inclination to believe that it can be traced back to some of the Demotte’s in Grandmother Dempsey’s linage inher genealogy.
The Town was named after a DeMotte who was in Congress. The Reformed Church is the religion that the Dutch practiced and brought with them to America.
The Old Dutch Meeting House in Mercer County, KY was the first Church built west of the Alleghenies. The Dutch residents, under Father Banta, migrated to Pleasureville, KY and then to Southern Indiana ,including Jasper, Huntingburg, and Otwell, Grandmother Dempsey’s birthplace.
It well could have happened that some Demotte’s moved north and settled DeMotte. Interesting! Maybe our friend Carolyn B. Leonard can publish something in our Old Dutch Newsletter that could shine some light on the matter.
I hope that we can get some Demotte’s to attend our next biannual meeting in Frankfort this year.
Rodney P. Demsey
Newsletter with all info and registration forms coming soon.TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF THE 2017 DUTCH COUSINS GATHERINGSENT BY carolyn leonardTHURSDAY 4 TO 7 PM Sept 7, 2017Set up and Working Box LunchEarly Registration – Janice Cozine & teamTee-Shirt Sales – Carol Karwatka & teamDisplay Tables setup: Lynn Rogers & teamSilent auction table – Bill & Gayle HoagBook Table – Joan MurrayVideo of 2015 presentation by Vince on Old Mud – Jack Taylor———————————————————————————————TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FRIDAY SEPT 8, 20179 to 10:00 – Networking and Registration – Janice Cozine & TeamHospitality: Carol & GeneT-Shirt Sales – Carol Karwatka’s TeamVisit displays – Lynn RogersSilent Auction – Bill & Gayle HoagBook Table – Joan10:30 Meeting begins:Flag Ceremony: Flags – SAR?Welcome to Kentucky – Steve Henry (if no conflict with Ms America)Welcome to Cousins – PresidentIntroductions – President (team – each chair reports)Announcements – Lynn Rogers, Coordinator11:00 break11:15 Update on School House Restoration – Amalie Preston11:30: TBA – (something from KGS?)
Prayer (who) – Box Lunch12:00 Business Meeting (Officers and Registered Cousins) Box Lunch2:00 Business meeting disbandsbreak2:15 Textiles from the 19th century, learn how our ancestors made amazing fabric creations for their homes from start to finish. (Maybe Joann Adams, waiting for confirmation)3:15 break3:30 TBA (Special Kentucky Dutch info)4:00 break4:15 (The Westerfield Massacre discussion -Vince Akers, Steve Henry, Lynn Rogers, James Moore)5:00 break6:00 Prayer (?)dinner is served6:30 President introduces the keynote speaker, Vince Akers: “Massacres and Defeats!” These Tragic and Terrifying Events Tell the Story of Our Low Dutch Ancestors Settling on the Kentucky FrontierSlide show similar to the one on Old Mud with people, locations, documents and illustrations. It will cover not only the Westefield Massacre, Long Run Massacre and Floyd’s Defeat, but also Starm’s Defeat, the Duree Massacre, the Dutch Defeat, the 1786 Low Dutch Tract problems, the Tick Creek Massacre, the Chenoweth Massacre, the Smock and Cozine family attacks and Daniel Ketchum’s captivity.—————TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Saturday, Sept 9, 20179:00 Coffee with Carol & Gene; Registration with Janice, Visit displaysTee-Shirt Sales – Carol KarwatkaDisplay Tables: Lynn RogersSilent auction table – Bill & Gayle Hoag10:00 Meeting begins:Flag Ceremony: Flags – SAR?Welcome to Kentucky – Steve HenryWelcome to Cousins – PresidentIntroductions – President (team – each chair reports)Announcements – Lynn Rogers, CoordinatorWinners announced11:00 Meet KY Genealogical Society (Pres. Johnna Waldon)
12:00 GROUP PHOTO – Charlie Westerfield – wear your Dutch cousins T shirts & hatsSilent Auction ends..
1-5:30 – Those not going to Shelbyville can visit the Kentucky History Research Center.1:00 Bus departs for Shelbyville Reenactment (30 minute drive)5:00 Bus returns to Frankfort5-6 – Break6:00 Prayer and dinner is served6:30: Keynote speaker Eddie Price, REMEMBER THE RAISIN! Entertainment at its best.=============================
SUNDAY at Old Mud – and Monday at HHS Library Research (more info coming soon)The Harrodsburg Historical Society Library (address) will be open for research Monday September 11 from 10 till 3, especially for Dutch Cousin researchers. We have an incredible amount of research materials available on the Low Dutch settlement here, including the library donated by David Smock of Florida.
Old Mud Meeting house restoration is complete and we have had some weddings and receptions already held there.
Restoration at the 1890 Old Mud Schoolhouse is on hold for now due to winter weather, but the interior is cleared and ready to start as weather permits. Generations of groundhogs kept coming back so we decided to pour a layer of concrete to prevent them from piling up dirt underneath the new/old flooring when it is installed. (who?) donated the fencing from Ralph Anderson’s Farms. We used that fencing to cover the floors in Old Mud, and will use the last of the Ralph Anderson fencing to make oak flooring for the schoolhouse. Plans are to have men/womens bathrooms, kitchenette, and a reception area at the front.————————————————–
Letters 3/13/2017 A Dutch Wedding in Old Mud!
EXCITING news: A Dutch wedding in our Old Mud Meetinghouse! New information about the Dutch Cousins Gathering in September.
Dutch Letters 13 March 2017 Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection and contact info. Please send any pertinent info to be included in the next Letter. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do so immediately !I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.—————————————————–
Our official website: www.DutchCousins.orgWebmaster Pam Ellingson of Wisconsin(At the front page,”Gathering 2017″)
THE COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now.We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100 Our Treasurer Janice Cozine and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that! They will be giving us more information very soon. Our Secretary Denise Meredith Perry is also working on getting the annual newsletter together.———————————————————————————
APOLOGIES! We failed to show the full name of our Hospitality team on the tentative schedule : Carol & Gene Heathcoat of Denton Texas.——————————————————————————————
SENT BY: LYNN ROGERSWe need help! Carla Gerding has arranged the bus trips for our group in the past, but won’t be able to help us this year. Is there anyone who would like to work with a bus company to arrange the excursion on Sept 9 from Frankfort to Shelbyville and return?
The date for our 2017 Gathering was selected to coincide with the Reenactment of the Long Run Massacre/Floyds Defeat in Shelbyville. Lately there has also been a resurgence of interest in a similar historical event, the Westerfield Massacre. Thus, we Dutch Cousins have a great opportunity to learn about the unrelenting threat of Indian attack which our ancestors endured. They had to be resilient and strong!
So, we a need a volunteer to make arrangements for the bus for our trip to the Reenactment and return. It would involve making arrangements with some charter bus company and then maintaining a roster of those who sign up. Information from previous trips is available. If you are willing, please hit reply and let me know. I’ll forward your info to Mr Lynn Rogers, who is our coordinator for our 2017 Gathering.—————————————————————————————
RE: “original SENT BY Larry Voreis
“Many years ago in a visit to the Gettysburg, PA, area in search of my Conewago Dutch Heritage I visited the Historical Society which was located in Gettysburg College that has Lutheran ties.
The librarian that I asked about the Conewago Dutch Colony was quick to tell me that the Germans were in the area before the Dutch. I hope there is no prejudice that would tend to not allow the historical marker.————————————————————————————————————————————
SENT BY Suzanne O’Donnell
I’m a Westerfield descendant! I always heard that I had Dutch ancestry, but I never knew from which family line.My family link:Jakobus WesterveldSamuel L. WesterfieldPeter J. WesterfieldCarey Allen WesterfieldMary Margaret Westerfield m. Benjamin Lewis DavisArthur DavisOria Lyle DavisMary Sue Davis m. Neal J. Damm
Welcome Suzanne!—————————————————————————————————————————————
Please add me to the Dutch Cousins email list. I am a decendant of the Cozine family that settled in Mercer County. My great-grandmother was a sister to Ralph Anderson’s grandfather. Also, my fiance & I will be getting married at the Old Mud Meetinghouse on May 6th, 2017, & I hope to have some nice photos of the property to share with the cousins afterwards! 🙂—————————————————————————————————————————————
Please make reservations now, or save this information where you can find it!
SENT BY JANICE COZINE, Dutch Cousins Treasurer & Registration Chair
Hello to all the cousins!
Hope you’re all getting excited and making plans for our 2017 DC gathering in Frankfort, KY, Sept. 8, 9, & 10. The Ky History Center is happy to host us again this year and we’re happy to make plans to go back.
Lynn Rogers’ plans for our Shelbyville, Ky trip to the Long Run Massacre reenactment is going strong.
This part of history will touch several of our cousin ancestors and will definitely take us all back in time and show what our pioneer families endured in early Kentucky.
You won’t want to miss the bus.
Our Kentucky weather is beautiful that time of year.
To help with making arrangements for your stay, the contact info is listed below;
To contact the Capital Plaza Hotel, call 502-291-3093, be sure to ask for the Dutch Cousins Group Code # 2389. If you’re making arrangements through the hotel web site, it is WWW.CAPITALPLAZAKY.COMThis will ensure you get the room discount for our groupIf you want to stay at one of Frankfort’s RV parks, the info is;1. ELKHORN CAMPGROUND – Located about 4 miles from down town Frankfort.165 N. SCRUGGS LANEOFF US HWY 460 E.502-695-9154elkhorncampground.com2. KENTUCKY RIVER CAMPGROUND – Located about 8 miles NE from down town.1489 STEELE BRANCH ROADOFF US 127 NORTH502-227-2465kyrivercampground.comThe 2 closest/main airports would be;The Louisville International Airport in Louisville, Ky and the Blue Grass Airport in Lexington, Ky.
Can’t wait to see everyone again and hopefully meet some new cousins, as well.
Blessings to allJanice—————————————————————————————————————————————
SENT BY Carolyn B. Leonard
I will be speaking at the OKLAHOMA PRAIRIES DAUGHTERS OF REVOLUTION (DAR) meeting tomorrow night March 14 on TO ISRAEL, WITH LOVE, a video of the beauty and uniqueness (Dictionary says that is a real word) of the land and historical sites. Many to most of our Dutch Cousins are eligible for membership in these linage society groups such as DAR, SAR, DAUGHTERS OF 1812, actually many already are members.http://www.toisraelbook.com/ToIsraelBook/Welcome.htmlhttp://www.dar.org/natio…/become-member/chapters-by-state/OK——————————————
Letters 3/30/2017The Cousins are Coming … to Frankfort on September 8. Watch for Registration forms coming next week!

Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection and contact info. Please send any pertinent info to be included in the next Letter. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do so immediately !I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.
THE COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now.
We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100
Our Treasurer Janice Cozine and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that! They will be giving us more information very soon. Our Secretary Denise Meredith Perry is also working on getting the annual newsletter together.
Low Dutch Cemetery, Straban Township, Adams County, Pennsylvania
I took this picture ca 1987 of my wife, Sue, and a man who was cleaning the Conewago Dutch Cemetery . For an old cemetery that had not been used since the very early 1900’s it looked well kept. He showed us where someone or ones more recently had tried to dig up a grave, but gave up when it became to difficult.
We also visited a second Low Dutch Cemetery in the area. It was not well kept.
SENT BY Lynn Rogers, Dutch Cousins coordinator DC17
To those interested in a memorial for the Westerfield Massacre:
Form a group to consider a memorial?
What kind, http://history.ky.gov/kentucky-historical-markers/ or other?
Contact Bullitt Co Hist for input?
Start a fund?
Place to put memorial/marker?
Whether you wish to be a member of the group or not, please respond to me.
Is it ok to share your email with the rest of the group?
Thanks, Lynn
Mr Lynn Rogers
SENT BY King & Sharon Cole
I would like clarification, what makes a person a Dutch Cousin? Is it simply Dutch ancestry or is it Dutch ancestry that also migrated to Kentucky? My friend has Dutch ancestry, but his line moved from New York to Indiana.
King and I look forward to seeing our cousins and the meeting in September. We have reservations at Elkhorn Campground.
NOTE FROM CAROLYN: Our programs are built around Dutch ancestry that migrated from “the old states back east” to Kentucky (Dutch Cousins of Kentucky) and I doubt that others would enjoy it that much. Having said that, many of our Kentucky Dutch moved to Indiana when that state opened up. We have always been inclusive rather than exclusive and if someone says they are a descendant we don’t ask for papers or proof. We’ve been asked this question before and I would like to hear how others feel about it.
SENT BY Carolyn (herself)
Don’t forget HARRODSBURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY is accepting materials for the LOW DUTCH ARCHIVES. They want old photos,newspaper clippings, maps, vital records, and other reference material. Think of it like a time capsule. Your collection should be cataloged or indexed, and sources for the documents should be included before donation, so the records are usable by library patrons. Contact HHS via phone: (859) 734-5985 or their website; harrodsburghistorical.org for hours of operation . For more information on donations to the archives refer to http://www.dutchcousins.org/harrodsburg-low-dutch-repository
SENT BY Joseph R. Jones
By accident a couple of months ago, I came across a reference to “Dutch Huguenots” in Kentucky. Since I have French Huguenot ancestors who lived among and married Dutch and German protestants in the Hudson Valley, I was intrigued, and I have finally begun to gather enough material for a talk about the Low Dutch Colony for my journal club (and perhaps for the Kentucky Huguenot Society). Your Dutch Cousins website is very well done, and I am going to add something to my talk about it and about the on-going support of the Dutch Cousins for the Old Mud Meeting House.
As I understand it, you will be meeting again in Harrodsburg in September, and if possible, I will drive over from Lexington, where I live, to see what your group does.
I have a couple of questions:(1) How many members do you now have on your rolls?
(2) Is Vincent Akers alive and well? I have an address and phone number, but I cannot get a response. I wrote to the town where he was living in 2007, and the administrator told me that she would see what she could find out, but after two weeks, I no longer expect a reply. I have listened to his talk on Youtube, which I found fascinating. In the next couple of weeks I will be visiting Old Mud and the Six Mile Meeting house to take photos.
Thanks for publishing all of the good Low Dutch material and for keeping up such an interesting and entertaining web-site.
Letters 4/27/2017
Are you ready for the Gathering?——————
SENT BY: Yvette Hoitink, a professional genealogist in the Netherlands and owner of Dutch Genealogy Services.

A kruidenier is a grocery (the shop) or grocer (the occupation). The word kruiden means spices, and reminds of the colonial origins of the word, when people would go to the kruidenier to buy pepper and nutmeg from the East Indies.
Since the 1960s, most kruideniers have been replaced by supermarkets.—————————————————–
THE COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now.We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100Our Treasurer Janice Cozine and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that! They will be giving us more information very soon. We are working on getting the bi-ennual newsletter together hopefully will have it ready to send by Monday.————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Luther Davenport
Are any of the Dutch Cousins also McAfee descendants? I know later generations intermarried. There is a McAfee descendants reunion also planned for july 22
SENT BY: Joyce Collins
I won’t be able to make this year’s gathering.Hope it is as wonderful as past ones have been.
Love,Cousin Joyce Collins (Westerfield)
SENT BY: Anne Tangeman
Hello, I have registered for a room for my sister and self, just cannot locate the place to register for the reunion.
> Please help.>> Thanks, Anne Tangeman
SENT BY: Kerin Smith
Hi: We won’t be able to attend this year. We always have two family reunions that weekend, and we will be attending the other one this time. This reunion is for my Henderson cousins, down the line from the List, Brewer, Banta, Demeree, Covert, and Van Vorhees families. Maybe others I missed. 🙂 Hope you all have a good reunion.
SENT BY: Marsha Smither
Can you please add me to your email list for the Dutch Cousins.I am a Montfort descendant.My grandfather was Dallas Montfort,Gg grandfather was James Clarance Montfort, ggg grandfather wasHenry James, and the list goes on.
SENT BY: Jack Taylor
The Roosevelts,’ Documentary Series on PBS
Sue and I just finished this series. I highly recommend it. It concentrates on 3 ROOSEVELTS, Teddy, Eleanor & Franklin. It is in depth and several hours long. We watched it on Netflix.
Because we who have so many lines that trace back to New Netherlands the question comes up: “How am I related to the ROOSEVELT Family?”
There were only about 2000 immigrant families in New Netherlands when Governor Peter Stuyvesant made his immortal give up speech to the English: “Pour me another beer.” This stopped immigration from The Netherlands to New Netherlands (NY, NJ, & DE).
Because of language, religion, & some kinship these families became quite clannish. In my case I have found no intermarriage outside of those 2000 families in the first 6-7 generations in America. I have found 23 family lines and continue to find others.
One intriguing name popped up in that series that ties most of us to a girl friend of FDR’s It seems that AliceSOHIER was one of FDR’s early girl friends that turned him down. David Des MAREST’s wife was a SOHIER. This David is the one who had the French Patent in the Hackensack area of NJ.
There are many Roosevelt Family Trees on Line. Here is one. See if any of those intermarriages make you a cousin
SENT BY: from Kim Allison Ross:
there is information on Hilletje Pouluse in this book titled, “The American Ancestry of Frederic Louis Huidekoper and Reginald Shippen.” She’s not referred to as that in the book. The attachments I sent were what I have so far transcribed from the book since I can’t copy/paste from it. I’m assuming since I can’t, no one else can either. These documents can be uploaded to on-line trees. The source book & pages are cited.
SENT BY: Nancy Marion Tayloram very interested about the dutch gathering on Sept 8 9 and 10. I would like to be put on the mailing list.
I plan on coming to tje gathering if possible. My great grandmother was Missouri Cozine
Carolyn Leonard
E-mail me: Editor234@gmail.com
On my webpage, www.CarolynBLeonard.com read the pages: DutchCousins and LowDutchHeritage
Dutch letters are archived on our official webpage, www.DutchCousins.org
Copyright © 2017 Buffalo Industries, LLC, All rights reserved.
Our Dutch Cousins MISSION STATEMENT: We are descendants of the Low Dutch who settled New Amsterdam, moved to New Jersey, migrated to near Gettysburg, and made history when they later populated the Kentucky frontier. Our Dutch Cousins goal is to research, share and preserve the genealogy and history of our common Low Dutch heritage, including but not limited to, the restoration and preservation of the Old Mud Meetinghouse near Harrodsburg, KY. We meet every two years to renew our love for each other. Our mission is to honor the memory of these ancestors and enjoy the friendship of cousins – both newly-discovered and long-loved.
Our mailing address is:Buffalo Industries, LLC6812 Newman Drive Oklahoma City, OK 73162Add us to your address bookWant to change how you receive these emails?You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list
Letters 5/15/2017 Exciting news! New Addition to Dutch Cousins staff

Exciting news! Vince Akers’ son Zach has agreed to be our official IT person to help with tech problems at the 2017 Dutch Cousins Gathering. At the 2015 gathering, Zach assisted videographer Jack Taylor with recording Vince’s presentation on the history of the Old Mud Meetinghouse.
Look on the www.DutchCousins.org website, scroll down the left side to Old Mud Meetinghouse, click on that name, and you’ll see the links to the Pictorial History. Click on one and it will take you direct to the YouTube video of the 2015 presentation by Vince as recorded by Zach and Jack.
A Pictorial History of Kentucky’s Old Mud Meeting House by Vince Akers- part 1A Pictorial History of Kentucky’s Old Mud Meeting House by Vince Ankers- part 2
Zach (Zachary N. Akers) graduated from the Ohio Institute of Photography and from IUPUI with degrees in Media Arts from IU and Computer Science from Purdue. He works for a company who handles the websites for 20 state governments.
Zach handles the IN.gov website for the Indiana governor and lieutenant governor along with any problems thrown his way (like Dutch Cousins!). He and his wife live in the heart of the Low Dutch settlement area in Johnson County, Indiana.
Besides that, Zach bears a remarkable resemblance to the ancestor Epke Jacobse. (at least his beard does).WELCOME ZACH AKERS! Be sure to give him lots of hugs when you see him in Frankfort.
Letters 5/15/2017
Wondering if your family is on the Dutch Name List?

Are you Ready to laugh and have fun?
Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection and complete contact info.
Please feel free to send any pertinent info to be included in the next Letter. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do so immediately !I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.
Our official website: www.DutchCousins.org
Webmaster Pam Ellingson of Wisconsin
(At the front page,”Gathering 2017”) Vince pointed out that sometimes clicking on the DutchCousins.org hyperlink goes to some “My Site” thing. Just Google Dutch Cousins and go from there. It’s the organization’s website.
THE COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now.
We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100 BE SURE TO GIVE THE GROUP CODE: Dutch Cousins 2389
Our Treasurer Janice Cozine and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that!————————————————————————————
I got sidetracked by the annual Writers Federation Conference (wow what a week!) and by a visit from a granddaughter moving all the way from Oklahoma to Savannah to be with her new soldier-husband, and then came Mother’s Day weekend with all the kids and grandkids coming from everywhere. But I am back on the Dutch newsletter and registration blank and will have it to you before you can say … Epke Jacobse!
DAR, SAR, 1812, 0IWUS: We are working on having some special information being made available to the cousins at the gathering. For instance, we know that some people are interested in learning more about and applying for Sons of American Revolution or Daughters of American Revolution, Daughters of the War of 1812, Order of Indian Wars of the US, the Holland Society of NY and on… groups that many of us belong to and many other lineage groups our Dutch cousins are eligible for. I’m looking for volunteers to help with that. I am also seeking a speaker on DNA and what that might tell us. Any suggestions welcome.
SENT BY: Carolyn Leonard (herself)As I understand it, 50 families came to Mercer County Kentucky by 1800. The “50 families” were associated with 19 Dutch names. Please correct me if this is wrong.
– Banta, Bonta- Bergen,- Bodine,- Brewer, Brouwer- Cosart, Cossart- Cozine, Cosine- Demaree, Demarest- Dorland,- Duree,- Monfort,- Riker, Ryker- Shuck,- Smock,- Stagg,- Terhune,- VanArsdale, (many spellings)- Van Nuys,- Voris, Vorhees,- Westervelt, Westerfield
… and now, here’s the list of Dutch name variations. If you know a variation or a Low Dutch name I have left off, please let me know.
– Banta, Bonta, Banter, Bohon- Bergen, (Berkas?)- Bice, Boice, Boyce, Dice, Buys, Buijs, Boyce- Bodine, Bedine- Bogert, Bogart- Brewer, Brouwer, Bruner- Brinkerhoff, Brinkerhof, Blinkerhoff, Tickerhoof, Tickerhuff- Brokaw, Broca, Burcaw, Bercaw, Barklow, Degraw
– Carnine, Conyn, Conine, Canine, Carmine, Cole- Cosart, Cozzart, Cossatt, Cassat, Canine, Cazatt, Cersart, Crosser, Kennine, Kinnine, Cozatt, Cozarte, Cozart, Cozad, Cosarte, Cossarte- Comingo, Comingore, Comonger, Commonger- Conover, Cochenauer, Covenover, Covinover, Cownoyen, Cownover, (Cowenhoven?), Coshon, Cleton, Chamberlain- Covert, Coovert, Kosvert, Kovert, Cover- Cozine, Cosine, Casine, Crosine, Cousine, Kosijn, Cosijn, Consyn, Consine, Consynze, Cosin, Cosyns, Cosynsen, Cosynsze, Cousyn, Cousny, Couzine, Crozine, Cosyne
– Debaun, Debond, Debound, Deband, Deboun- Demaree, De Marest, Des Marest, Dumeree, Dimaree, Deamorist, Demarist, DeMaris, Demarest- Demott, DeMotte, Dedaum- Dorland, Darland, Dorling, Darling, Durlind, Derlind- Duree, Durie, Diree, Duryee, (originally du Ryzs) Dates, Durboraw
– Fulkerson, Holgerson, Volkertszen- Fleuty, Fonteyn, Fontine, Yeury
– Huff, Hough, Huffman, Hite, Hoff, Houghtalins- Konning, Koning, King, Koenig, Kyle, Conninck- Latshells, Lashel, Latchel, Lasshels, Lassheles- Lys, List- Lyster, Lister, Loyster, Leister, Loister, Louster, Luyster
– Monfort, Monfor, Munfort, Monford, Minefore, Menfore, Montfort, Monfoort- Riker, Ryker, Rykker- Rinerson, Rynearson, Rynersen, Ripperdan
– Scomp, Schamp, Deschamps- Shuck, Schenck- Slot, Lock- Smock, Smok, Smoak, Schrock- Snedeker, Snyder, Snider- Stagg, Stegge, Stage, Stechk- Terhune, Terheuns- Tewmey, Toomey, Tumey
– VanArsdale, Van Arsdalen, Vanosdel, Vanorden, Van Ordon, Vanorsdale, Vann Ausdell, VanArsdall, VanArder, Vanarsdall, Van Norsdell, Van Norsdall, Van Aersdaelen, Van Nosdall, Fenosdal, Fenorsdall, Fanosdol, Van Ausdall, Vananglin, Van Ansdale, Van Orsdel, Van OsdoL (INCLUDES: Includes many variations of Van Arsdalen thru Van Norsdall)- VanDiver, Vandiveer, Vandivier, Vandine, Vandyke, VanDevere, Vandervier- Vanderbilt, Vanderbelt, Van Derbilt- Vanderipe, Van DerRipe- Vanderslice, Van Derslys
– Van Dyne, Van Dine, Vandine, Finine, Fintine, Vanande, Vantine- VanDyke, Findike, Wandike, Vandyke- VanHarling, Van Herling, Van Harlingen- VanZant, Vanzent- Vanmeter, Van Meter- Van Nuys, Vannice, Van Nis, Vannys, Vannuyse, van Huys, van Hyte- Vaughn, Vann- VerBryck, Verbrike, Verbryke- Voris, Vorhees, Voorhees, Vores, Voress, Van Voorhees, Voorheese, Van Vorous, Voras, Van Voorkiss, Vource, Vorce, Voorus, Voorheez (and MANY more variations. Go to the website vanvoorhees.org)
– Westerfield, Westervelt, Vesterbilt, Winterbill- Whitenack, Whiteneck, Weytekneght- Williamson- Wyckoff, Wikoff, Wickoff- Yeury – see Fleuty
SENT BY:Martha Banta BoltzWhat a darn cute building — love the stair steps roofline! I plan on being at the Dutch Cousins Reunion in Frankfort, my first last year was so much fun!
SENT BY:Carolyn Corbin McCoyHi, Carolyn,
I have been a member of your Low Dutch Cousins group for some time because I am also descended from Low Dutch who went to New Amsterdam from the Netherlands. From there, my Ringo ancestors went to New Jersey, then to Virginia (instead of Pennsylvania) and then to Kentucky.
I’ve just been doing some more research on my Dutch ancestors and see from a Sons of the American Revolution application that I am a distant cousin of Catherine Westevelt (b. 1811), daughter of Casparus Westevelt and Jane Ryder. So I guess I can legitimately belong to your group.
I haven’t been to any of your reunions, but I thoroughly enjoy your newsletters and appreciate all you do for your organization. Maybe one of these days I can get to a reunion.
Carolyn Corbin McCoyDescendant of Phillip Ringo, Aefje van Tienhoven, and Pieter van Stoutenburg
SENT BY: Kim Allison Ross
For your Dutch Cousins. I’m always glad to share what I find as maybe someone on your list may be able to use it.
John Lodts, or Loots, a native of Norwich, England, came to this country in 1694, and in the fall of 1695 married Hilletje Powless, widow of Lubbert Lubbertsen Westervelt, Jr., of Bergen (now Jersey City). He removed to Bergen County and purchased a large portion of section 6, adjoining Lydecker on the south, on which he settled. Upon his death his lands were inherited by his sons, John and Paulus Loots; his daughters, Tryntie, wife of Henry Wierts Banta, and Gessie, wife of Daniel Commegar. KoelofE Lubberts Westervelt, a brother of the first husband of Loots’s wife, purchased a strip north of Loots in section 6, as did also Cornelius, Hendrick, Dirk, and Seba Banta, the sons of Bpke Jacobs. The purchases were all made in 1695. The combined purchases of Loots, Westervelt, and the Bantas, according to references in old deeds, must ha^e included all of section 6, which extended north nearly as far as Tenafly. Descendants of the deMotts, Demarests, and Eomaines subsequently acquired parts of section 6.
Source: “Genealogical History of Hudson and Bergen Counties, New Jersey”. Source location: Cornell University Library.
Publisher: The New Jersey Genealogical Publishing Company, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York Year: 1900 The Winthrop Press New York
SENT BY: Rodney Dempsey
The Miller Center is where Red Orchard Park is located. Mr. Miller was an Under Secretary to a couple of Secretaries of the U.S.U.S. Department of Agriculture. He donated his Red Orchard Farm to the community upon his death. It is a source of pride for the Shelby County community. Joan Brown, a retired naturalist, who worked previously with the KY Department of Fish and Wildlife operates the “Nature”‘ part of the Park.Walt Reichert, a retired Newspaper reporter and columnist, is the Horticulture Agent for the Shelby County Cooperative Extension Center. He leads the Shelby County Master Gardeners, who participate in beautifying the Park. The Red Orchard park is not in any way supposed to be a “show place”, but definitely is a up and coming nature center. I think the Dutch Cousins will really enjoy their visit there September 9 at the Westervelt Massacre re-enactment.Rod————————————————————————————————————
Letters 05/17/2017
Learn more about the Dutch names

More about Dutch Names
Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection and contact info. Please send any pertinent info to be included in the next Letter. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do so immediately! I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.
Our official website: www.DutchCousins.orgWebmaster Pam Ellingson of Wisconsin(At the front page, “Gathering 2017”) Vince pointed out that sometimes clicking on the DutchCousins.org hyperlink goes to some “My Site” thing. Just Google Dutch Cousins and go from there, Or be sure to put in www.DutchCousins.org It’s our organization’s website.—————————————————–
At Frankfort September 7th to the 9th, and then to Harrodsburg the 10th and 11th. Put it on your calendar now. We have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100 BE SURE TO GIVE THE GROUP CODE: Dutch Cousins 2389Our Treasurer Janice Cozine of Kentucky and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers of Ohio (and me – Oklahoma) are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that!
I’m getting the biennial newsletter together. My daughter Judi is so smart! She helped me with the registration page and got it so people can fill it out online and the amounts fill in automatically and total. She is going to come down to OKC tomorrow and teach me how to do it! I think they call it clickable forms or something like that. Exciting! I love learning new tricks.—————————————————————————————————————DAR, SAR, 1812, 0IWUS: We are working on having some special information being made available to the cousins at the gathering. For instance, we know that some people are interested in learning more about and applying for Sons of American Revolution or Daughters of American Revolution, Daughters of the War of 1812, Order of Indian Wars of the US … groups that many of us belong to and many others of our Dutch cousins are eligible for. I’m looking for volunteers to help with that. Hello! Where are you Daughters? … and Sons …? and others?I have also requested a speaker on DNA and what that might tell us. Any suggestions welcome.—————————————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Larry VaniceYour list from the latest newsletter: Van Nuys, Vannice, Van Nis, Vannys, Vannuyse, van Huys, van HyteCarolyn, I can add Vanice with authority, because it is the spelling used by my branch, except for one of my father’s brothers who reverted to Van Nuys.Also, I have seen the names Van Nice, Vanhuis, Van Huis and Van Eys, but I do not know if Van Eys was the same family.
The first Van Nuys in America was Aucke Janse van Nuys.Also known as: “Albert Jansz”, “Auke Janse van Nuyse”, “Aucke Jans Van Huys”, “Aucke Jansen”“Presumed from his name to be from Nuis, Marum, Groningen, The Netherlands” https://www.geni.com/people/Aucke-Janse-van-Nuys/3455846So van Nuyse and van Nuis could be other variations.
Have you seen this about Van Nuys, CA was thinking of being a sister city with Nuis, Holland? http://vnnc.org/2015/02/local-council-to-consider-making-van-nuis-in-holland-the-sister-city-of-van-nuys-in-america/ I looked at Nuis on Google Earth and see it is a tiny, tidy place with small newish houses and brick streets.
—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY: Hendrik EdelmanThe term “low dutch” is unknown in the Netherlands. The Dutch word is: Nederduitsch.The (American) Dutch Reformed Church is called Nederduits Hervormde Kerk in contemporary documents
—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY: Larry VaniceBack in the 1950’s the old Allen County Public Library had a small genealogy room with some good stuff. I found the Vanice family history (original 1916 edition) on the shelf and traced my line. Hard to imagine how Carrie Allen got all that data in 1916 without the benefit of computers and the LDS. Mind you, she did print some incorrect information, probably fuzzy memories from old folks.
Now the new library has that amazing genealogy department. The shelf now has a University Microfilms facsimile of the 1916 book, but the camera skipped one page. And they have a copy of the book that was hand typed on letter size paper, copying every word of the 1916 book because there were no Xerox machines when it was typed. That book includes the page that was missed in the facsimile. I don’t know what the ACPL did with that original book they had. My first cousin whose father was the oldest brother of his generation inherited the original book bought in 1916 by my grandparents. I bought a DVD of the University Microfilms facsimile on eBay, which is missing the one page, of course.
—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY: Tamara FulkersonLibrary of Congress releasing digital catalog records!!!https://www.loc.gov/item/prn-17-068?loclr=twlocExcerpt:The Library of Congress announced today that it is making 25 million records in its online catalog available for free bulk download at loc.gov/cds/products/marcDist.php. This is the largest release of digital records in the Library’s history.
The records also will be easily accessible at data.gov, the open-government website hosted by the General Services Administration(GSA). Until now, these bibliographic records have only been available individually or through a paid subscription……covers a wide range of Library items including books, serials, computer files, manuscripts, maps, music and visual materials. The free data sets cover more than 45 years, ranging from 1968, during the early years of MARC, to 2014. Each record provides standardized information about an item, including the title, author, publication date, subject headings, genre, related names, summary and other notes.
The Library of Congress is the world’s largest library, offering access to the creative record of the United States—and extensive materials from around the world—both on site and online. It is the main research arm of the U.S. Congress and the home of the U.S. Copyright Office. Explore collections, reference services, and other programs and plan a visit at loc.gov, access the official site for U.S. federal legislative information at congress.gov, and register creative works of authorship at copyright.gov.
—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY:Larry Vanice of Fort Wayne Indiana (home of the enormous Allen County Genealogy Research Center)A long time ago, some old guy explained aging to me. He said, “You never feel older, it just hurts more.” Now I know that he was right and wish I could remember his name.
You might mention that the book, A Record of the Family of Isaac Van Nuys (or Vannice) of Harrodsburg, Kentucky, Son of Isaac Van Nuys of Millstone, New Jersey by Carrie E Allen 1916 goes back to Aucke Van Nuys arriving in New Amsterdam in 1652 and lists many branches of the family, along with many marriages to other Low Dutch people. I expect most of the Cousins can find at least one of their ancestors mentioned. I have never seen an original 1916 book for sale, but there are several ways to get a personal paper or electronic copy, probably all missing that one page. The book is also on the Ancestry website.
—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY: Marilyn Douglas KINGSTON — From 6 to 7 p.m. May 24, Senate House State Historic Site on 296 Fair St. will present a free panel discussion exploring the constraints and rights women experienced under the Dutch, British and Americans during the colonial period and the American Revolution.Featured panelists for “A Woman Shall Have the Right” are Jennifer H. Dorsey, associate professor of history at Siena College; Maeve Kane, assistant professor of history at University at Albany and Maria Vann, director of the Maritime Museum at Battleship Cove.Each will provide an overview of the legal privileges and common household rules that shaped the lives of women, and compare and contrast the differences between the Dutch, British and Americans.The museum will be open for self-guided tours of the historic rooms and exhibits, including the new exhibit Kingston’s Stockade: New Netherland’s Third City starting at 5 p.m.Thanks MarilynMarilyn E. Douglas, Vice PresidentNew Netherland InstituteCultural Ed Center, Room 10D45222 Madison AvenueAlbany NY 12230
—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY: Lilly Martin of Syria
Dear Carolyn,You wrote:“As I understand it, 50 families came to Mercer County Kentucky by 1800. The “50 families” were associated with 19 Dutch names.”Your #4 listed: Brewer, Brouwer.
Your listed spelling variations were: Brewer, Brouwer, BrunerI will explain it: The immigrant was named Adam BROUWER. Brouwer is the DUTCH spelling, which refers to an occupation, like “Brewing Beer” for example.By the time his descendant left New Jersey and went to Kentucky, by way of Conewago, PA, the name was Brouwer or Brower.By the time they settled in Mercer Co, KY the accepted spelling was BREWER, which is the ENGLISH translation of the DUTCH occupation of BROUWER.
If you look at the vast majority of descendants of Adam Brouwer, the immigrant, you will find by 1800 they were using BROWER as the spelling. The Kentucky group is one of the oldest to use BREWER as the spelling. However, there was a man in early Monmouth Co, NJ who used BREWER spelling, and I feel it was because his wife Deborah Allen was of ENGLISH background, and not DUTCH, and this influenced the family to use BREWER.In other words, the relatives of the Mercer Co KY group, who did not leave NY and NJ, but remained there, were mainly using BROWER as the surname, and their descendants today are using BROWER.I feel you should add BROWER to your list of spelling variations. Concerning the name BRUNER: I have never seen that as connected to any Brouwer original line, and if I am wrong, I would like to hear more about it.Best regards,Lilly Martin
(Note: Hope you stay safe there in Syria, Cousin. You are in our prayers)Many of these variations in spelling came from a website about Conewago Colony:http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nycayuga/church/conewago.htmand from the book “Taxables of the Low Dutch Settlement of the Conewago” by Arthur Weaner, available online from the Adams County PA Historical Society.<http://www.achs-pa.org/giftshop/>
Name spellings weren’t standardized several generations ago, and many people spelled even their own name in a variety of ways. In addition, many people couldn’t write and those who wrote for them when the need arose, sometimes had minimal spelling skills or simply spelled phonetically, writing down what they heard.
In his book, “Finding Our Wooden Shoes Vol II,” (partially online, see hot links page) Jim Cozine says this: “Here are Some notes on Dutch spelling ‑‑ The following letters were virtually interchangeable in medieval Dutch ‑ c and k, j and y, and f and v. Some of the changes from Old Dutch (sometimes called Low German) to Modern Dutch that appear so many times in our name are: ‘s’ became ‘z’ ‑ but old ‘z’ becomes ‘s’ ‑ they appear to remain interchangeable even today; ‘ij’ or ‘y’ became’ i’; ‘k’ became ‘c’.”
—————————————————————————————————————NOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE FUN! I ASSUME THIS IS COXSACKIE NEW YORK?
SENT BY: Marilyn DouglasThe Bronck Museum in Coxsackie marks 400 years since the birth of Pieter Bronck, the Dutch settler who built the original stone house at the museum.Visitors can spend some time with Pieter himself, his wife, one of his grandchildren and even his famous great-great-grandson Judge Leonard Bronck.Since birthday cakes didn’t exist in “Pieter’s World,” a mound of 400 Dutch speculaas cookies will be served. Admission is free.There will be live music, food, wagon rides, goats (one of the most commonly owned farm animals of Bronck’s at the time and place) early amusements and games for children, craft demonstrations and the first tasting of Pieter’s Brew, a new and specially crafted beer prepared by Crossroads Brewery in Athens, which is planned to be similar to the beer served back then.
Letters 05/17/2017 Amalie Preston: History Mystery SolverBy Harrodsburg Herald | May 17, 2017

May is National Historical Preservation Month and lifelong Mercer Countian Amalie Preston said she was struck with the history bug at a young age.
Preston said she was always an attentive and curious as a child. Some of her favorite memories come from listening to the stories of her elders and asking them questions about their past.
“In my day, there was visiting for the sake of visiting,” she said. “Probably two to three times a week there were going to be either my grandparents or aunts, uncles and cousins over. And oh, do I remember the stories.”
Preston, who grew up on Oregon Road and still lives in her childhood home, felt a connection to history.
“It dawned on me soon in school when we were studying Kentucky history in the 6th grade, we were studying the great generals and all of these notables, and I got to thinking, where were my people when all of that was going on?” she said.
To learn more, check out this week’s issue of The Harrodsburg Herald.
Amalie Preston, a lifelong Mercer Countian, says she has always loved history and historical buildings as they tell stories of the past.
Letters 05/24/2017 Registration for 2017 GatheringIt’s time to sign up!Here you go – a clickable registration form you can complete online, then print it out and mail to the Dutch Cousins treasurer at the address on the form.
I did create the form, but my smart daughter Judi Mills spent many hours creating this magic clickable ability. However, if you do not want to fill it out online, you can print it out and fill it in on your desk.
To register for the September event, either fill in the blanks online and print it out — or print it out and fill in the blanks! Then mail in the form with payment to the address on the registration form.
The schedule is included and is subject to change. Watch for exciting announcements and learn about more speakers in the upcoming Dutch Cousin Letters.
Follow these steps to open the form:
- Roll your cursor over the word “here” in blue below. The cursor will turn into a white glove with a pointing finger.
- With the finger of the glove on the blue underlined letters, click once and the form should open.
- The registration form, tee-shirt order, and schedule should pop open on your computer screen!
- Save the form to your desktop, then you can fill it out however you choose.
- Print it out and you will still have the original saved on your computer for your records.
- Fill out the tee-shirt order first and the amount will automatically be added to the registration form, and then added into the total.
- Please reply and let us know if you like this clickable form.
- Click here for the registration blank
Letters 05/26/2017Everyone’s talking about the big event coming in SeptemberYOU SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED YOUR REGISTRATION FORM BY NOW! Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection and contact info. Please send any pertinent info to be included in the next Letter. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do so immediately !I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.—————————————————- Our official website: www.DutchCousins.orgWebmaster Pam Ellingson of Wisconsin(At the front page,”Gathering 2017”) Vince pointed out that sometimes clicking on the DutchCousins.org hyperlink goes to some “My Site” thing. Just Google Dutch Cousins and go from there. It’s the organization’s website.—————————————————–THE LOW DUTCH COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now.We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100 BE SURE TO GIVE THE GROUP CODE: Dutch Cousins 2389Our Treasurer Janice Cozine of Kentucky and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers of Ohio (and me – Oklahoma) are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that!The big exciting newsletter is all ready to go! we areupdating the mailing list so we don’t have to pay postage for returned mailers due to bad addresses————————————————————————————DAR, SAR, 1812, 0IWUS: We are working on having some special information being made available to the cousins at the gathering. For instance, we know that some people are interesting in learning more about and applying for Sons of American Revolution or Daughters of American Revolution, Daughters of the War of 1812, Order of Indian Wars of the US … groups that many of us belong to and many others of our Dutch cousins are eligible for. I’m looking for volunteers to help with that. Hello! Where are you Daughters? … and Sons …? and others?I have also requested a speaker on DNA and what that might tell us. Any suggestions welcome.————————————————————————————SENT BY: CAROLYNRodney Dempsey, who has never missed a Cousins gathering, has a request.He has registered for the event and has his room reserved at the Capitol Plaza. He only needs one more thing to be present at the 2017 gathering. Rod does not drive anymore and needs to share a ride there and back. He is in good shape physically and will pay for transportation. Rodney lives in Louisville off Shelbyville Rd, near the Blankenbaker Lane (north) exit off I-64 at Shelbyville Road. Who’d like to apply for this job?————————————————————————————SENT BY: carolynFree Access to Pennsylvania ResourcesPennsylvania resources are FREE on AmericanAncestors.org!Search their databases for your Pennsylvania ancestors and register for a webinar on Pennsylvania genealogical research methods.Pennsylvania’s size and central location on the Atlantic Seaboard contributed to its important role in American history. Millions of Americans have ancestors who lived in Pennsylvania. Prominent ethnic groups who settled in Pennsylvania include Germans, Irish, African-Americans, Italians, Swiss, Dutch, and Chinese.Learn more about how to conduct research on Pennsylvania and to access free educational resources.Access to these materials only requires FREE registration as a Guest. https://www.americanancestors.org/pennsylvania————————————————————————————SENT BY: Hendrik EdelmanThe term “low dutch” is unknown in the Netherlands. The Dutch word is: Nederduitsch.The (American) Dutch Reformed Church is called Nederduits Hervormde Kerk in contemporary documents————————————————————————————SENT BY: Charlotte Ann Legg OlsonHello…. I joined DAR through our family member James Stagg.I would be more than happy to help other daughters add their names to his service of this country.We are also pretty good at SAR applications, too… but have completed other family members that are not of our Dutch line: Thomas Lucas or Orange Co VA and Scott Co KY(included in his line is Mary Virginia Terhune dau of James).DAR: James Stagg, John Poulter or Mercer Co KY.Hope to attend and my husband Dave and I would be glad to assist cousins interested in DAR or SAR. If anyone is interested they could contact us early and we could do some checking.DAR’s website has a fill in the blanks application and instructions that is a good place to start.thanks Carolyn for all you do. Always enjoy reading your messages.Charlotte Legg, dau ofMary Lucas, dau ofPaul G. Lucas, son ofMary Virginia Terhune, dau ofJames Terhune and Rachel Stagg dau ofAbraham C. Stagg and Sarah Banta, son ofDaniel Stagg and Mary Counover, son ofJames Stagg and Leah Brouwer……. andmany other Dutch cousin families as well….————————————————————————————SENT BY: Barbara MeridethDenise and just got back from the National Genealogy Conference. There were some gentlemen there as well as a woman who spoke about the issue of access to records. Judy Russell gave an impassioned speech about it at a luncheon. I know you have talked about this a little as well. The group that is working on this type of legislation is looking for representatives in several states to help them with communicating with legislators in several states. Kentucky is one of those states. I don’t know if you can find someone to talk to the group about that issue, but it might be worth it to do so. I’ve got the sheet the guys handed out at the session somewhere in my stuff, I think. Judy Russell did mention that Oklahoma just passed legislation recently that would allow records to be accessed more easily.Volunteers?————————————————————————————SENT BY:Albert van der Heide: May I offer a nuance here on the controversy of Dutch and Deutsch? Going back in history, no Continental Europeans called residents of what is now The Netherlands Dutch. Only those on the British Isles did.But who were those Lowlanders or the Dutch, the British term? Anyone who has read Netherlands history knows that the ranks of the Lowlanders were enhanced with mercenary troops from various regions in Europe, incl. German, Swiss and English. Many stayed. Portuguese Jews, French Huguenots, Walloons refugees and numerous laborers from German counties. All of these were Lowlanders in British eyes, namely Dutch.Did the British public know Continental European geography? Germany? It became a country in 1870. Before that is was divided in numerous entities, such as Hannover, Westphalia, Bavaria, etc.(More from Albert van der Heide) Carolyn Leonard offers a list of Dutch settler surnames but not all who arrived from Amsterdam in the New Netherland colony were of Netherland stock.The colony was from its beginning in the 1620s multilingual and multi-ethnic although the farmer colonists like Voorhees were Netherlanders (brought over by the patroons).Most of them came from the Drenthe (Voorhees), Overijssel en Gelderland (Van Renselaer). Among the list are French, Walloons and Swedes.————————————————————————————SENT BY: Janice CozineHello to Everyone!The registration forms are rolling in for our 2017 DC Gathering!We had approx. 140 cousins attend in 2015 and we’re hoping to beat that number this year.Make your plans now to be part of all the excitement.We have lots of things going on and as always, we have some fantastic speakers lined up to get us started.There will be loads of information floating around ….. if you want to learn, have something to share or just come for the fun….we would love to see you there.We’re meeting again this year at The Kentucky History Center in Frankfort, Ky.Everyone enjoyed this venue so much in 2015 we wanted to go back.FYILynn Rogers has planned a trip on Saturday between 1 – 5 pm to visit Shelbyville, Ky. to see the “The Long Run Massacre and Floyd’s Defeat Re-enactment”.We have rented a 55 passenger tour bus to take us to our destination and back.The cost for the re-enactment ticket and bus rental fee is $25.00.This bus trip was NOT listed on the original registration form.Please be sure you look for the ‘new’ DC Gathering registration form to fill out and mail with your payment, to the DC Treasurer.You can read more about the bus trip in the 2017 DC brochure coming out soon OR you may check out the info on the web site.More to come!Janice CozineDutch Cousins Treasurerand Registration Chair————————————————————————————SENT BY: Marilyn Douglas, New Netherland InstituteFor those of you in The Netherlands or planning to visit there this summer, one of our subscribers wanted you to know –Kiliaen van Rensselaer’s house in Hasselt near Zwolle, the town where he was born, is open to the public on request for visiting.http://tiphasselt.nl/bezienswaardigheden/————————————————————————————SENT BY: Marilyn Douglas, New Netherland Institutedoing research in The Netherlands- some links you may find usefulQuite some time ago, a project was started in the Netherlands to digitize all content in the archives & cultural heritage countries. One of our subscribers provided the following links:- Cultural heritage http://www.geheugenvannederland.nl/en/?page=21– Books and much more https://www.kb.nl/en– Newspapers http://www.delpher.nl/nl/kranten/– And still lots of work to be done http://www.den.nl/english————————————————————————————SENT BY: Yvette HoitinkDUTCH WORDS: A bakker is a baker, and a bakkerij is a bakery.Bread was and is a staple in the Dutch diet. The content and weight of loaves of bread was heavily regulated. If you have ancestors who were bakers, you may find them on lists of calibrated weights, or involved in court cases if their loaves were found to be too light or containing different ingredients than advertized.
Letters 06/06/2017– 2017 Newsletter
Hear ye! Hear ye! Read all about it!Here’s Your 2017 Dutch Newsletter!

Here you go – It’s finally ready.
If you have not already registered for the September event, you can print this out. Fill in the Registration blank and mail in the form with payment to the address on the registration form.
The schedule is included and is subject to change. Watch for exciting announcements and learn about more speakers in the upcoming Dutch Cousin Letters.
Follow these steps to open the Newsletter:
– Roll your cursor over the word “here” in blue below. The cursor will turn into a white glove with a pointing finger.- With the finger of the glove on the blue underlined letters, click once and the document should open.- The Newsletter containing the registration form, tee-shirt order, and schedule should pop open on your computer screen along with all the details.
Letters 07/05/2017News around the nation about our Dutch Cousins.

The Cousins are Coming!!!!
Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection and contact info. Please send any pertinent info to be included in the next Letter. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do so immediately !I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.—————————————————–
More information about the 2017 Gathering https://sites.google.com/site/dutchcousins/gatherings-1/2017 —————————————————–
THE LOW DUTCH COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 7-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now.We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100 BE SURE TO GIVE THE GROUP CODE: Dutch Cousins 2389
AND THEN Sunday Sept 10 -11th we will be in Harrodsburg KY to worship at our Old Mud Meetinghouse.Our Treasurer Janice Cozine of Kentucky and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers of Ohio (and me – Oklahoma) are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that!WATCH YOUR MAILBOX! DUTCH NEWSLETTER COMING SOON! We will not be giving awards for any mistakes you find. LOL————————————————————————————
SENT BY: CAROLYN (herself)

We still need a volunteer driver to bring Rod Dempsey from Louisville to the Capital Plaza Hotel in Frankfort for the Cousins gathering on Thursday September 7. Where are my volunteers in that area? He already has his room reserved and can manage alone, but needs a ride. He has never missed a Cousins gathering and doesn’t want to start now.
He is a nice man and you’d enjoy the trip. Can you help? hello?
SENT BY:Lisa Shannon
Hi Carolyn! Sure I want to stay on the e-mail list! Also, would this be the place to ask if anyone has any info on my lost Van* family? It has been a long time since I have been on your site.
My Vanarsdals are mostly from Bartholomew, Harrison, and Johnson Counties, Indiana
SENT BY: King and Sharon Cole:
We sold the boat this last February after living on it for three years and 10,000 miles. What a wonderful time we had! We have not bought a house yet, so we are living in our RV. We will be in Okla City the first part of June. We still have cousins there. We also want to see the 1914 time capsule at the historical museum.
July and August in Colorado then coming to Kentucky in September.
SENT BY: Kentucky Genealogical Society:

Wanza Merrifield, a KGS member who lives in Ponca City, Oklahoma, won this month’s “I Read Bluegrass Roots” drawing. The usual prize is a free one-year membership renewal. Because Wanza is a lifetime member (a membership option that was available in the past) – KGS will be offering her a different prize. Wanza’s Kentucky roots include these surnames: Pritchett, Holliday, Barker, Hickman, Henderson, Johnson, Lloyd, Wilson.
(NOTE: Wanza is also a longtime subscriber to Dutch Letters, and a dear friend! We slept in her home when I was presenting a workshop in Ponca City OK one weekend. She was a delightful host and we talked Dutch stuff!)
SENT BY: Eddie Price
Hi, Carolyn,
Looking forward to our event this September!
I have the whole weekend blocked out for Long Run Massacre and need to know the day and time I will speaking for the Dutch Cousins. You will be able to get a laptop and projector as before? Also, I will be sending you a copy of the song sheet we will be singing from! You may wish to make copies before the event. It is a great little “ditty” from the time period called “Hunters of Kentucky!” Andrew Jackson would use it as his campaign song and, although many Kentuckians were not pleased with him, they LOVED the song which was sung all over America in the early 1820’s during the “Era of Good Feelings” after the War of 1812.
Eddie Price
(NOTE: EDDIE you are our keynote speaker for the Saturday night dinner in Frankfort, but you are comped for the whole thing. Can’t wait to see you and hear you again!)
SENT BY: Bev & Tom Gerding.
Wonderful newsletter–you are the master of newsletters!! Sorry we will miss the meeting but we will be there in spirit. Isn’t it great to see what we have done in such a short time.
Love to you all, Bev “a Westerfield and Cozine cousin” and Tom Gerding
(NOTE: Shortly after receiving this greeting from Bev Gerding, we received bad news. That was Bev’s farewell to her Cousins. Yesterday her daughter, Genie Gerding Gilder, posted that her mother had passed away, and then a few days later her father was gone. Our deepest sympathy to the family. Genie posted this message on her mother’s Facebook page:”The outpouring of support and love from those near and far has truly warmed my heart today. It has been a rough few weeks. Thank you all for the cards, texts and calls!! ❤❤❤
Several people have asked about where to send flowers. Many know that one of my mothers’ passions was genealogy. There was rarely a trip that didn’t involve a “sidetrip” to research something about a branch of our family tree. Near to her heart was the support of restoration to an ancestral church in Kentucky, The Old Mud Meetinghouse. In lieu of flowers, please feel free to make a donation in her honor to:Harrodsburg Historical Society
Attn: Amalie Preston
220 South Chiles Street
Harrodsburg, KY 40330Be sure to add “in honor of Tom and Beverly Gerding for the Old Mud Meetinghouse” in the notes.”
and then: ….My father has now left and joined the love of his life after only 10 days of her passing. I could not have been more proud of my father and his accomplishments. I will so miss his laughter, great story and joke telling, and his warm hugs ❤❤❤. I loved him dearly. RIP Dad.
Services planned for my mother this Saturday will now be for my father as well.
Memorial services for Beverly and Tom Gerding will be Saturday, July 8 at Ramsey Funeral Home, Georgetown TX. 1 pm visitation, 1 pm memorial service with reception to follow.

SENT BY: Elizabeth Montgomery Hatcher
Hi Carolyn. I wanted to notify someone in this group that Bev Gerding passed away a couple of days ago.
SENT BY: Carolyn (herself)
IMPORTANT – SAVE THIS – ADDRESS FOR DONATIONS TO MAINTAIN Old Mud MeetinghouseHarrodsburg Historical Society,ATTN: Amalie Preston,220 South Chiles St,Harrodsburg, KY 40330.
Be sure to put “for the Old Mud Meetinghouse” in the comments blank.
For more info: www.dutchcousins.org
Letters 07/14/2017SPECIAL EVENT~ Pre-Con Dutch Cousins 2017

We have a new cousin who will help you find that Revolutionary Patriot in your family. Such a brave person!

Charlotte Legg Olson from Oswego, Illinois, will be attending her FIRST Dutch Cousins event this year, and she volunteered to be the DAR representative. She will have an information display set up and she will be there at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort to answer questions Thursday, September 7 from 4 pm to 6:30 and all day on Friday.
Some of the most remarkable men and women you will ever hope to meet are members of DAR and SAR. (Daughters and Sons, descendants, of American Revolutionary Patriots.) Most of our Low Dutch of Kentucky ancestors fought and left us a legacy to honor.
Over two hundred years ago, American Patriots fought and sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy today. As a member of DAR, through participation in the Society’s various programs and activities, you can continue this legacy by actively supporting historic preservation, promotion of education, and patriotic endeavors.
We know that some of our people are interested in learning more about and applying for Sons of American Revolution or Daughters of American Revolution, Daughters of the War of 1812, Order of Indian Wars of the US … groups that many of us belong to and many others of our Dutch cousins are eligible for.
Charlotte wants to help make your dreams come true! TO START looking on your own before you go, just click here and enter the name of your ancestor:
Hello Cousins. I’m Charlotte Legg Olson, yes, three generations removed from our Dutch surnames!
Our family tree includes the Banta, Conover, Terhune, Van Nuys, Voorhees and Capt. James Stagg and his wife Leah Brouwer. My husband Dave, and our next two branches, live between Chicago and the Mississippi River, in a small town called Oswego IL. I have the distinction of being the first in our family that was not born in Mercer County, KY for 150 years.
We are looking forward to attending our first Dutch Cousins gathering this year. I “volunteered” to be the DAR/SAR chairperson and will have information about our Dutch families that served in the American Revolution. As the DAR members remember at each meeting, they are the “American patriots who sacrificed their lives and fortunes.” I joined the Daughters of the American Revolution through the service of Capt James Stagg.
We are also pretty good at SAR applications, too… but have completed other family members that are not of our Dutch line: Thomas Lucas or Orange Co VA and Scott Co KY(included in his line is Mary Virginia Terhune dau of James).
My husband Dave and I would be glad to assist cousins interested in DAR or SAR. If anyone is interested they could contact us early and we could do some checking. DAR’s website has a fill in the blanks application and instructions that is a good place to start. Dianna Rose, Registrar at Jane McFee DAR Chapter in Harrodsburg has also agreed to help.
We will also have resources to assist other Cousins establish the ARW service and lineage of their individual family member. But we won’t leave you out on a limb or stuck behind some brick wall, I am offering assistance in the research. I will even help you follow your way through “The Application!” or find someone local who can. And yes, we will bring forms, charts, terminology, standards, resource links and more paper and web addresses. Well, you know what I mean.
DAR and Sons of the American Revolution are the primary organizations established to preserve and document the military service and family lineage of the ARW Patriots. Our Dutch families did their part to insure the freedoms that we enjoy today.Looking forward to meeting you at the Gathering!Charlotte
For more info: http://www.carolynbleonard.com/CarolynBLeonard.com/DutchCousins/Entries/2017/7/14_Revolutionary_Ancestors.html
Letters 07/18/2017 A Personal message from Janice Cozine and more

The image: sent by Amalie Preston:Cover of Kentucky Ancestors magazine of April 1978, DUTCH STATION 1779-1780; Standing at the site of the old Station, Middle Fork of Beargrass Creek in Jefferson Couty Kentucky. Brown graveyard beyond. This picture taken 22 March 1922.
SENT BY: Colleen Pizarev
Hello Carolyn and Lynn –
I was hoping I’d be able to travel for the gathering this September. Unfortunately, my mother-in-law is in late stage ALZ, and had a recent minor stroke. I can’t be gone that week since my husband has to travel for work, and I need to be here for her caregiver in case anything happens.
I sincerely hope to be able to make it next year, and will bring my mother, also a Demaree/Demarest/Ryker/Storm descendant. I hope you have a wonderful time, and please post a lot of pictures!
NOTE from Carolyn: REMEMBER the Gatherings are not every year – only in the odd numbered years. Next gathering of cousins will be in 2019.
SENT BY: Carl and Cindy Bantau
Dear Carolyn,
My name is Carl Bantau. My last name came from the low Dutch group you are from. Anna Banta was the daughter of H. D. Banta, (who headed, and pastored one of the small groups that eventually moved to Indiana from Bantaville, KY, and many of them are buried there.
Anna Banta married George Washington Voyles (Voiles) and had 4 children the eldest being my 3rd Great Grandfather was born Henry Day Voiles. After giving birth to her 4th baby, Anna (Banta) Voiles became very sick, and in her state of sickness, she and all four children were abandoned by her husband George Washington Voiles. She died as a result of that abandonment and it was left to my then twelve-year-old great great great grandfather to try to keep the others (his younger siblings) alive until they could reach help.
They found that help in their grandfather H. D. Banta. Henry Day Voiles then decided that since his father had abandoned them during their greatest time of need, he would abandon his father’s name. He took his mother’s maiden name, Banta, as his own. But soon (the former is all fact, but now I begin to speculate some) he found much confusion in that his grandfather had the same name as he did, but not only his grandfather, but many others in the group were named Henry Banta. We believe it was for that reason, that he added a “U” to the end of his name to make it Bantau.
So anyone with that last name is 99.9% likely to be a descendant of Henry Day Bantau. If you google his name, you will find much information. He went on to become a schoolteacher at the age of 16, and the pastor of the Baptist Church of Christ in Palestine (now Glass) Tennessee where he served for 21 years (save 1 year) before moving to Texas at doctor’s orders. He later founded Thorp Springs College which is now known as Texas Christian University.
SENT BY: Rogene Smith
Carolyn, I just want to say, I won’t be attending the Dutch Cousins Gathering this year. It comes earlier in the month and we have plans for a couple of other trips in August and September which more or less are about the same time. I have enjoyed the meetings and hope to get to that area again some day. I continue to look for more information on my Luyster family, Pictures of the Old Mud Meeting House are great. Thanks to all of the members who have had a part in the restoration.
Received the newsletter recently and it certainly is very professional.
Please keep me on your list.
SENT BY: Janice CozineHello Cousins!
So much is going on behind the scenes to prepare for our up-coming gathering. It’s only a few weeks away and we’re getting very excited.Hope you have reserved your room at the Plaza Hotel and mailed in your registration forms.Our date for cut-off/deadlines will be soon. You can register after these dates if necessary, but will cost you a little more and make us work a little harder! We need to get the name tags, meals etc. all set in place as soon as possible, plus remember you get a free bag to match your tee shirt if you register and pay before August 1. The earlier you register the easier it is on the planners.
We have much to offer you at this years gathering.
Only a few seats are still available for our Saturday bus excursion to the ‘Long Run Massacre and Floyd’s Defeat Re-enactment’ in Shelbyville, Ky.
Don’t miss the bus, register today!
On Friday, Vince Akers and Charlie Westerfield (at separate times) will have important information about the ‘Low Dutch Massacres & Defeats and the ‘Westerfield Massacre Marker’. All this will tie into our Saturday’s trip to Shelbyville.
If you want info about how to join or if you would qualify to join the DAR & SAR, we will have this info available at the gathering this year. We also are trying to get DNA set up with Ancestry.
We will soon learn about the updated info on the “Old Mud Meeting House” and what is happening with the Conewago Colony. Eddie Price will entertain us again this year with his version of ”Remember the Raisin’’.
Don’t forget the joy of seeing old and new cousins.
The Dutch Gatherings every two years are about the only time we get to see each other…..we always look forward to that!!
If anyone needs info on directions, airport info, hotel, RV parks, etc., please email me. I will help any way I can to make your trip to Kentucky, easier.
Blessings to all,
Janice Cozine
DC Treasurer & Registration Chair
SENT BY: Larry Vanice
I was looking for an ancestor today and found this publication, which has a nice history of the Low Dutch settlers in KY and the church at Pleasureville, with a list of members.
I was mostly interested in my Vanice ancestors and found a number of listings spelled in a way I had never seen before: Vannuice. There was a comment in the article that the clerk of the session at that time did not write and spell very well, so the family themselves may not have used the Vannuice spelling.
The member list includes my great-great-grandparents, Eleanor (Ellen in the list) Smith Vanice and Isaac Covert Vanice, who married on 28Sep1837. When they belonged in the late 1830’s, the church was called the Presbyterian Church of Six Mile (the present day yarn shop). Eleanor’s father was Robert Smith, who was born in Scotland, and her mother, name unknown, was born in VA. Eleanor and Isaac and their first child moved to Arrow Rock, MO in 1840. Apparently the lack of a Dutch Reformed minister being sent to KY resulted in some Low Dutch getting to know some Scots.
There are a bunch of Dutch cousins’ names in the church article. I saw some references to church members leaving to join the Shakers, presumably at Pleasant Hill, KY.
We need to stress to the cousins, they NEED to be on time going and coming, so we don’t run over our 4 hour trip limit. (6 hours – trip & driver limit)The clock starts when the driver leaves Louisville and when the driver gets back to the office. (1 hour is allowed each way)We have 4 hours to do the trip,,,,period.The hourly rate for the driver is $140.00.That will be added as extra cost divided in 15 min. intervals, if we’re even late 1 min.
NOTE FROM CAROLYN: All riders remember our warning – Don’t be late, we can’t wait!
SENT BY: Amalie Preston: David Smock’s books are safely at the Historical Society, and we plan to build a 2 shelf bookcase to house them atop the Low Dutch archive lateral files.
SENT BY: Carla Gerding
So saddened to hear of the passing of Bev and Tom Gerding. They were one of the very first couples that I met while attending the reunions. We had not only Dutch ancestry in common, but also Gerding lineage.
They were a lovely, lovely couple and will be sorely missed by many of us.
SENT BY: OBITUARY for Beverly Gerding: http://www.ramseyfuneral.com/memsol.cgi?user_id=1980008
OBITUARY FOR Dr. Thomas Gerding: http://www.ramseyfuneral.com/memsol.cgi?user_id=1982974
SENT BY: Charlie WesterfieldCarolyn, I would be happy to help Rodney with a ride to Frankfort. Rodney is not only a cousin, but I was raised in the same hometown (Greenville, KY) with Rodney. Have known him all my life.
Just delivered my “Traveling Route 66 with Charlie Westerfield” to the duplicator. Have a showing and sale booth in Bloomington, IL on the 13th, 14th, & 15th. Have worked on the project for six years and it’s finely finished (“Free At Last, Thank God Almighty, I’m Free at Last”.)
Charlie Westerfield

We have some really special events included this year for the first time.- For the pre-con event at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort on Thursday evening September 7, Debra Renard, a DNA EXPERT will speak on what you might hope to learn from a DNA TEST.- Friday, a brief business meeting and all day is packed with interesting information and networking time, family exhibits, silent auction, and that evening the keynote dinner speaker we all love, Vince Akers.- Saturday, our excursion event will be to the Painted Stone Settlers reenactment of the Dutch involvement in the Long Run Massacre, and the evening keynote speaker/entertainer is Eddie Price, author of “Widder’s Landing”- Sunday we return to the Old Mud Meetinghouse at Harrodsburg to participate in an 1800s style Reformed Dutch Service led by Russell Gasero. Archivist of the Reformed Church in America,in New Brunswick, NJ. He will be ably assisted by several of our own Dutch Cousins. (more about that soon)- And all during the event our photographer Charlie Westerfield will be cranking away with the memorable photos of us all having a great time!- Go to our official website to download the registration blank and newsletter and more complete information. www.DutchCousins.org– If you prefer the clickable registration form or have questions send me an email: carolynleonard (at) me.comSEE YOU IN FRANKFORT IN SEPTEMBER!carolyn—————————————————————————————————————
THE LOW DUTCH COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now.
We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100 BE SURE TO GIVE THE GROUP CODE: Dutch Cousins 2389
Our Treasurer Janice Cozine of Kentucky and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers of Ohio (and me – Oklahoma) are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that!
SENT BY: Tamara Fulkerson (VP nominee for Dutch Cousins)The Library of Congress opened its catalogs to the world. Here’s why it matters — The Conversation”The Library of Congress opened its catalogs to the world. Here’s why it matters” —http://theconversation.com/the-library-of-congress-opened-its-catalogs-to-the-world-heres-why-it-matters-78570
—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY: Carolyn LeonardTo make a tax deductible donation for restoration and maintenance of the Old Mud Meetinghouse, in the “note” line say, In memory of ____________________, for restoration and maintenance of Old Mud, credit to the Dutch Cousins.
Send check or money order to:Harrodsburg Historical Society220 South Chiles StreetHarrodsburg, KY 40330—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY: Charlotte Legg Olson

Cornelia B. VanArsdall, August 27, 1861 – March 20, 1919. Spring Hill Cemetery, Harrodsburg, Mercer County, Kentucky.
from The Harrodsburg Herald, Mercer County, Kentucky
Friday, March 28, 1919
Thursday night, after several weeks of suffering from a complication of diseases, death laid his hand upon Miss Cornelia VanArsdall at her home on College Street in this city. She had been for a long time a member of the Christian church and had lived faithfully according to the Master’s teaching. She was of a retiring disposition, a woman who loved her home and her friends, big hearted, hospitable and thoughtful of others, and she will be greatly missed by those nearest and dearest with whom she was content to spend her life. The funeral service was held at her home Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, conducted by her pastor, Rev. E. B. Bourland, assisted by Rev. M. S. Clark, of the Methodist church and she was laid to rest in the family lot in Spring Hill Cemetery beneath a wealth of flowers, sent by sympathetic friends of the family. None will miss her more sadly than the mother whom she leaves, whose constant companion she has been. The brothers and sisters who survive are Messrs. J. F., John I., Muscoe, E. Buford and D. P. VanArsdall, all of this city; Mrs. Thomas VanArsdall, Mrs. Abe Sharp and Mrs. Margaret Owens, of Wichita, Kansas; Mrs. J. B. Anderson, of Chanute, Kansas, and Miss Minnie VanArsdall, of this place.
—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY: Dennis Gudorf (DeMotte ancestry)Susan and I had our DNS done via Ancestry.com Have found some folks for us that way. My family tree is posted on Ancestry.com as the Gudorf Family tree and Susan’s family tree. You might take a look.
Do we need to make a reservation if we are able to make your September gathering?
Denny Gudorf
Yes you do! I am attaching a clickable online registration form. — and you are just in time to make the early discount. The registration form is also available on our website, www.DutchCousins.org.
Hoping to see you September 7th!
blessings, carolyn
—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY: carolyn from lisa louise cooke’s Genealogy Gems newsletterFor all our Texas folks, good seminar coming up in Dallas!Join the Genealogy Gems Expert Team for Sources, Storytelling, & DNAThe Dallas Genealogical Society 2017 Summer Seminar is fast approaching on August 4-5, and will feature the entire Genealogy Gems Team! Join us for two fun-filled days devoted to Sources, Storytelling & DNA! Sunny Morton and Diahan Southard will join Lisa Louise Cooke in her own “backyard” of Dallas, Texas at the Dallas Central Library. Registration is still available!
Letters 08/01/2017

Photo of Claude Westerfield in the pulpit at the Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow NY .
It is with deep sadness I share the news of the passing of Claude Westerfield, who served as leader and president of the Dutch Cousins from 2005 to 2013.—————————————————–
LAST CHANCE! BETTER HURRY! We have some really special events included this year for the first time.- For the pre-con event at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort on Thursday evening September 7, Debra Renard, a DNA EXPERT will speak on what you might hope to learn from a DNA TEST.- Friday, a brief business meeting and all day is packed with interesting information and networking time, family exhibits, silent auction, and that evening the keynote dinner speaker we all love, Vince Akers.- Saturday, our excursion event will be to the Painted Stone Settlers reenactment of the Dutch involvement in the Long Run Massacre, and the evening keynote speaker/entertainer is Eddie Price, author of “Widder’s Landing”- Sunday we return to the Old Mud Meetinghouse at Harrodsburg to participate in an 1800s style Reformed Dutch Service led by Russell Gasero. Archivist of the Reformed Church in America,in New Brunswick, NJ. He will be ably assisted by several of our own Dutch Cousins. (more about that soon)- And all during the event our photographer Charlie Westerfield will be cranking away with the memorable photos of us all having a great time!- Go to our official website to download the registration blank and newsletter and more complete information. www.DutchCousins.orgSEE YOU IN FRANKFORT IN SEPTEMBER!carolyn—————————————————————————————————————
THE LOW DUTCH COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now.
We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100 BE SURE TO GIVE THE GROUP CODE: Dutch Cousins 2389
Our Treasurer Janice Cozine of Kentucky and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers of Ohio (and me – Oklahoma) are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that!
SENT BY: carolyn (herself)On Sunday September 10 we will caravan to Harrodsburg, a 45 minute drive, for photos and special 1800s worship service at the Old Mud Meetinghouse at 2 pm. The next day, The Harrodsburg Historical Society will have their Research Library and Dutch Archives open just for us from 10 am to 2 pm. Call or email the H-burg tourist office for their recommendation on where to stay. (859) 734-2364. or (800) 355-9192.http://www.harrodsburgky.com/tourism@harrodsburgky.com—————————————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Just received word from Corey Westerfield that our beloved Claude LaDell Westerfield passed to a new life yesterday. More information when available. Corey said his dad was out for a walk and just fell over. That was it.Obituary for Claude L. Westerfield
Claude LaDell “Wes” Westerfield, 80, of Farragut, passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, July 30, 2017 at the Shenandoah Medical Center. Funeral services will be held on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 10:00 AM at the Nishna Valley Funeral & Cremation Service in Shenandoah with Gene Shelton giving the words of comfort. The family will greet relatives and friends with visitation from 5:00 to 7:00 PM Thursday evening at the funeral home. Burial will take place at 3:00 p.m. Friday at the Unadilla Cemetery in Unadilla, Nebraska with military honors.
In lieu of flowers, a memorial is being established in Claude’s name.
share a memory with the family here:http://www.swimemorial.com/obituaries/Claude-L-Wes-Westerfield?obId=2317442#/obituaryInfo
Claude was always the driving force behind the family gatherings. first with the Westerfield family and then with all the Dutch Cousins. He always had a hug and a smile for everyone and he shared his personal faith and love of God. He will certainly be missed at the gathering in September.–carolyn
SENT BY: Greg Huber, who spoke at the Gathering in 2015 about the Dutch building structures. He has a new book out:my particular barn study areas of southeast Pennsylvania, the eastern river valleys of New York State, northern New Jersey and certain areas in New England. Hello – my name is Greg Huber – I am an architectural barn and house historian and I have documented many thousands of buildings, particularly barns, in the past 40 plus years.
The Historic Barns of Southeastern Pennsylvania – Architecture and Preservation – Built 1750 to 1900 by Greg HuberHis book is available on Amazon.com———————————————————————
Letters 08/04/2017

LAST CHANCE! BETTER HURRY! We have some really special events included this year for the first time.
– For the pre-con event at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort on Thursday evening September 7, Debra Renard, a DNA EXPERT will speak on what you might hope to learn from a DNA TEST.- Friday, a brief business meeting and all day is packed with interesting information and networking time, family exhibits, silent auction, and that evening the keynote dinner speaker we all love, Vince Akers.- Saturday, our excursion event will be to the Painted Stone Settlers reenactment of the Dutch involvement in the Long Run Massacre, and the evening keynote speaker/entertainer is Eddie Price, author of “Widder’s Landing”- Sunday we return to the Old Mud Meetinghouse at Harrodsburg to participate in an 1800s style Reformed Dutch Service led by Russell Gasero. Archivist of the Reformed Church in America,in New Brunswick, NJ. He will be ably assisted by several of our own Dutch Cousins. (more about that soon)- And all during the event our photographer Charlie Westerfield will be cranking away with the memorable photos of us all having a great time!- Go to our official website to download the registration blank and newsletter and more complete information. www.DutchCousins.org
SEE YOU IN FRANKFORT IN SEPTEMBER!carolyn—————————————————————————————————————
THE LOW DUTCH COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now.
We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100 BE SURE TO GIVE THE GROUP CODE: Dutch Cousins 2389
Our Treasurer Janice Cozine of Kentucky and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers of Ohio (and me – Oklahoma) are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that!
SENT BY: carolyn (herself)On Sunday September 10 we will caravan to Harrodsburg, a 45 minute drive, for photos and special 1800s worship service at the Old Mud Meetinghouse at 2 pm. The next day, The Harrodsburg Historical Society will have their Research Library and Dutch Archives open just for us from 10 am to 2 pm. Call or email the H-burg tourist office for their recommendation on where to stay. (859) 734-2364. or (800) 355-9192. http://www.harrodsburgky.com/tourism@harrodsburgky.com—————————————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Corey Claude WesterfieldVisitation went well tonight. Mom got to hear how many were touched by dad.We travel to Unadella, Nebraska to bury.Thank you and please pass on my heartfelt appreciation to all the Dutch Cousins
My name is craig perkins I was the organ playing busDriver for your trip to sleepy hollow. I rememberClaude well and how kind he was to me on that tripI had a most wonderful time with your group andThink often of that period of my life and still followYour group with great interest. My condolences to hisFamily with much thanks for the brief but upliftingTime I spent with him and “The Dutch Cousins “
With regardsCraig perkins
CRAIG I can’t tell you how glad I was to hear from you. I didn’t even realize you were on my DUTCH COUSINS mail list. We have often thought of you and what a blessing you and your music were to all of us. We really hated to tell you goodbye and have wondered how your life was going. We’d love to see you again. Do you still do the bus thing? Let us know so we can ask for you as a driver! I hope you will drop by the Kentucky History Center to see us! best of everything to you. Carolyn & Jon
SENT BY: the young Dr. Ed WesterfieldEven death has meaning. I mourn the passing of someone who will be remembered for as long as there are Westerfield’s to remember. Go in Peace, Claude. You’ve earned your rest. Go with the knowledge, that you planted much, tended and nurtured your crop, only to be harvested by those to come long after you. Thank you Claude.
God BlessAnother library closes.
Sent from Ed Westerfield’s Iphone—————————————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Kerin SmithHi: I didn’t know Claude, but this is a great photo of him, and of the wonderful pulpit and sound board.Kerin—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY: charlie Westerfield, VP of Dutch CousinsCharlie and his wife Marilyn are working on a wonderful memorial for our Claude. They are investigating a park bench to be placed at the Old Mud Meetinghouse with a plaque in memory of Claude. We may need some private donations depending on cost of what they find,
SENT BY: Jean MacGregor SimonVery sorry to read of Claude Westerfield’s passing. What a beautiful, touching photo of him in that pulpit. I never met him, but he was a very good looking gentleman. My great-great-great grandmother was named Jane Westervelt, born 20 February 1741, died 1779, in her 39th year. Born in New York, I think. She was the wife of Gabriel Van Norden. Latter eventually went to Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.
Claude and I both had grandchildren named Sullivan. He a grandson, and I a granddaughter, nick-named “Livie”. May Claude rest comfortably in peace.
—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY: JANICE COZINE, Treasurer and registration for Dutch Cousins. ABOUT THE BUS TRIP EXCURSION:Hello to all!
Sorry…..the bus is FULL! (only one seat remains – and with reservations coming in every day a request for that seat may already be on the way. We will start a waiting list in case of cancellations, but …. that doesn’t usually happen.)
Our chartered bus for Saturday to Shelbyville, Ky to visit the Long Run Massacre and Floyd’s Defeat Re-enactment is full.Your other option is to ‘follow’ the bus in your car.You will need to pay for your tickets there at the event.
Janice CozineDutch Cousins Treasurerand Registration Chair
—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY:janice cozine — HERE’S WHO IS REGISTERED SO FAR! — IS YOUR NAME HERE? If not, better send in your registration blank! (www.dutchcousins.org)
FYI —– for all.THOUGHT I WOULD SEND MY UP-TO-DATE LIST FOR YOU TO SEE WHO’S REGISTERED SO FAR as of August 1.+A friend & I drove to Harrodsburg yesterday to eat at the Family Affair restaurant.I wanted to try their pot roast to see if we could offer this as one of our meat options for Fri OR Sat dinner ?It was pretty good and wondered about your thoughts on this.
We also drove by the HHS and picked up all the Dutch Cousins inventory to bring to Frankfort.I talked with Amalie on the phone, it just happened to be her day off.Janice
Banta, Malcolm & Betty Jo | FL | BANTA | 2 |
Akers, Vince | IN | DEMAREE | 1 |
Akers, Zachary | IN | DEMAREE | 1 |
Brown, Anne & Nick | TX | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Burruss, Carolyn & Jim | AL | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Cole, King & Sharon | TX | STAGG | 2 |
Cornine, Harold & Tracie | MO | CARNINE | 2 |
Cozine, Eddie & Janice | KY | COZINE | 2 |
Cozine, Larry & Geri | IN | COZINE | 2 |
Demaree, Bill & Betty | IN | DEMAREE | 2 |
Dempsey, Rod | KY | DeMotte | 1 |
Ellingson, Pam | WI | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Fox, Ruth & John | FL | BANTA | 2 |
Fulkerson, Tamara | KY | COZINE | 1 |
Gasero, Russell & Maria | NJ | 2 | |
Gohmann, Mary Jo & John | IN | Banta | 2 |
Heathcoat, Gene, Carol & David | TX | DUREE | 3 |
Heavener, Jon & Carolyn (Leonard) | OK | COZINE / COSINE | 2 |
Hoag, Bill & Gayle | OK | TERHUNE | 2 |
Karwatka, Carole & Dennis | KY | Westerfield | 2 |
Keith, Buck & Charlotte | IN | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Knezic, David & Dawn | MI | BANTA | 2 |
McKee, Morris & Judy | TX | BANTA | 2 |
Merideth, Barbara | MO | WESTERFIELD / WESTERVELT | 1 |
Metcalf, Sharon & Jim | KY | COZINE | 2 |
Murray, Richard & Joan | IL | BANTA | 2 |
Olson, Charlotte & Dave | IL | TERHUNE | 2 |
Perry, Denise Merideth | TN | WESTERFIELD / WESTERVELT | 1 |
Prather, Damien | KY | HITE | 1 |
Price, Eddie | KY | WESTERFIELD / WESTERVELT | 1 |
Rogers, Kay | NM | VORIS / VORHEES | 1 |
Rogers, Lynn | OH | RYKER | 1 |
Tangeman, Anne | IN | VAN VOORHEES | 1 |
Taylor, Jack & Sue | TX | REYNERSON | 2 |
Van Diver, Cecil & Marie | KY | VAN DIVER | 2 |
Voreis, Larry & Suzanne | SC | VORIS / VORHEES / VAN VORHEES | 2 |
Walker, Johnnie & Daniel | TN | COZINE | 2 |
Welches, Emily & Anderson, Renee | IN | BANTA VANARSDALL | 2 |
Westerfield, Charlie & Marilyn | KY | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Westerfield, Gerald & Nancy | IL | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Westerfield, Jeff & Katherine | NC | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Westerfield, Jerry | KY | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, John & Phyllis | PA | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Westerfield, Larry | TN | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Oscar | FL | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Tom | KY | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Tom & Shelia | IL | WESTERFIELD / WESTERVELT | 2 |
Westerfield, Toni | FL | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Wes | IL | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
NOTE from carolyn: Is your name on the list above? If not, Why not? POT ROAST SOUNDS GREAT TO ME – let’s hear from you cousins!
—————————————————————————Letters 08/07/2017 Sunday at Old MudWorship in the Faith of our Forefathers

Russell L. Gasero, Archivist of the Reformed Church in America (RCA) in New Brunswick, NJ is coming to conduct the special service in our newly rededicated and restored Old Mud Meetinghouse at Harrodsburg onSunday, September 10, 2017. His sermon will be on Psalm 16:6: “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” (from the NIV). The Public is invited.

Greeters and Ushers will be:Jon Heavener of Oklahoma,Dennis Karwatka of Kentucky,Larry Westerfield of Tennessee,Dick Bauer of Kentucky,Gerald Westerfield of Illinois,Buck Keith of Indiana.
The Cousins will surely all be celebrating our delightful Dutch inheritance that weekend! A typical Dutch Reformed Service of that day would go something like this:
Amalie Preston of Salvisa, Kentucky, has agreed to be our Voorzinger(singer and reader) although women would not have played a part in the Reformed Dutch Church’s early services. (They do today.) The Voorzinger sets the pitch and leads the music. The typical songs sung at a worship service of that day were from the book of Psalms, and women most likely would not have participated.
To finance the church in the beginning, members purchased a pew. Wealthier folks paid more to get the pews up front. Less wealthy sat toward the rear.
Standing in the baptistery below the pulpit, the Voorzinger opens the services by reading the day’s verse from the Bible and leading in the singing of a psalm.
Acting Domine, Mr. Gasero, will stand in silent prayer during the reading and the singing, then he will climb up into the tall pulpit to present the message.
Voorzinger Preston will turn the Hour-glass to mark the length of the sermon.
The Elders: Vince Akers of Indiana,Eddie Cozine of Kentucky,John C. Westerfield of Pennsylvania,Larry Voreis of South Carolina,Malcolm Banta of Florida.The Elders will sit up front to keep on eye on the pastor and critique his preaching, because they are responsible for the Spiritual life of the church.
When the sermon ends, the Deacons – responsible for church physical or financial and property issues – take up the collection by thrusting the antique collection staves in front of each row of seats. While the bags are being passed, the Domine might dwell upon the necessities of the poor and he might invoke blessings upon those who give liberally, even calling them by name. Sometimes a bell hangs at the bottom of the bag to call attention to the lack of a contribution.Church Deacons :Lynn Rogers of Ohio,Rodney Dempsey of Kentucky,Gene Heathcoat of Texas,Jeff Westerfield of North Carolina.
After the collection, the Voorleser will rise and using a long rod, she hands to the Domine the requests for prayers or thanksgiving offered by members of the congregation. These prayers are read aloud. Another psalm is sung. The Domine steps down from the pulpit.
Each elder will line up to shake hands with the Domine, as the minister was called — unless they are dissatisfied with that day’s sermon. In that case, the Elders will let the Domine know their objection, and they will be sure the congregation knows their thoughts, too.
The congregation is dismissed and they file out in an orderly procession.
Letters 08/09/2017 Family history displays

Only 4 weeks! 28 days! —————————————————–
ARE YOU REGISTERED YET? BETTER DO IT NOW so we know how many chairs, and meals, to order.
GO TO: Our official website: www.DutchCousins.orgWebmaster Pam Ellingson of Wisconsin(At the front page,”Gathering 2017”) Download the registration blank, fill it out and send it in!—————————————————
–LAST CHANCE! BETTER HURRY! We have some really special events included this year for the first time.- For the pre-con event at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort on Thursday evening September 7, Debra Renard, a DNA EXPERT will speak on what you might hope to learn from a DNA TEST.- Friday, a brief business meeting and a day packed with interesting information and networking time, family exhibits, silent auction, and that evening the keynote dinner speaker we all love, Vince Akers.- Saturday, our excursion event will be to the Painted Stone Settlers re-enactment of the Dutch involvement in the Long Run Massacre, and the evening keynote speaker/entertainer is Eddie Price, author of “Widder’s Landing”- ON SUNDAY we move to the Old Mud Meetinghouse at Harrodsburg to participate in an 1800s style Reformed Dutch Service led by Russell Gasero. Archivist of the Reformed Church in America,in New Brunswick, NJ. He will be ably assisted by several of our own Dutch Cousins.- And all during the event our photographer Charlie Westerfield will be cranking away with the memorable photos of us all having a great time!- Go to our official website to download the registration blank and newsletter and more complete information. www.DutchCousins.orgSEE YOU IN FRANKFORT IN SEPTEMBER!carolyn—————————————————————————————————————THE LOW DUTCH COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. JUST FOUR WEEKS FROM NOW!We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call . 502-227-5100 BE SURE TO GIVE THE GROUP CODE: Dutch Cousins 238
—————————————————————————————————————ATTENTION! WE NEED FAMILY HISTORY DISPLAYS! Do you have yours ready?
Please register now.We will again have tables for the popular displays. Think vertical and concise. Handouts with contact info are great. Set up begins Thurs Sep 7 at 3pm; take down must be complete 12 noon Saturday Sep 9. Email me your name, Dutch Family Name, and Title of the Display to Mr Lynn Rogers, lynncr@woh.rr.com to reserve your table.
SENT BY: carolyn (herself)On Sunday September 10 we will caravan to Harrodsburg, a 45 minute drive, for photos and special 1800s worship service at the Old Mud Meetinghouse at 2 pm. The next day, The Harrodsburg Historical Society will have their Research Library and Dutch Archives open just for us from 10 am to 2 pm. Call or email the H-burg tourist office for their recommendation on where to stay. (859) 734-2364. or (800) 355-9192. http://www.harrodsburgky.com/tourism@harrodsburgky.com
—————————————————————————————————————SENT BY: Vince AkersI notice that the bus to Saturday excursion in Shelbyville has filled up. You might tell late registrants not to let that bother them. It’s an easy drive to Shelbyville and we can provide maps to the park where the Painted Stone Settlers do the Indian and pioneer encampments and the massacre reenactment.
SENT BY: Rod DempseyCarolyn, if attendees have time, the KY History Center where we are meeting, has a great genealogical collection in it’s library. If attendees want to travel 50 miles to Louisville, the National headquarters of the SAR is located in Louisville, KY.
SENT BY: Charlotte OlsonWhat is the fee to submit a membership application to DAR? well, here is what I’ve found..The application fee, like the annual dues for members, varies by Chapter. (learn more at the gathering)
SENT BY: Robert BantaSarasota, FloridaAugust 5, 2017Just sending this email “heads up,” see attachment, that I have posted in the snail mail yesterday. I have sent the application and the check and we have requested three tee shirts, 2 each XL and 1 each XXL.I thought that since our application is after the August 1 deadline for early registration you might want this info as early on as possible. You should get the mailed application and check early next week.Really looking forward to being there.
SENT BY: Theresa and Earl Westerfield JrMy husband is a Westerfield, from the line of James Jacobus, son of Jacobus Jr. who was massacred in Kentucky. James settled in Harrodsburg and is buried at Mud Meeting house. My husband’s family line continues through the Cozine marriage and all of the males born as John, David or John David JD. All the folks buried at Mud Meeting House are his relatives, yet he has never been told by anyone in the Harrodsburg/Danville family tree.
We have not attended before, so this should be interesting.
Registrations as of August 1, 2017—————————————————————Registrations as of August 1, 2017—————————————————————SENT BY: Janice Cozine
Banta, Malcolm & Betty Jo | FL | BANTA | 2 |
Akers, Vince | IN | DEMAREE | 1 |
Akers, Zachary | IN | DEMAREE | 1 |
Brown, Anne & Nick | TX | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Burruss, Carolyn & Jim | AL | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Cole, King & Sharon | TX | STAGG | 2 |
Cornine, Harold & Tracie | MO | CARNINE | 2 |
Cozine, Eddie & Janice | KY | COZINE | 2 |
Cozine, Larry & Geri | IN | COZINE | 2 |
Demaree, Bill & Betty | IN | DEMAREE | 2 |
Dempsey, Rod | KY | DeMotte | 1 |
Ellingson, Pam | WI | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Fox, Ruth & John | FL | BANTA | 2 |
Fulkerson, Tamara | KY | COZINE | 1 |
Gasero, Russell & Maria | NJ | 2 | |
Gohmann, Mary Jo & John | IN | Banta | 2 |
Heathcoat, Gene, Carol & David | TX | DUREE | 3 |
Heavener, Jon & Carolyn (Leonard) | OK | COZINE / COSINE | 2 |
Hoag, Bill & Gayle | OK | TERHUNE | 2 |
Karwatka, Carole & Dennis | KY | Westerfield | 2 |
Keith, Buck & Charlotte | IN | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Knezic, David & Dawn | MI | BANTA | 2 |
McKee, Morris & Judy | TX | BANTA | 2 |
Merideth, Barbara | MO | WESTERFIELD / WESTERVELT | 1 |
Metcalf, Sharon & Jim | KY | COZINE | 2 |
Murray, Richard & Joan | IL | BANTA | 2 |
Olson, Charlotte & Dave | IL | TERHUNE | 2 |
Perry, Denise Merideth | TN | WESTERFIELD / WESTERVELT | 1 |
Prather, Damien | KY | HITE | 1 |
Price, Eddie | KY | WESTERFIELD / WESTERVELT | 1 |
Rogers, Kay | NM | VORIS / VORHEES | 1 |
Rogers, Lynn | OH | RYKER | 1 |
Tangeman, Anne | IN | VAN VOORHEES | 1 |
Taylor, Jack & Sue | TX | REYNERSON | 2 |
Van Diver, Cecil & Marie | KY | VAN DIVER | 2 |
Voreis, Larry & Suzanne | SC | VORIS / VORHEES / VAN VORHEES | 2 |
Walker, Johnnie & Daniel | TN | COZINE | 2 |
Welches, Emily & Anderson, Renee | IN | BANTA VANARSDALL | 2 |
Westerfield, Charlie & Marilyn | KY | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Westerfield, Gerald & Nancy | IL | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Westerfield, Jeff & Katherine | NC | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Westerfield, Jerry | KY | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, John & Phyllis | PA | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Westerfield, Larry | TN | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Oscar | FL | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Tom | KY | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Tom & Shelia | IL | WESTERFIELD / WESTERVELT | 2 |
Westerfield, Toni | FL | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Wes | IL | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
and five more received today | |||
Letters 08/15/2017Holy Moley! What an incredible program on tap for the Dutch Cousins.gathering
Here are three of our top “executive” Dutch Cousins.Couldn’t do it without them.

Janice Cozine of Kentucky, our treasurer and registrar.

Lynn Rogers of Ohio, the 2017 Coordinator

Pam Ellingson of Wisconsin, our master webmasterwww.DutchCousins.org
Don’t be a tardy bird!
Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection and contact info. Please send any pertinent info to be included in the next Letter. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do so immediately !I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.
SUCK IT UP SWEETHEART AND START PACKING!THE 2017 GATHERING IS JUST 20 DAYS AWAY. BETTER HURRY! We have some really special events included this year for the first time.- For the pre-con event at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort on Thursday evening September 7, Debra Renard, a DNA EXPERT will speak on what you might hope to learn from a DNA TEST.- Friday, a brief business meeting and all day is packed with interesting information and networking time, family exhibits, silent auction, and that evening the keynote dinner speaker we all love, Vince Akers.- Saturday, our excursion event will be to the Painted Stone Settlers re-enactment of the Dutch involvement in the Long Run Massacre, and the evening keynote speaker/entertainer is Eddie Price, author of “Widder’s Landing”- Sunday we return to the Old Mud Meetinghouse at Harrodsburg to participate in an 1800s style Reformed Dutch Service led by Russell Gasero. Archivist of the Reformed Church in America, in New Brunswick, NJ. He will be ably assisted by several of our own Dutch Cousins. (more about that soon)- And all during the event our photographer Charlie Westerfield will be cranking away with the memorable photos of us all having a great time!- Go to our official website to download the registration blank and newsletter and more complete information. www.DutchCousins.orgSEE YOU IN FRANKFORT IN SEPTEMBER!carolyn———————————————————————————
THE LOW DUTCH COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now.
We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, KY Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100 BE SURE TO GIVE THE GROUP CODE: Dutch Cousins 2389
Our Treasurer Janice Cozine of Kentucky and the 2017 Gathering Coordinator Mr. Lynn Rogers of Ohio (and me – Oklahoma) are working out the details. It will be memorable – we can guarantee you that!
ATTENTION! WE NEED MORE FAMILY HISTORY DISPLAYS! Please register now. Family Display TablesWe will again have tables for the popular displays. Think vertical and concise. Handouts with contact info are great. Set up begins Thurs Sep 7 at 3pm; take down must be complete 12 noon Saturday Sep 9. Email your name, Dutch Family Name, and Title of the Display to Mr Lynn Rogers, lynncr@woh.rr.com to reserve your table.
Oh yes! There will be prizes!
SENT BY: carolyn (herself)On Sunday September 10 we will caravan to Harrodsburg, a 45 minute drive, for photos and special 1800s worship service at the Old Mud Meetinghouse at 2 pm. The next day, The Harrodsburg Historical Society will have their Research Library and Dutch Archives open just for us from 10 am to 2 pm. Call or email the H-burg tourist office for their recommendation on where to stay. (859) 734-2364. or (800) 355-9192.http://www.harrodsburgky.com/tourism@harrodsburgky.com
————————————————————————————SENT BY: Bill and Gayle Hoag
Hello from a Dutch cousin;It’s only about 21 days till the Dutch Cousins Reunion. Please look around and gather up some items to bring for the SILENT AUCTION. Everything is welcomed, especially any Dutch related items. We like decorative items, family history reports, Dutch related books, Tulip bulbs, Dutch food like snickerdoodles and Stroopwaffles (note from Carolyn – Yes please I want those!), anything interesting!See You all real soon in Frankfort at the Silent Auction table. Money raised goes for the Old Mud Meetinghouse and schoolhouse restoration.
SENT BY: janice cozineHello to all,Just wanted you to please check this updated list to see if your name is listed on it.We have been having some issues with our mail the last couple of months and I want to BE SURE I have everyone registered that has mailed me a form.
If you do not see your name on the list below, please email me asap.I don’t want to miss anyone.
If you haven’t sent your registration form in yet……what are you waiting for?We are planning a wonderful weekend and we don’t want to leave you out.
Blessings to all, Janice Cozine
Akers, Vince INAkers, Zachary INBanta, Malcolm & Betty Jo FLBanta, Robert & Grace FLBrown, Anne & Nick TXBurruss, Carolyn & Jim ALCole, King & Sharon TXCornine, Harold & Tracie MOCozine, Eddie & Janice KYCozine, Larry & Geri INDeardorff, Demaree PADemaree, Bill & Betty INDemsey, Rod KYEllingson, Pam WIFox, Ruth & John FLFulkerson, Tamara KYGasero, Russell & Maria NJGohmann, Mary Jo & John INGudorf, Dennis & Susan OHHeathcoat, Gene, Carol & David TXHeavener, Jon & Carolyn (Leonard) OKHoag, Bill & Gayle OKKarwatka, Carole & Dennis KYKeith, Buck & Charlotte INKnezic, David & Dawn MIMcKee, Morris & Judy TXMerideth, Barbara MOMetcalf, Sharon & Jim KYMurray, Richard & Joan ILOlson, Charlotte & Dave ILPerry, Denise Merideth TNPrather, Damien KYPrice, Eddie KYRogers, Kay NMRogers, Lynn OHTangeman, Anne INTaylor, Jack & Sue TXVan Diver, Cecil & Marie KYVoreis, Larry & Suzanne SCWalker, Johnnie & Daniel TNWelches, Emily & Anderson, Renee INWesterfield, Charlie & Marilyn KYWesterfield, Gerald & Nancy ILWesterfield, Jeff & Katherine NCWesterfield, Jerry KYWesterfield, John & Phyllis PAWesterfield, Larry TNWesterfield, Oscar FLWesterfield, Tom KYWesterfield, Tom & Shelia ILWesterfield, Toni FLWesterfield, Wes I
SENT BY: Joan Murray, book chairperson for Dutch CousinsCan you put a message in the DC newsletter asking authors to contact me at Joanemurray74@gmail.com if they will be selling books. Joan
SENT BY: carolyn
A few highlights of what’s left of New Amsterdam. This is part 2 of a 4-part series, in which best-selling author Russell Shorto gives a tour through what used to be New Amsterdam, and what we now call New York. (thank you @barbara whiteside for sharing)
SENT BY: NEW DUTCH COUSIN! Paul Gregory — HE IS A VOREIS (however spelled)
Quick introduction: My name is Paul Gregory and apparently I am a Dutch cousin. I am going to be sending in my late registration for the 2017 event, but not for any meals at this time.
I am also the Vice President for the KentuckyGenealogical Society, so technically I am suppose to be running their Second Saturdaythat day. But a bigger issue is I am a caregiver for my 89 y o Mom, who entered Hospice Care this week so I can’t really make definite plans these days.
Low Dutch Family Affiliation? (I don’t actually know which one you would assign me.). My father was Robert M. Gregory, his father was William P. Gregory, his father was Richard D. Gregory, and his father was Seneca Gregory. My second great grandfather was the son of Richard Gregory and Hilena/Helena Voorhies Gregory, who left Shelby County to become Shakers at Pleasant Hill. Helena was the daughter of Peterus Voorhies and Sophia de Bogart.
SENT BY: Why haven’t YOU sent in anything?—————————————————————————————————————
Carolyn Leonardpresident, Dutch cousins of KentuckyNow preparing for 9/8/2017 Dutch Cousins Gathering
E-mail me: Editor234@gmail.comOn my webpage, www.CarolynBLeonard.com read the pages: DutchCousins: http://www.carolynbleonard.com/CarolynBLeonard/DutchCousins/DutchCousins.html and LowDutchHeritage: http://www.carolynbleonard.com/CarolynBLeonard.com/LowDutchHeritage/LowDutchHeritage.htmlDutch letters are archived on our official webpage, www.DutchCousins.org by webmaster Pam EllingsonBarbara Whiteside has a facebook page that you may find interesting, Dutch Cousins in Kentucky
Letters 08/19/2017 YIKES!

hmmm Mercer County Marriages 1850s
LAST CHANCE! BETTER HURRY! We have some really special events included this year for the first time.- For the pre-con event at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort on Thursday evening September 7, Debra Renard, a DNA EXPERT will speak on what you might hope to learn from a DNA TEST.- Friday, a brief business meeting and all day is packed with interesting information and networking time, family exhibits, silent auction, and that evening the keynote dinner speaker we all love, Vince Akers.- Saturday, our excursion event will be to the Painted Stone Settlers reenactment of the Dutch involvement in the Long Run Massacre, and the evening keynote speaker/entertainer is Eddie Price, author of “Widder’s Landing”- Sunday we return to the Old Mud Meetinghouse at Harrodsburg to participate in an 1800s style Reformed Dutch Service led by Russell Gasero. Archivist of the Reformed Church in America,in New Brunswick, NJ. He will be ably assisted by several of our own Dutch Cousins. (more about that soon)- And all during the event our photographer Charlie Westerfield will be cranking away with the memorable photos of us all having a great time!- Go to our official website to download the registration blank and newsletter and more complete information. www.DutchCousins.orgSEE YOU IN FRANKFORT IN TWO WEEKS!carolyn————————————————————————————
THE LOW DUTCH COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now.
We have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100 BE SURE TO GIVE THE GROUP CODE: Dutch Cousins 2389
SENT BY: copied from Internet Genealogy onlineDonating Family CollectionsDo you have a collection of family correspondence, genealogical materials, or other materials you believe have historical value? Do you want to donate those items to preserve for future generations? A good guide with considerations you need to think about as you make that decision can be found on the Society of American Archivists website. The web page, Donating Your Personal or Family Records to a Repository http://www2.archivists.org/publications/brochures/donating-familyrecs describes the process, what you should know about making a donation, and what kinds of items archives accept. Read this before approaching an archive in your hometown or where your ancestor lived.By Gena Philibert-Ortega, Internet Genealogy and Your Genealogy Today author
SENT BY: copied from Internet Genealogy online
YouTube.com is not just a computer place to go watch funny animal videos. Did you know that YouTube videos are organized into “channels” and you can “subscribe” (always for free) to your channel of choice? There is a Genealogy channel, an Ancestry channel, a FamilySearch channel, and most any other genealogy organization you can think of has a YouTube channel. By “subscribing” you will get notified when a new video in that genre is uploaded to YouTube. For instance, Crista Cowan, the Arch-Guru-Face-of-Ancestry, posts a new YouTube video most every Monday on some new aspect of Ancestry. Do check it out.
By Donna Potter Phillips, Internet Genealogy and Your Genealogy Today author
SENT BY:Charlotte OlsonCorrection on DAR application fee:The application fee is $75 plus $57. The $57 is applied as Chapter dues for the first year when/if the application is approved. Sorry for the misinformation.Dianna Rose of Jane McAfee DAR Chapter, Harrodsburg included both fees since they are due when the application is ready for submission.Our Registrar gave me the fee that I asked for: the application fee!Looking forward to talking with many of you at the Gathering in September at Frankfort.
SENT BY: Charlotte Olson
From Kentucky Kindred…. mentions Riker and Stagg.post if you think it might be helpful to some Dutch Cousin.
New post on Kentucky Kindred Genealogy
Leslie C. Riker Obituaryby Kentucky Kindred Genealogical Research

Leslie C. Riker, 1882-1940, Spring Hill Cemetery, Harrodsburg, Mercer County, Kentucky
from The Harrodsburg Herald, Mercer County, Kentucky
Friday, June 21, 1940
In the sudden passing of Leslie Condit Riker on Sunday evening, June 16, 1940, at his home on College street, the community of Harrodsburg lost one of its best loved citizens. He was born July 8, 1882, at the family home on Danville Pike, in Mercer County and has always lived in Harrodsburg. He was the son of Lee Riker and Marie Rue Riker, both deceased. He was one of five children of which three are still living; Carrie R. Michel, of Oak park, Ill., Frank C. Riker, of council Bluffs, Iowa, and Charles N. Riker, of Harrodsburg. In 1934 he married Amelia Craig who survives him.
The funeral was at 3 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, June 18, at the Presbyterian church with the pastor, Dr. John W. Carpenter conducting the services. Burial was in Spring Hill cemetery.
The bearers were Otto Redwitz, J. E. Brown, George Rue, Oran Stagg, Harrodsburg; Frederick Mickel, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Bennett Bean and Lawrence Brewer, Lexington; and Herbert Robertson, Henderson.
He was a trustee of the United Presbyterian church, a member of the A. D. Price Memorial Hospital Board, director of the Mercer County National Bank and one time City Commissioner.
He was associated with the London Assurance Company for nearly thirty years as special agent for Kentucky and Tennessee, which position he held at the time of his death. The high esteem in which he was held throughout the states was manifested by the floral offerings, the expressions of praise and the attendance at the funeral by Chris D. Shefe, assistant manager of the New York office, as well as agents from many places.
From childhood he has been a part of the community of Harrodsburg. Its problems, its joys and its sorrows were a part of his life. Many friends, white and colored, will remember his wise counsel, his practical advice in their affairs, and his generous financial help in their extremities. They will remember and continue to work, with his ideals in mind for the best interests of his community.
SENT BY: Charlotte Legg Olson -another Kentucky Kindred post that mentions Staggs and Cozines. again, share if you think it might be helpful to Dutch Cousin seekerscharlotte(NOTE from Carolyn This is WONDERFUL darlin’! Carolyn)
Respond to this post by replying above this line
New post on Kentucky Kindred Genealogy
Mercer County 1830 Marriages by Thomas Clelandby Kentucky Kindred Genealogical Research

The Rev. Thomas Cleland became pastor of New Providence Presbyterian Church in 1813. Many of the names in the list are probably parishioners – McAfee, Armstrong, Cardwell, Forsythe, Cozine and others. He also preached at Cane Run Church and the Old Mud Meeting House, which was the Dutch Reformed Church. Rev. Clelland was also a teacher and conducted a classical school for young men in his home, teaching Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Homilectics. He continued as minister of New Providence until his death, at age 80, in 1858.
List of Marriages for 1830 viz.
Shelton Ransdal and Elizabeth Cozine – January 14thWilliam Chambers and Elizabeth Nourse – January 27thWilliam McMurtry and Sarah Maria VanAnglen – February 11thRice McAfee and Ann Maria Armstrong – February 24thJohn C. Cozine and Martha Light – February 25thJacob Crow and Mary Crawford – March 1stWilliam Woods and Jane D. Cardwell – March 11thJames Woods and Priscilla Armstrong – March 25thBuchner Miller and Comfort D. Worthington – April 13thThomas Reed and Elizabeth Parish – April 20thStephen Jones and Mary Ann Barkley – April 29thJohn Kirkpatrick and Ann Smythey – Mary 14thAaron James and Mahala Starnes – June 23rdJesse Hale and Mary Stagg – July 22ndJoseph Chamberlain and Cynthia B. Roberts – August 5thJohn Kemper and Frances A. Doggett – August 11thJohn Cardwell and Margaret Ransdal – September 2ndHarvey T. Ray and Eliza A. W. Cozine – September 21stCharles M. Cunningham and Hannah Magoffin – September 21stWilliam H. Adair and Elizabeth Cromwell – September 28thWillis Burford and Julia Forsythe – October 21stJoseph McAfee and Priscilla Ann Armstrong – October 26thAndrew Forsythe and Narcissa W. McAfee – October 29thHarvey Cunningham and Rebekah Cardwell – December 2ndSamuel Kennedy and Susan Jordan – December 16thGreenbury D. Murphy and Susan Boyce – December 16th
To the Clerk of Mercer County
I do certify that the above contains an accurate list of all the marriages with the dates annexed that I have celebrated within the last year, agreeable to authority from your office.
Thomas Cleland
January 1st 1831
Carolyn Leonardpresident, Dutch cousins of KentuckyNow preparing for 9/8/2017 Dutch Cousins Gathering
E-mail me: Editor234@gmail.comOn my webpage, www.CarolynBLeonard.com read the pages: DutchCousins: http://www.carolynbleonard.com/CarolynBLeonard/DutchCousins/DutchCousins.html and LowDutchHeritage: http://www.carolynbleonard.com/CarolynBLeonard.com/LowDutchHeritage/LowDutchHeritage.htmlDutch letters are archived on our official webpage, www.DutchCousins.org by webmaster Pam EllingsonBarbara Whiteside has a facebook page that you may find interesting, Dutch Cousins in Kentucky
Letters 08/27/2017

Interesting Westerfield family info here
We will be attending in spurts as I am working Thursday and Friday and cannot arrive in Frankfort until 4pm. Earl is working on Friday & Saturday 3-11 but will be coming to the Sunday morning events. We live 15 miles from the conference center, so will not need any bus transportation.
I am attempting to link his family tree from James Westerfield and wife Phoebe Cozine, buried at Mud Meeting House. I need to get the family records from his Uncle John Westerfield (minister in Danville KY, not of Pennsylvania), whose father was John David II who recently passed away at the age of 90. I can make a display for the table event and will contact Mr. Rogers regarding this matter.
I am looking all over for the registration form and cannot find it.
If possible at the conference, I would like to discuss the recent findings from the internet regarding the family estate in the Netherlands. I am submitting an attachment of two documents 1. In Dutch 2. Dutch to English translation. Google provides an automatic translation service.
The reason for this is three-fold: It provides historical documentation where the Westervelts resided and their occupations; it discusses a branch of the Van Westervelts who remained so that that family line can be connected back to the Immigrants at New Amsterdam; and finally it documents a very important part of the Van Westervelt’s heritage, whereby Mr. Sandberg (married to a Van Westervelt, who inherited Essenberg Castle) illegitimately obtained the Van Westervelt crest.
The Van Westervelt crest is now renamed Van Westervelt-Sandberg. I have on internet documentation, the story behind this tragic event. It is the same crest in the (Tallman) book. I found one antique photograph of Mr. Samuel Sandberg but it is undated. His wife died and he obtained the Baron Van Westervelt title by petitioning the King, according to the source.
I’ve also obtained internet records at the Dutch Archives of the Van Westervelt’s in the service of the East and West Dutch Indies shipping companies. It is accessible the same as the SAR and DAR Revolutionary records. It discloses their final disposition (death, changed ships, AWOL runaway). It has been my attempt to find the Immigrants or any relatives circa 1500-1600 so that research can be ordered at the Dutch Archives. So far, nobody has written about these two men and what was their occupation in the Homeland. I would like to find someone who has attempted this feat.
Lastly, there is an opportunity for the Dutch Cousins to be recognized in the State of Pennsylvania as a First Family Settler and the Genealogical records submitted for all of the current Kentucky Cousins back to Pennsylvania. I recognize many surnames in the Kentucky list from being a prior resident of Pennsylvania. Hite for example, is known in Johnstown for a family owned electrical supply and fixture company. Johnstown is located two counties east of Gettysburg.
First Families – Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania
First Families – Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania |
Please contact me if there are any questions. Ms. Cozine did call to follow up on our attendance from a prior email. So I need to get this organized as best as possible.
Earl and Theresa WesterfieldLawrenceburg, KY 40342
Letters 08/29/2017

Are HITEs considered Low Dutch?
Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection and contact info. Please send any pertinent info to be included in the next Letter. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do so immediately !I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.—————————————————–
SENT BY: BARBARA MERIDETHInteresting, but now I am confused. Is the guy with the Van Westervelt-Sandberg name a van Westervelt or a Sandberg, or both? Would like to have some time to talk with her while she is there.———————————————————————————
SENT BY: Joan MurrayCarolyn, please have a notice put in the newsletter asking all those selling books to contact me with the titles of their publications and their sale prices. Thank you. We will arrive on Thursday afternoon. I will still decline preparing the family history table. We would still have to pack the books here at home and carry them out to the car. But, thank you very much for being so considerate. I know in previous years we always filled up all our tables and even had people sharing tables. It shouldn’t be a problem to fill the tables, unless our attendance looks to be much smaller this year.
I am looking forward to the “Long Run Massacre”. My ancestor, Leah Demarest, was one of those massacred. We did attend the Long Run Massacre some years back. It was so well done. I didn’t realize until it ended that I had tears running down my face. Joan ———————————————————————————
SENT BY: Pam EllingsonComing soon…. the redesigned website. www.DutchCousins.org
Jeremy Westerfield has designed a great new website. It will contain all of the information from the current site. It should be easier to locate information that you seek.
The original Dutch Cousins website was created by James Moore (and it was beautiful, says President Carolyn. However, James became ill and was unable to keep up the site.)
In 2009 I created the current site which is hosted at no charge on Google Sites. The Dutch Cousins have paid for the domain name registration. The site has grown and become very popular. The site is reaching the maximum capacity for a no charge site. The software will also be changing and doesn’t create the most appealing site.
A few months ago Jeremy Westerfield volunteered to use the information to create a new site in WordPress. He has created a great new site. He has generously paid for the site hosting through August 2020, approximately $150 per year. A week ago he finished transferring most of the website. I have been busy transferring archived newsletters. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Ivan LancasterIvan notes: I noticed HITE mentioned. Did not find them on the list for Pa. Are HITEs considered Low Dutch??? What Ky. list? Cousin Ivan D. Lancaster of Trafalgar “…Lastly, there is an opportunity for the Dutch Cousins to be recognized in the State of Pennsylvania as a First Family Settler and the Genealogical records submitted for all of the current Kentucky Cousins back to Pennsylvania. I recognize many surnames in the Kentucky list from being a prior resident of Pennsylvania. Hite, for example, is known in Johnstown for a family owned electrical supply and fixture company. Johnstown is located two counties east of Gettysburg….”
COMMENT BY CAROLYN:Ivan, are you willing to be chairman on getting the Dutch Cousins recognized in Pennsylvania?—————————————————–YOWZA!! BETTER HURRY! We have some really special events included this year for the first time. ————————————————————————————We love having REGISTERED guests, so we don’t have to make last minute name tags – they don’t look near as pretty!
- Thursday Sept 7, For the pre-con event at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort , Debra Renard, a DNA EXPERT will speak on what you might hope to learn from a DNA TEST.
- Friday, a brief business meeting and all day is packed with interesting information and networking time, family exhibits, silent auction.
- Friday evening you will hear VINCE AKERS, the keynote dinner speaker we all love.
- Saturday, our excursion event will be to the PAINTED STONE SETTLERS RE-ENACTMENT of the Dutch involvement in the Long Run Massacre. The evening keynote speaker/entertainer is that delightful and deliriously funny EDDIE PRICE, author of “Widder’s Landing”
- Sunday we return to the Old Mud Meetinghouse at Harrodsburg to participate in an1800s style REFORMED DUTCH SERVICE led by Russell Gasero, Archivist of the Reformed Church in America, in New Brunswick, NJ. He will be ably assisted by several of our own Dutch Cousins.
- And all during the event our photographer CHARLIE WESTERFIELDwill be cranking away with the memorable photos of us all having a great time!
- Go to our official website www.DutchCousins.org to download the registration blank and newsletter with more information.
SEE YOU IN FRANKFORT IN SEPTEMBER!carolyn————————————————————————————
SENT BY: KARLA WESTERFIELDWesterfield photo: Oh, yes, I see the photo. I thought there was another document. My mistake. Do you have any idea where this was taken? I would assume in Holland. The bottom of the photo says “members of the Jury and Regulations Committee (or Commission). You probably already got that, though. Sorry I can’t be of more help…————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Jim WoodfillCarolyn, the by-laws look fine to me, as-is. I don’t see any need to change anything.
I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend the gathering this year. I had a fall here at the house in June, and suffered injuries to my left leg that are very slow to heal. I’m like a cripple, hobbling around on a cane, and have to have my bandages changed 2 or 3 times a week, and go in to the clinic once or twice a month for evaluation. So I can’t stray too far from home. This has wiped out all my summer travel plans. I’m going stir-crazy sitting around here–I have to go somewhere pretty soon or I’ll lose my mind.
I was sorry to read about Claude’s passing. He was a rock-solid member that helped hold the group together. I hope the rest of his clan can fill his shoes.
Say hello to everyone for me, and have a great reunion! I would have liked to attend the re-enactment of that battle up in Shelbyville on Saturday, and would have been perfectly willing to drive there if the bus was full.
I will try to make the next gathering in 2019 (God willing), wherever you decide to hold it.
Best wishes for a great gathering,JimNOTE: We will Miss you Jim! –Carolyn————————————————————————————
THE LOW DUTCH COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 8-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now. We will have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call soon – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100 BE SURE TO GIVE THE GROUP CODE: Dutch Cousins 2389————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Lynn Rogers
HELP! HELP! HELP! ARE YOU PROUD OF YOUR ANCESTORS?Please tell us about your family whether you are proud or ashamed.
FAMILY DISPLAY TABLES are always very popular at the Dutch Cousins. You might find a lost cousin in one of the displays – our families are all sort of related!
We all enjoy scanning the DISPLAYS, and they are one of the most important parts to our Gathering because they help share information about our family lines. They stimulate impromptu focus groups to discuss family tree information known and that needed. They bind us together as blood cousins!
You can bring the same DISPLAY as before, we never have enough time to study them as much as we would like, and we always have first timers who haven’t seen any of the displays before.
We will furnish a covered table and you just need to bring a DISPLAY. Doesn’t need to be anything fancy. Think vertical and concise. Something simple that people can get the idea quickly and decide whether to stop and read the whole thing. Handouts with contact info are great. We have 3 Banta tables reserved by cousins Jack Taylor, MarcReynerson, and Emily Welches. So, please EMAIL CAROLYN without delay; be sure to include your Family Surname.————————————————————————————
Our official website: www.DutchCousins.orgWebmaster Pam Ellingson of Wisconsin———————————————————————————
SENT BY: Jim Cozine, Board member and a founder of Dutch Cousins,
…my view is we have done 90+ percent of the good deeds we set out to do and maybe it’s time to open the gap to every 3rd year?I’m so involved with the Navy Vets these days that it is like having a part time job that needs attention every day.
If anyone wants to talk or ask questions about the Cozine male lines at the Gathering – just have’m call me — I’m always happy to work on the family History…Like I said over the phone I sent Eddie 3 copies (draft #62) of the Master Family Tree ( as I know it) – one of these is for you.. I also sent one to Barbara in NJ.. I lost part of the file in my computer but can still make photo copies.
All the best to all the Dutch Cousins — Jim Coz————————————————————————————
SENT BY: MARTHA BOLTZChecked our FF of KY and you have to have resided in KY prior to (IIRC) a date when we are still elsewhere— can’t tell for sure when the Banta bunch actually arrived in KY — anyone with this info, please drop me a note (through carolyn) and what you used to document. Thanks,————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Karla Westerfield:Oh, yes, I see the photo. I thought there was another document. My mistake. Do you have any idea where this picture was taken? I would assume in Holland. The bottom of the photo says “members of the Jury and Regulations Committee (or Commission). You probably already got that, though. Sorry I can’t be of more help…———————————————————
Letters 08/30/2017

Author Eddie Price will present “Remember the Raisin!” as the Dinner speaker on Saturday night.He will have handouts of the song sheet we will be singing from, a great little “ditty” from the time period called “Hunters of Kentucky!” Andrew Jackson would use it as his campaign song. Although many Kentuckians were not pleased with Jackson, they LOVED the song which was sung all over America in the early 1820’s during the “Era of Good Feelings” after the War of 1812.
(Photo by Charlie Westerfield, a professional photographer)
Is HITE a Low Dutch name?
Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection and contact info. Please send any pertinent info to be included in the next Letter. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do so immediately !I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.—————————————————–
SENT BY: Barbara Whitesidehttp://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~george/germannasurnames.html Thought that HITE was a familiar name…….I did research on some of my Germanna Colony lines. [and my husband] ..many came into KY….Coons/Kunze, Clore/Klaar, Maijer, and others……..anyone interested might want to check the germanna surnames list and dig further…….———————————————————————————
SENT BY: Cynthia VannAusdallI was so tickled to see the photo of my VANN Family History table in the recent Dutch Letters. I wish I could come but it just isn’t possible this year. Thanks for making my day.——————————————————————————
SENT BY: Pam EllingsonComing soon…. the redesigned website. www.DutchCousins.org Jeremy Westerfield has designed a great new website. It will contain all of the information from the current site. It should be easier for you to locate information that you seek.————————————YOWZA!! BETTER HURRY! We have some really special events included this year for the first time. We love having REGISTERED guests, so we don’t have to make last minute name tags – they don’t look near as pretty!
- For the pre-con event at the Kentucky History Center in Frankfort on Thursday evening September 7, Debra Renard, a DNA EXPERT will speak on what you might hope to learn from a DNA TEST.
- Friday, a brief business meeting and all day is packed with interesting information, networking time, family exhibits, silent auction. Saturdayevening you will hear VINCE AKERS, the keynote dinner speaker we all love.
- Saturday, our excursion event will be to the PAINTED STONE SETTLERS RE-ENACTMENT of the Dutch involvement in the Long Run Massacre.
- The Saturday evening keynote speaker/entertainer is that delightful and deliriously funny EDDIE PRICE, author of “Widder’s Landing”
- Sunday we return to the Old Mud Meetinghouse at Harrodsburg to participate in an1800s style REFORMED DUTCH SERVICE led by Russell Gasero, Archivist of the Reformed Church in America, in New Brunswick, NJ. He will be ably assisted by several of our own Dutch Cousins.
- And all during the event our photographer CHARLIE WESTERFIELD will be cranking away with the memorable photos of us all having a great time!
- Go to our official website www.DutchCousins.org to download the registration blank and newsletter with more information.
SENT BY: Jim Woodfill A Warning! The Shell Oil Company recently issued a warning after three incidents in which mobile phones (cell phones) ignited fumes during fueling operations. In the first case, the phone was placed on the car’s trunk lid during fueling; it rang and the ensuing fire destroyed the car and the gasoline pump. In the second, an individual suffered severe burns to their face when fumes ignited as they answered a call while refueling their car! And in the third, an individual suffered burns to the thigh and groin as fumes ignited when the phone, which was in their pocket, rang while they were fueling their car. You should know that Mobile Phones can ignite fuel or fumes. Mobile phones that light up when switched on or when they ring release enough energy to provide a spark for ignition.Mobile phones should not be used in filling stations, or when fueling lawn mowers, boat, etc.
Mobile phones should not be used, or should be turned off, around other materials that generate flammable or explosive fumes or dust, (i.e., solvents, chemicals, gases, grain dust, etc.)To sum it up, here are the Four Rules for Safe Refueling:1) Turn off engine2) Don’t smoke3) Don’t use your cell phone – leave it inside the vehicle or turn it off 4) Don’t re-enter your vehicle during fueling.
Keep safe, my DUTCH family and friends.————————————————————————————
THE LOW DUTCH COUSINS ARE COMING TO FRANKFORT September 7-10, 2017. Put it on your calendar now. We have special rates at CAPITAL PLAZA HOTEL – We loved it last time. 405 Wilkinson Blvd, Frankfort, Ky Better call NOW – only 30 rooms in our block. 502-227-5100 BE SURE TO GIVE THE GROUP CODE: Dutch Cousins 2389————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Mr Lynn RogersHi Lynn, I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that we received the application for a marker to the Westerfield Massacre. It will be included when we send the applications to the committee for review and I’ll be in touch with their decision once I have it. Thanks for your work on this and interest in commemorating this chapter in Kentucky’s rich history.Best,Andrew Patrick, PhDCommunity Engagement CoordinatorKentucky Historical Society100 W. Broadway │ Frankfort, KY 40601502-564-1792 x4474 history.ky.gov————————————————————————————
Our official website: www.DutchCousins.orgWebmaster Pam Ellingson of Wisconsin————————————————————————————
SENT BY: from the NY Times, by Gina KolataWith a Drop of Saliva, Family Histories Are RewrittenGenetics researchers generally know which DNA sequences originated on which continents. But pinpointing a particular country of origin, as many testing services claim to do, is far trickier.Scientists simply do not have good data on the genetic characteristics of particular countries in, say, East Africa or East Asia. Even in more developed regions, distinguishing between Polish and, for instance, Russian heritage is inexact at best.The precise numbers offered by some testing services raise eyebrows among genetics researchers. “It’s all privatized science, and the algorithms are not generally available for peer review,” Dr. Marks said.“That’s why their ads always specify that this is for recreational purposes only: lawyer-speak for, ‘These results have no scientific standing.’”For many, though, the point of DNA testing has nothing to do with ethnicity. Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/28/science/dna-tests-ancestry.html ————————————————————————————SENT BY: Carolyn LeonardDon’t miss our special presentation on DNA by Debra Renard at 6:30 ThursdaySeptember 7 at the Kentucky Historical Society in Frankfort, KY————————————————————————————
SENT BY: The Weekly GenealogistAncestral Surname Changesby Lynn Betlock, Managing EditorLeslie Vaughn of Palm Coast, Florida: My step-grandfather, Herman Heiden, was born in Germany in 1889 and came to Wyoming as a young boy. His older brother got into a bar fight and thought he’d killed someone. The brother ran away and took Herman with him. They went to North Dakota and assumed a new surname; Herman Heiden became Charles Bailey.
Herman married as a “Charles Bailey” and had eight children. After his wife died, “Charles” married my widowed grandmother and had two children. Somehow my grandmother found out about the name change. She was livid, and made him change his name back to Herman Heiden and changed her children’s surnames from Bailey to Heiden. Two final children were named Heiden.
Later They learned that no murder had actually occurred–the “dead” man was just knocked out and had fully recovered. Herman’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren from his first marriage use the name Bailey, and the children and grandchildren from the second marriage use Heiden.————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Carolyn LeonardDon’t miss our special presentation on DNA by Debra Renard at 6:30 Thursday, September 7 at the Kentucky Historical Society in Frankfort, KY————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Jackie Wells Lubinski “Snip—Are Hite’s considered Low Dutch” Hi Carolyn,I do not know if anyone has addressed this question, so here is my take on it. A few years ago on the program “Who Do You Think You Are?” was celebrity singer Tim McGraw and they did his ancestry which led back to his 8th great grandparents Joost Hite and Anna Maria Merckle. Both of them were born in Bonfield, Neckarland, Baden, Wurttemberg, Germany. They came to America in 1709, eventually settling in Virginia. I had Hite names related to me in my file so I took the information down and followed the line thru. The following is where descendants may be considered Low Dutch. Joost’s son John Hite b. 1714 married Sarah Elting, and Joost’s other son Isaac Hite, Sr. b. 1723 married Sarah’s sister Alida Elting–daughters of Cornelius Elting and Rebecca Van Meteren of Hurley and Kingston in Ulster Co., New York. Both of these families—Elting and Van Meteren—were Dutch immigrants from Holland. My records show that at least 5 of Joost and Anna Hite’s children settled in Pennsylvania, so there was definitely a Hite presence in Pennsylvania with two of the wives being of Dutch descent. I have not followed out all of the Hite lines, just the ones that connected to the Elting and Van Meteren lines, as they are related to me thru my French DuBois ancestor Louis DuBois who with 11 others founded the town of New Paltz, New York. One line of John Hite and Sarah Elting’s descendants went from Virginia to Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, and ended up in Arkansas with 8th generation descendant Sam Walton—the Wal-Mart founder.Tim McGraw’s line comes from Joost’s daughter Mary Magdalena Hite and spouse Jacob Crisman. This line was in Virginia and Missouri. Isaac’s line stayed in Virginia for a few generations until 6th generation descendant George William Patton and wife Ruth Wilson moved to California and had son General George S. Patton. My records have Isaac’s daughter Sarah Hite marrying a Jonathan Clark and they were the first ones that I have in my files that moved to Kentucky. Whether the Hite family would be considered “Low Dutch” I leave that up to your interpretation, but at least some of the line does have Dutch Ancestry.————————————————————————————
Our official website: www.DutchCousins.orgWebmaster Pam Ellingson of Wisconsin————————————————————————————
SENT BY: JIM COZINEnote: The Conewago Colony project is chaired now by Malcolm Banta, Dutch Cousins Board member. He will be adding the BANTA cabin to the information to be included. Mr. Arthur Weaner is the delightful man who took us on a narrated historical tour of the Low Dutch Conewago Colony on our 2011 Dutch Footprints to New York.Jim Cozine says: I found the sheet Mr Arthur Weaner made up for placement of an Historical marker..The proposed text was:HOLLAND DUTCH FAMILIES FROMNEW JERSEY SETTLED THIS AREAIN THE LATE 18TH CENTURY ANDREMOVED IN POST REVOLUTIONARY WARYEARS TO KENTUCKY AND NEW YORK. LASHELL’S TAVERN ANDTHEIR CHURCH EXISTED NEARTHIS SITE. THE WALLED BURIALGROUND IS AT 900 SWIFT RUN ROAD.Mr Weaner showed the site he believed to be the location of the church on a present day plate map on the NW corner at the junction of York and Coleman roadsHe proposed the site for the marker just to the east of this on York Road ( US 30) where there is an island created from a straightening out of a curve in the right-of-way of the old and new road beds some 18 ft long by 2 foot wide.————————————————————————————
Letters 09/02/2017
Who is coming? Who will we see? Who are our future leaders?
—————————————————–Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection and contact info. Please send any pertinent info to be included in the next Letter. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do so immediately !I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.—————————————————–
SENT BY: Pam EllingsonComing soon…. the redesigned website. www.DutchCousins.org—————————————————————————PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS THE LAST REMINDER YOU WILL RECEIVE BEFORE THE GATHERING! (I think). Also if there is any member who would like to become editor of the Dutch Letters, please speak up now. —————————————————–
Aug 20 (12 days ago) | |
to Carolyn |
Westerfield Cousins- I will be bringing the display that I had two years ago. Please bring items to share and a printout of your line of descent from Jacobus Westerfield and Phoebe Cosine. —————————————————–SENT BY: CAT CLAUNCHHi Carolyn!I am a descendant of Jost Hite who settled the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. We have our reunion every 5 years at Maj Isaac Hite’s plantation, Belle Grove. I’m currently at the FGS Conference so I don’t have my notebooks, but I understand Jost came from a village in Germany and so far, the research doesn’t have the family going back to the Dutch. However, now that you brought it up, I think I’ll check.Sorry to be missing the reunion! It is scheduled at the same time as our State Fall Forum (Virginia DAR conference) and as a chapter regent, it’s mandatory I attend. Please give everyone my best.Cheers!CatCat Claunch SchwetkeRegent, Fauquier Court House Chapter, NSDAR—————————————————————————————-
SENT BY: Mr Lynn Rogers, 2017 Meeting CoordinatorKathy Cumming (of Painted Stone) called me with some details of the Long Run Massacre/Floyd’s Defeat Re-enactment. They really have rolled out the RED CARPET for the Dutch Cousins. They have reserved one of the bleachers for us (no promises about interlopers). They have arranged for us to set up two canopies at the top of the hill with one picnic table and several camp chairs for the mobility challenged. A shuttle/trolley is planned if wet weather. And a cooler with water! And the narrative will include some details about the Low Dutch involved.Thanks Kathy and Painted Stone.—————————————————————————————-
SENT BY: Past President John C. WesterfieldHi Carolyn I got the minutes but did not receive any attachments. I do not see any corrections that need to made to the minutes. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Frankfort next week.Cousin John
NOTE: John, the reports are quite lengthy and a short version is included in the minutes which went out last week, so we will have them at the meeting. Also one error has been reported and corrected, the spelling of Malcolm.—————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Eddie Price, presenterIt is Kentucky Author Eddie Price. I spoke at last year’s Dutch Cousins Reunion at the History Center in Frankfort. Things have relly gotten busy since then. This year I auditioned for the Kentucky Chautauqua Program and was selected to portray Louisville-born jockey Roscoe Goose, the winner of the 1913 Kentucky Derby. This will begin in 2017 and run through 2020. I will also be coming out with my next two children’s books, Little Miss Grubby Toes Plays With Matches and Little Miss Grubby Toes Falls in the Swimming Pool. I am also hard at work to the sequel to the Kentucky historical fiction novel Widder’s Landing.
Last night I presented “The Battle of Blue Licks” program for the “Painted Stone Settlers” at Shelby County Public Library in Shelbyville, Kentucky. I already knew the Dutch Cousins were planning to attend the Long Run Massacre in 2017 and spoke with Helen McKinney about it. I can do multiple programs including “The Battle of Blue Licks” and the “Remember the Raisin programs.” Please feel free to pass this on to whoever is in charge of scheduling for next time. I will be happy to talk with anyone about doing programs.
I also travel to places wanting programs. If any of your members want a good historical program (or possibly an additional writing program) in their area, I do love to travel! Some groups/organizations work to get me into the schools for historical programs, writing programs, author programs, and especially the “Little Miss Grubby Toes” programs (which include singing, a puppet show, a PowerPoint slideshow on “Bees and the Good Things They Do For Us.” Schools take care of the cost and the host historical organization can book me for free.
Eddie Priceeddieprice.1954@att.net————————————————————————————–
SENT BY: Luther DavenportMy mother’s family were Hyatt’s. Have found Hite as a spelling variation also Hiatt, Hitt, Hiet, others. My earliest is in Va around 1770’s can’t say for sure of originn but I recall something about Welsh————————————————————————————–
SENT BY: Tana HammThe articles about Shell Oil and examples of fires and cell phones is an urban Legend.————————————————————————————–Sent by: Carolyn LeonardPresident, Dutch Cousins of KentuckySee you at Frankfort for the Dutch Cousins Gathering!
Carolyn Leonardpresident, Dutch cousins of KentuckyNow preparing for 9/8/2017 Dutch Cousins Gathering
E-mail me: Editor234 (at) gmail.comOn my web page www.CarolynBLeonard.com On the welcome page, choose DutchCousins and LowDutchHeritage.Dutch letters are archived on our official webpage, www.DutchCousins.org by webmaster Pam EllingsonBarbara Whiteside has a facebook page that you may find interesting, Dutch Cousins in Kentucky
SENT BY Janice Cozine, Treasurer
We have about 92 cousins registered for this 7th Dutch Cousins of Kentucky gathering next week in Frankfort, not counting the six who are flooded in Houston and can’t make it. Keep them in your prayers whiile we carry on. Ruth and John Fox, Katherine Westerfield, Vickie Gray and Judy and Morris McKee.
Akers, Vince | IN | DEMAREE | 1 |
Akers, Zachary | IN | DEMAREE | 1 |
Banta, Malcolm & Betty Jo | FL | BANTA | 2 |
Banta, Robert & Grace | FL | BANTA | 2 |
Bantau, Carl | MI | BANTA | 1 |
Brown, Anne & Nick | TX | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Burruss, Carolyn & Jim | AL | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Cole, King & Sharon | TX | STAGG | 2 |
Cornine, Harold & Tracie | MO | CARNINE | 2 |
Cozine, Eddie & Janice | KY | COZINE | 2 |
Cozine, Larry & Geri | IN | COZINE | 2 |
Deardorff, Demaree | PA | DEMAREE | 1 |
Demaree, Bill & Betty | IN | DEMAREE | 2 |
Dempsey, Rod | KY | 1 | |
Ellingson, Pam | WI | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Fox, Ruth & John | FL | BANTA | |
Fulkerson, Tamara | KY | COZINE | 1 |
Gasero, Russell & Maria | NJ | 2 | |
Gohmann, Mary Jo & John | IN | Banta | 2 |
Gregory, Paul | KY | VOORHEES / BOGART | 1 |
Gudorf, Dennis & Susan | OH | 2 | |
Heathcoat, Gene, Carol & David | TX | DUREE | 3 |
Heavener, Jon & Carolyn (Leonard) | OK | COZINE / COSINE | 2 |
Hoag, Bill & Gayle | OK | TERHUNE | 2 |
Jones, Joseph | KY | 1 | |
Karwatka, Carole & Dennis | KY | Westerfield | 2 |
Keith, Buck & Charlotte | IN | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Knezic, David & Dawn | MI | BANTA | 2 |
Love, Danny & Vickie W/Lynn W. | IL | WETERFIELD/WESTRVELT | 2 |
Love, Jamie & Devon W/ Lynn W. | IL | WETERFIELD/WESTRVELT | 2 |
McKee, Morris & Judy | TX | BANTA | |
Merideth, Barbara | MO | WESTERFIELD / WESTERVELT | 1 |
Metcalf, Sharon & Jim | KY | COZINE | 2 |
Murray, Richard & Joan | IL | BANTA | 2 |
Olson, Charlotte & Dave | IL | TERHUNE | 2 |
Perry, Denise Merideth | TN | WESTERFIELD / WESTERVELT | 1 |
Prather, Damien | KY | HITE | 1 |
Price, Eddie | KY | WESTERFIELD / WESTERVELT | 1 |
Reynerson, Marc & Freda | KY | BANTA/REYNERSON | 2 |
Rogers, Kay | NM | VORIS / VORHEES | 1 |
Rogers, Lynn | OH | RYKER | 1 |
Tangeman, Anne | IN | VAN VOORHEES | 1 |
Taylor, Jack & Sue | TX | REYNERSON | 2 |
Van Diver, Cecil & Marie | KY | VAN DIVER | 2 |
Voreis, Larry & Suzanne | SC | VORIS / VORHEES / VAN VORHEES | 2 |
Walker, Johnnie & Daniel | TN | COZINE | 2 |
Welches, Emily & Anderson, Renee | IN | BANTA VANARSDALL | 2 |
Westerfield, Charlie & Marilyn | KY | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Westerfield, Gerald & Nancy | IL | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Westerfield, Jeff & Katherine | NC | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Jerry | KY | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, John & Phyllis | PA | WESTERFIELD | 2 |
Westerfield, Larry | TN | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Lynn | IL | WETERFIELD/WESTRVELT | 1 |
Westerfield, Oscar | FL | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Tom | KY | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Tom & Shelia | IL | WESTERFIELD / WESTERVELT | 2 |
Westerfield, Toni | FL | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
Westerfield, Wes | IL | WESTERFIELD | 1 |
91 | |||
Preston, Amalie | KY | 92 | |
Letters 09/04/2017
Who will be the MOVERS AND SHAKERS for 2019?

Charlie Westerfield attended Greenville High School in Muhlenburg County, Kentucky and served in the Air Force from 1958-1962. In 1965 he married his wife, Marilyn and they have one son, Michael. Charlie also enlisted in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War to fly helicopters. Since then he has operated Westerfield Studio in Louisville, KY from 1969 to present, doing commercial art and professional photography. Charlie is now serving on the Board of Directors for Apple Patch Community, a non-profit organization serving adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as leading a Bible Study for senior citizens at the Atria Senior Living Residence. Over the years Charlie has served as Church Deacon, SundaySchool Teacher, youth basketball coach, Delegation Leader for People to People Student Ambassadors and various other church and community roles. His favorite things in life, (other than his family) are traveling, taking pictures and talking to people. He is a descendant of Revolutionary War Veteran James Jacobus Westerfield, who was wounded in action at the Battle of Brooklyn.

Tamara Lee Fulkerson is a native of Oldham County Kentucky. She is a freelance make-up artist for the advertising and entertainment industries and a member of IATSE 798. After working over 30 years in the film industry and for passage of tax incentives in Kentucky, Tamara serves as an Ex-Officio member of the Kentucky Film Commission. She has worked as an advisor, director and juror on several Kentucky based film festivals. She has a BA in Fine Arts from the University of Kentucky and volunteers as an alumnae advisor for Delta Zeta. She attained sustainer for the Junior League of Louisville and has served on the boards of Oldham County Dollars for Scholars, Arts Association of Oldham County, and a founding board member of Lights…Camera…Kentucky! Tamara is a member of the Filson Historical Society, the DAR John Marshall Chapter, the Dutch Cousins, Christ Church United Methodist and Generous Women Giving Circle. She is married to David and they have 3 children. Genealogy is her all-time favorite hobby. She found Dutch Cousins by the discovery of her 2x great grandmother’s name – Frances Octavia Cozine.

Denise Merideth Perry of Somerville, TN. Her hometown is Caruthersville, MO. She retired from Methodist Healthcare Information Systems in Memphis, TN as an Informatics Nurse ending a 41 year career of nursing. She is a member of the Somerville First United Methodist Church where she teaches Sunday School, sings in the choir and volunteers for other church activities. She has two grandchildren and four great children living near by love to visit their NeNe. Denise and her sister, Barbara Merideth love traveling for genealogy related conferences and to visit family outside the mid-south. Denise is a member of the Gayoso Chapter, Kennett, MO as a descendant from her 5x great grandfather William Ward, where she also serves as secretary. She volunteers for the Fayette County TN Historical Society Archives in Somerville, TN. James Jacobus Westervelt and Phoebe Cozine are her 5x great-grandparents. FOR TREASURER – MEMBERSHIP CHAIR: JANICE COZINE of Mt. Washington, KY

Janice has lived in Mt. Washington, Kentucky since 1966. She retired from the accounting department of Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance with 27 years of service. She has been happily married to Eddie since Oct 1969, soon to be 48 years. They have a farm in Columbia, KY, where they enjoy farming, hunting, hiking & four-wheeling with their beautiful daughters Christina & Lyn and their families. Eddie and Janice have four grandchildren they enjoy very much: Clayton, Carly, Luke & Brooke. She has been involved at First Baptist church in Mt Washington for many years, serving as chairperson of the committees for hospitality and funeral meals. She is also her SS class Secretary/Treasurer, as well as class out-reach and activities leader. She maintains the weekly class ‘Prayer List’. She is also involved in the Mt. Washington Historical Society as Director and community event planner. In addition to all that, Janice also volunteers weekly at the elementary school where her youngest granddaughter attends. Her husband Eddie and their children and grandchildren are all descendants of the Rev. Cornelius Cozine of Conewago Colony.

Malcolm and his beautiful wife Betty have lived in Rotonda West, FL, between Sarasota and Fort Myers, for 10 years. They have two children, Dawn and Travis, and three astounding granddaughters. Malcolm is a Viet Nam veteran who served with the 101st Airborne Division as a mortar squad leader in the A Shau Valley. Both Betty and Malcolm worked for General Electric, in Decatur, IN for 23 years building electric motors. Betty worked in Payroll, Malcolm as a machine operator, then as a machinist, then as a foreman. When the GE plant closed in 1989 Malcolm became a plant manager, and later vice president of operations at Pemco Die Casting in Bridgman, MI. After 10 years they moved to Holland, Michigan, where Malcolm was vice president of operations for Gallant Manufacturing, maker of office insulation for Herman Miller and Steelcase. In 2006 they retired and moved to Florida to live happily ever after. “Father” Henry Banta is Malcolm’s five times great-grandfather. TO CONTINUE AS BOARD MEMBER: JAMES B. COZINE of Las Vegas, NV

Although illness prevented Jim Cozine from attending the 2017 Dutch Cousins Gathering, he remains active in researching his Low Dutch family Cozine. He says, “If anyone wants to talk or ask questions about the Cozine male lines at the Gathering – just have’m call me at cell phone # 702-994-5126 — I’m always happy to work on the family History…” Claude Westerfield, Jim Cozine and Carolyn Leonard were the three founding members of the Dutch Cousins back in 2003. Jim is married to Hiroko and they have one daughter. Jim is a former Naval Officer and Steamship Line Executive and says that after retiring American President Lines. He stays so busy with Navy Vets these days that he says it is like having a part time job that needs attention every day. Jim is a direct name descendant of Cosyn of Nieuw Amsterdam, and of Rev. Cornelius Cozine of Conewago Colony in Pennsyvania, and has traced the one-name down to present day.

AMALIE PRESTON, a lifelong Mercer Countian, says she has always loved history and historical buildings as they tell stories of the past. Preston, who grew up on a tobacco and dairy farm on the hills above the Kentucky River, still lives in her childhood home. She always felt a connection to history when listening to her neighbors, grandparents and great grandparents talk about bygone days and people. She is a Lindsay Wilson graduate and worked as the financial officer of the West Bluegrass District Health Department, Mercer County Health Department and Anderson County Health Department. She currently serves as Vice-Chair of the James Harrod Trust Board of Directors and is spearheading the Old Mud Meetinghouse restoration project as a member of the Harrodsburg Historical Society. She is Treasurer of the Bohon Church of Christ. Her Dutch ancestors are many. (Photo courtesy the Harrodsburg Herald) FOR EDITOR (IF APPROVED): CAROLYN B LEONARD of Oklahoma City, OK

CAROLYN B. LEONARD is a past president and honorary life member of the OK Writers Federation. She is a member and Past President of the Writers of Purple Sage and OKC Writers – and soon to be past president of the Dutch Cousins of Kentucky. She was one of the three organizers of the Dutch Cousins and has organized the meetings since 2003. A former newspaperwoman, she is author of the genealogy how-to book, “Who’s Your Daddy? A how-to-do genealogy book”; “To Israel, with Love”; and a third should be on the market by Christmas, “Cornelius Cozine and the Long, Hard, Low-Dutch Journey from The Netherlands in 1630s to the Kentucky Frontier in the 1800s”. She is also working on a four-book family history saga of her husband’s family, “American Odyssey”. For several years she has been a commissioned writer for the magazine of the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum and is a popular speaker on her favorite subjects: genealogy and writing. Carolyn is usually assisted by her Virginia Gent husband, Jon Heavener, better known as Mr. Wonderful, Ol’ Blue Eyes, or The Engineer. She is a descendant, as you may have guessed, of the Rev. Cornelius Cozine, the Domine of Conewago Colony, and before that of Cosyn the Wheelwright of New Amsterdam. She loves being involved with the Cousins and has been creating and mailing the Dutch Letters online for at least 10 years as well as every Dutch Cousin newsletter.
FOR 2019 MEETING COORDINATORS: King & Sharon Cole of Harker Heights, TX

King and Sharon retired in 2014 and since have lived on a motor yacht traveling the eastern 1/3 of the United States on the Great Loop. In March 2017 they sold their boat and have since been traveling in their motor home. King is a Vietnam veteran. Sharon is a member of the Lohman’s Ford Chapter of the DAR (Austin, TX). Sharon and King have lived in the Austin area since 1999 and have two married children and two granddaughters. Dutch ancestors? I have several.My 2GGM was Mary Ann Stagg. Married Jacob Francis.My 3GGM was Mary Polly Rynearson. Married James Dunn Stagg.My 4GGM was Antje Banta. Married Barnett Rynearson.My 5GGM was Antjin Demarest. Married Hendricks Banta.Maybe Mary Cozine 6 GGM And Maria Cozine.I have a diary written by Mary Ann Stagg’s son, James K Francis, while he was in the Civil War. TO CONTINUE AS DUTCH COUSINS WEBMASTER: PAM ELLINGSON of Lakewood, WI

My husband Bob and I live in the beautiful north woods of Wisconsin (transplanted from southern Wisconsin). Our daughters Marnie & Laura also live in Wisconsin. I am thrilled to say that as of July 21 I am a Grandma to the adorable Ellie Zurawksi (her father isn’t Dutch). I retired as a library director four years ago. Genealogy is a favorite hobby. Years ago when researching my Grandma Westerfield’s ancestors I discovered Claude and the newly formed “Dutch Cousins” group. I have enjoyed many gatherings and the New York trip (Footsteps to New Amsterdam. I like to travel, especially to ancestral turfs. Pam is a descendant of Jacobus Westerfield, the Wounded Warrior of the Battle of Brooklyn in the Revolutionary War, and his wife Phoebe Cozine.
TO CONTINUE AS DUTCH COUSINS HISTORIAN: Barbara Whiteside of Clarksville, IN

Barbara Whiteside lives with her husband Tom in Clarksville Indiana. She is a charter member of Dutch Cousins and maintains a Facebook page “Dutch Cousins in Kentucky. She has many Low Dutch ancestors, the Montforts [French Huguenots who came to what became Nieuw Nederland in 1624 on a ship sent by the Dutch West Indies Company with the first group of settlers.], Banta, and others.
Letters 9/14/2017

Photo at 2017 Dutch Cousins on Thursday September 7 thanks to Lynn Rogers, 2017 Gathering coordinator; Flags furnished by SAR.
Stop! Don’t hit the Unsubscribe button by accident.
Recently one of our Dutch Cousins contacted me to say she had not been receiving her DC Letters and wanted to know why.She had first checked her spam folder to be sure the Letters were not being routed into SPAM by her provider.
I checked with Mail Chimp, my mailing company, and learned she had unsubscribed. When I relayed that message to our cousin, she said it must have been an accident. Or she may have unsubbed before going on vacation and didn’t want her mailbox stuffed.
I thought it would be easy to get her back on the list but it was not. We finally got her back on, but it was NOT easy.
Here’s what Mail Chimp says: When a subscribed contact clicks the unsubscribe link in your MailChimp campaign, or when you manually unsubscribe a contact, the system assumes it was done on purpose and changes the contact’s email marketing status.
- MailChimp respects any contact’s request to be unsubscribed from your email list. Contacts who unsubscribe themselves cannot be re-listed.
Resubscribe with Double Opt-In
When a contact who unsubscribed wants to resubscribe, they should sign up again on your MailChimp-hosted signup form. This form uses the double opt-in process by default, which captures the date and time the contact gave you permission to send them emails. This helps establish confirmation that the contact wants to receive your marketing emails.If someone has contacted you to ask about resubscribing, send them a link to your signup form. Contacts who unsubscribe themselves will need to resubscribe through your signup form. (guess what? I don’t have one)
If you need to un-sub for a while, instead of clicking unsubscribe, please send me an email requesting your name be removed from the email list. I will follow your instructions, and then when you want back on, I can do it!
Blessings,carolynCarolyn LeonardEditor, Dutch Cousins of Kentucky
Letters 9/15/2017
Happy Memories of the 2017 Gathering of Dutch Cousins.
Photo (on left) at the Painted Stone Settlers re-enactment of the Long Run Massacre and Floyd’s Defeat, near Shelbyville, KY on Saturday September 9, 2017. Photo by Lynn Rogers, Dutch Cousins Gathering Co-ordinator.
We had another successful, educational, FUN, Dutch Gathering weekend in Kentucky.
We were in Frankfort Wednesday to Saturday last week, and then on to Harrodsburg on Sunday for an 1800s Dutch Reformed worship service in the old Mud Meetinghouse built by our Dutch ancestors.We had planned to go on to SW Virginia adter a research day on Monday in Harrodsburg. We planned to do some research on The Engineer’s LARGE and GOBLE/GOBBLE families for the book-in-progress AMERICAN ODYSSEY, but a noisy water pump in our 2012 Toyota Camry and predictions of heavy rain around Abingdon all week called our bluff.
Since so many have emailed to ask about the car, HERE’S the report. Eddie sent us to Floyd’s Frankfort Toyota where they got us in early Monday, found the water pump and sent us on our way early afternoon. The even better news is the bill was going to be $845 before Jon dug out the warranty papers, so there was no charge! Thank you cousins!
We got back home Wednesday night, thanks to help from so many Dutch Cousins – especially Eddie and Janice Cozine, The Merideth Sisters – Barbara and Denise, Lynn Rogers, Charlie & Marilyn Westerfield, and others.
I usually take a lot of photos at the Gatherings – but this year I didn’t take more than 4 or 5 pictures. Don’t think Charlie took as many as usual either, so PLEASE all of you who took pics, please share them here in my Dropbox Sharing account, no size restriction: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jfesttx5dk9i7xs/AACwwCsuqS45oSHfzJuJSESza?dl=0.
I’ll give you a byline when I use them in the DC Letters,
Carolyn & Jon————————————————————————————
Many thanks to you and your board for having me as a speaker at your wonderful reunion. I’m glad the subject was of such interest. I would suggest that you send out one of your “magic emails” to find out if everyone who wants a discounted AncestryDNA test got both the discount code and the link, which I put up on the screen after my talk today. If not, they can let you know and request the info from you. I forwarded it to you earlier.
Please remind them that this is for use only within your membership.
Thanks again!Debra
NOTE: The Discount code is DNA20BA———————————————————————————
SENT BY: LYNN ROGERSThe Painted Stone gang truly rolled out the red carpet for the Dutch Cousins. The ticket revenue we provided probably was all gravy, but I still would vote for sending them $100.
BEAUSE:1) reserved bleacher; 2) shuttle; 3) canopy at bleachers with straw bale seating; 4) water at the blue canopies at the top of the grade, etc, etc.Thanks to everyone, it all went smoothly enough.
Lynn Rogers———————————————————————————
sent by: Janice & Eddie Cozine
Hi Carolyn & Jon.Just checkin’ in on you….
Eddie talked with Jon Monday morning when he was at the dealership waiting on your car to be repaired.Glad you got in quickly.Hope you two are on the road enjoying yourself again.
Just wondering if you went on to VA or did you head home from being worn out from the BUSY weekend?
Janice & Eddie
NOTE in reply: I slept most of the 3-days of Jon driving us home. Still have 2 more suitcases and 2 boxes to unpack. So thankful we went – It was all worth it and so good to see our cousins again, Love all of them.———————————————————————————
SENT BY Richard & Joan MurrayCarolyn, I hope you have arrived safely back home at this time. I am just reminding you that I have not received any Dutch Cousins Newsletters for quite a long period of time. The only ones I received were those sent to the Reunion Committee and the registration for the reunion. I enjoyed my time at Dutch Cousins and always leave learning something I did not know before I arrived. Hugs, Joan——————————————————————————–
SENT BY LYNN ROGERSThanks to Clifty Creek Chapter, Indiana Society SAR for the loan of their flags to us for our Dutch Cousins 2017 Gathering in Frankfort Kentucky. They had a place of honor at the speaker’s podium for three days of meetings, and especially when we had the Pledge of Allegiance.
I am a member of Clifty SAR (Lee, my 92 year old brother, Lee Rogers, is also a member and has 12 SAR proven ancestors). I picked up the flags after attending the meeting Tu Sep 5. I had confirmation that they were returned by Dutch Cousin and Madison IN resident Bill Demaree.HOWEVER,On my way to Dayton from Harrodsburg, I diverted thru Red Orchard Park to pick up my canopies. They were not where I was told that they would be. Communications failed; the Painted Stone people decided there were too many people around to trust, so they put my canopies in their trailer. And we are in the process of arranging how I can pick them up.(combined 3 emails by Carolyn)——————————————————————————–
SENT BY: Barbara Whitesidehttp://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~george/germannasurnames.htmlThought that HITE was a familiar name…….I did research on some of my Germanna Colony lines. [and my husband] ..many came into KY….Coons/Kunze, Clore/Klaar, Maijer, and others……..anyone interested might want to check the germanna surnames list and dig further…….———————————————————————————
SENT BY: Cynthia VannAusdallI was so tickled to see my VANN Family History table in the photo with the recent Dutch Letters. I wish I could come but it just isn’t possible this year. Thanks for making my day.———————————————————————————————————SENT BY: The Weekly GenealogistAncestral Surname Changesby Lynn Betlock, Managing EditorLeslie Vaughn of Palm Coast, Florida: My step-grandfather, Herman Heiden, was born in Germany in 1889 and came to Wyoming as a young boy. His older brother got into a bar fight and thought he’d killed someone. The brother ran, and took Herman with him.
They went to North Dakota and assumed a new surname; Herman Heiden became Charles Bailey. Herman married as a Bailey and had eight children. After his wife died, “Charles” married my widowed grandmother and had two children. Somehow my grandmother found out about the name change. She was livid, and made him change his name back and changed her children’s names from Bailey to Heiden. Two final children were named Heiden.
They found out that no murder had occurred–the “dead” man was just knocked out and had fully recovered.
Herman’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren from his first marriage use the name Bailey, and the children and grandchildren from the second marriage use Heiden.————————————————————————————
SENT BY:Jackie Wells Lubinski “Snip—Are Hite’s considered Low Dutch”Hi Carolyn,I do not know if anyone has addressed this question, so here is my take on it. A few years ago on the program “Who Do You Think You Are?” was celebrity singer Tim McGraw and they did his ancestry which led back to his 8th ggrandparents Joost Hite and Anna Maria Merckle. Both of them were born in Bonfield, Neckarland, Baden, Wurttemberg, Germany. They came to America in 1709, eventually settling in Virginia. I had Hite names related to me in my file so I took the information down and followed the line thru. The following is where descendents may be considered Low Dutch. Joost’s son John Hite b. 1714 married Sarah Elting, and Joost’s other son Isaac Hite, Sr. b. 1723 married Sarah’s sister Alida Elting–daughters of Cornelius Elting and Rebecca Van Meteren of Hurley and Kingston in Ulster Co., New York. Both of these families—Elting and Van Meteren—were Dutch immigrants from Holland. My records show that at least 5 of Joost and Anna Hite’s children settled in Pennsylvania, so there was definitely a Hite presence in Pennsylvania with two of the wives being of Dutch decent. I have not followed out all of the Hite lines, just the ones that connected to the Elting and Van Meteren lines, as they are related to me thru my French DuBois ancestor Louis DuBois who with 11 others founded the town of New Paltz, New York. One line of John Hite and Sarah Elting’s descendents went from Virginia to Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, and ended up in Arkansas with 8th generation descendant Sam Walton—the Wal-Mart founder.
Tim McGraw’s line comes from Joost’s daughter Mary Magdalena Hite and spouse Jacob Crisman. This line was in Virginia and Missouri. Isaac’s line stayed in Virginia for a few generations until 6th generation descendent George William Patton and wife Ruth Wilson moved to California and had son General George S. Patton. My records have Isaac’s daughter Sarah Hite marrying a Jonathan Clark and they were the first ones that I have in my files that moved to Kentucky. Whether the Hite family would be considered “Low Dutch” I leave that up to your interpretation, but at least some of the line does have Dutch Ancestry.————————————————————————————
SENT BY: JIM COZINEI found the sheet Mr Weaner made up for placement of an Historical marker at Conewago. The proposed text was:HOLLAND DUTCH FAMILIES FROMNEW JERSEY SETTLED THIS AREAIN THE LATE 18TH CENTURY ANDREMOVED IN POST-REVOLUTIONARY WARYEARS TO KENTUCKY AND NEW YORK. LATSHELL’S TAVERN ANDTHEIR CHURCH EXISTED NEARTHIS SITE. THE WALLED BURIALGROUND IS AT 900 SWIFT RUN ROAD. He showed the site he believed to be the location of the church on a present-day plate map on the NW corner at the junction of York and Coleman roads He proposed the site for the marker just to the east of this on York Road ( US 30) where there is an island created from a straightening out of a curve in the right-of-way of the old and new road beds some 18 ft long by 2 foot wide.
NOTE FROM CAROLYN: Board member Malcolm Banta is in charge of the project to place a marker for the Conewago Colony, and hopes to include the BANTA CABIN, both cemeteries, and Dutch property ownership in the historical information.——————————————————————————
SENT BY: from the NY Times, by Gina KolataWith a Drop of Saliva, Family Histories Are RewrittenGenetics researchers generally know which DNA sequences originated on which continents. But pinpointing a particular country of origin, as many testing services claim to do, is far trickier.Scientists simply do not have good data on the genetic characteristics of particular countries in, say, East Africa or East Asia. Even in more developed regions, distinguishing between Polish and, for instance, Russian heritage is inexact at best.The precise numbers offered by some testing services raise eyebrows among genetics researchers. “It’s all privatized science, and the algorithms are not generally available for peer review,” Dr. Marks said.“That’s why their ads always specify that this is for recreational purposes only: lawyer-speak for, ‘These results have no scientific standing.’”For many, though, the point of DNA testing has nothing to do with ethnicity. Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/28/science/dna-tests-ancestry.html——————————————————————————
SENT BY: Pam EllingsonComing soon…. the redesigned website. www.DutchCousins.orgOur new DC Website technical assistant Jeremy Westerfield has designed a great new website. It will contain all of the information from the current site. It should be easier to locate information that you seek.————————————————
Enough for now! More emails to see tomorrow.Blessings,CarolynCarolyn LeonardEditor, Dutch cousins of Kentucky
Letters 9/18/2017

Five Dutch Cousins with a re-enactor at the Painted Stone Settlers program near Shelbyville on Saturday. Lynn Rogers, Kathy Cummings, Lynn Westerfield, Vince Akers, Rodney Dempsey and his sister Susan Gudorf. (Photo by Dennis Gudorf.)

MORE happy memories of 2017 Dutch Cousins Gathering
We had another successful, educational, FUN, Dutch Gathering weekend in Kentucky. Saturday’s excursion took us to Painted Stone Settlers, Inc., a group of living history re-enactors. The Long Run Massacre & Floyd’s Defeat Reenactment retells the story of Squire Boone’s Painted Stone Station and the real people – many of our Dutch ancestors – who lived it. Included in the weekend event are various demonstrations of heritage skills such as spinning, weaving, fire starting, customs of the 18th century and blacksmithing. Militia life and a Native American campsite are also depicted. Visitors can experience an18th century cannon, get a taste of militia life and engage in lively conversation with costumed interpreters———————————————————————
SENT BY: VINCE AKERSThe scrap of paper with Mr. Weaner’s draft wording for a Conewago marker text mentions “…removed in post-Revolutionary War years to Kentucky…” This idea that the Low Dutch came to Kentucky after the Revolution is a misconception I was trying to correct in the talk Friday night at the recent reunion. The Low Dutch came to Kentucky in the very midst of the Revolution and their early massacres and defeats at the hands of the Indians were a direct consequence of the British strategy to use their Indian allies to harrass the Kentucky frontier. The Kentucky Low Dutch participated in many engagements that qualify as Revolutionary War service.
SENT BY EDDIE PRICEHi, CarolynThank you again so much for the opportunity to speak before the Dutch Cousins. I appreciate the fine meal and the hospitality–and hope the program “Remember the Raisin!” was what you wanted. The audience was appreciative and several came up to thank me. I feel very confident that I will have the new book ready next year.
Please take time to check out my Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/eddieprice.1954 I have a whole album dedicated to the Dutch Cousins…many can see their photos. Mary got several shots of the whole room, the tables, and some close-ups. You are welcome to have any of these and share them with others. Also, please “like and share” the page with others and have them to do the same. That way they can follow what I am doing, when the next book comes out, etc. It is a business page, not the normal Facebook page and I don’t contact through it unless someone contacts me and wants a response!
Hopefully the historical program added a measure of education and entertainment for your events. You might be interested in taking a look at “Homemaking on the Kentucky Frontier.” I bring a whole tableful of cooking and household implements, various farm tools, carpentry tools, etc. and have a great PowerPoint slideshow that shows how hard our folks had it then, and how easy it is for us today. It provides an in depth look at all the considerations pioneers had when selecting a building site, finding a clean water supply, clearing it, building a home, clothes making, lighting, insulation, crops, food preservation, medical and sanitation considerations, worship, recreation. It is FUN, but very revealing–very educational and entertaining.
But “Ohio River Heritage” is also popular–and it shows the importance of the mighty Ohio and its tributaries. I take folks on a “Historical Journey” from earliest times to present.
Hope all enjoyed–and hope everyone made it home safe and sound! Mary also sends her regards!
Eddie Price175 Windsong DriveHawesville KY 42348270-922-1326eddieprice.1954@att.netEddie Price Kentucky Author——————————————————————————–
I sure had a wonderful time at the Dutch Gathering. The Best ever. Thank you for bringing all of the history and genealogical data down to the meeting with you.
Dennis and Susan really helped us get connected up with all of our “Cousins”. The speeches were very impressive to me.I was a History Major in College. To realize that our ancestors on the Demotte side came over in the 1700’s on the “Spotted Cow” ship, as part of the Dutch West Indies Trading Company, and settled on Wall Street in New York City, where there old graves still remain, is very significant to me. The British drove our ancestors out of New York City, to Bergen NJ, where they joined the Revolutionary War and fought for our freedom. Lawrence DeMott was too old to fight, but he was made an honorary Soldier, because he supplied hay to the horses for the New Jersey Regiment. His son John, fought in, as a Corpora in the4 New Jersey Regiment. I verified this with the National Society of American Revolutionary War Veterans, which is located in Louisville. I bought Plaques to honor their service and had them placed in the Old Mud Meeting House cemetery. If you study history, you will learn how lucky, under God’s great support, to be able to have won our freedom, over insurmountable odds. We were outnumbered in troops, the British had much greater firepower, ships, cannons, and everything else. We were just a bunch of ragtag pioneers with a few hunting rifles, but under the great leadership of General George Washington, and very definitely under the will of God. our ancestors provided a miracle unlike any since in the course of history.That miracle was repeated in the War of 1812, when KY provided more troops than any other state, in the battles of New Orleans. Our soldiers, under the direction of old General Isaac Shelby, the first Governor of KY led over 2200 men to those battles. Again, they were terribly outnumbered by the Bri9tish, who also had recruited Indians, and runaway slaves to fight us. Under the Direction of General Andrew” Stonewall” Jackson, a future President, we defeated the British again, with overwhelming odds in their favor. We have to believe that God blessed America in both of those unbelievable victories.General Jackson was elected President and chose a Dutch descendent named Martin Van Buren to be his Vice President. When I was in college I did a thesis on Van Buren. Little did I know that Van Buren chose another Dutch Descendent as his Vice President, named Johnson, to be his Vice President. HIs wife was African American. He was very proud of her and defended her heritage to all people.JUst a few tidbits that I learned this past weekend. There were many, many other things I could tell you, and want to tell you about our DeMott Family history. There will be another meeting in 2 years. I hope I am around then, and I hope that many of you will decide to attend the “Low Dutch Cousins” gathering. I bought a collection of photographs on a CD that I am passing on to Dennis and Susan, in hopes that he can share them with all of you, once I receive them and send them to him.I may be an “odd ball “, but I am still very excited, after learning all of this about Grandmother Dempsey’s Demott(e) heritage. We are a family with a lot to be proud of, there are plenty of outstanding lawyers, doctors, ministers, and outstanding men and women we can be proud to say we are kin to, through many generations. I hope Mary Howard will share my email with all of the Dempsey cousins, and that many generations of you will continue the tradition of coming to the Low Dutch Cousins reunions.Love, Rod ————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Vince AkersThe Dutch Cousins connection to Long Run Massacre and Floyd’s Defeat, into to the re-enactment:
The Dutch Cousins of Kentucky are here with us this afternoon. They are descendants of Holland Dutch and French Huguenot families who came to Kentucky in 1780 in search of land so they could settle together as a “Low Dutch Reformed Church Society.” The Low Dutch were closely tied in with Squire Boone and his Painted Stone Station. Squire Boone eventually helped them locate their Low Dutch Tract of several thousand acres six miles northeast of Painted Stone in Shelby and Henry Counties around Pleasureville. The Long Run Massacre and Floyd’s Defeat directly and tragically affected the families of nearly all the Dutch Cousins here with us today. This is because Leah Demaree, the oldest living matriarch of the Kentucky Low Dutch, was among the victims at Long Run. At 73 and 66, Samuel and Leah Demaree were probably the oldest members of the 1780 migration and their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren formed the majority of the migrants who came down the Ohio in 1780. In fact, their oldest daughter was married to “Father” Henry Banta who led the Low Dutch migration down the Ohio River to the Falls in the spring of 1780. Other daughters married patriarchs of the Westerfield, Lock, Riker, and Smock families and granddaughters married into Cozine, Dorland, Vanarsdale, Voris, Rynerson and Shuck families. Thus, nearly all the Dutch Cousins present can trace a line back to Leah Demaree who died at the Long Run Massacre. Her son-in-law Gerardus Ryker, patriarch of the Kentucky Rikers, lost his life the following day at Floyd’s Defeat. His widow, Rachel Demaree Riker, married John Vancleve who lost his wife at Long Run. John Vancleve was a brother of Squire Boone’s wife and became a full-fledged member of the Low Dutch community upon marriage to Samuel and Leah Demaree’s daughter.————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Lynn Rogers:Draft of part of my narration on the bus trip to the Re-enactment:
WELCOME to the 2017 Dutch Cousins bus trip, this year to the Re-enactment of the Long Run Massacre and the next day’s Floyd’s Defeat. This is done by Painted Stone, an all volunteer group. Our objective is to vicariously experience to some small degree the stark terror which our Low Dutch ancestors experienced 24/7. The threat was everywhere at all times. Sentries were mandatory for every activity. Indians lurked trails, fields and forts. In the middle of the night, braves would climb over stockades and throw themselves against cabin doors within the fort. Make sure the latch string is always in. There was no safety to be had anywhere, anytime.————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Bill & Gayle HoagGayle & I would like to Thank everyone who brought items for the Silent Auction, especially the everyone who did the bidding. We had about 55 items that brought in $582.00 dollars. There was only a couple of items that received a no-bid, those will be ready for the next time in 2019. Start looking and saving Dutch related items for next time.Thanks again everyone;————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Pam Ellingson
Have a look at our redesigned web page.http://www.dutchcousins.org/———————————————————————————
Letters 9/29/2017
Graciela, No One’s Child
By Grace Banta
Review of Second Edition 2015 by Carolyn Leonard
First Edition 2010
ISBN 13: 978-1-5194-3744-0
Trade paperback size, 221 pages
Publisher – Self-Published
I met the author, Grace Banta, and her husband Robert “Bob” Banta in Kentucky at the 2017 Dutch Cousins Gathering.
Bob lovingly introduced his wife, and spoke proudly of her book, saying it was an example of how he thought a family history should be written. I bought the book and read it immediately. It was well-written and I couldn’t lay it down.

Photo of Robert & Grace Banta, 2017, by Charlie Westerfield Photography
This haunting memoir by Grace Banta reminds me of the runaway best-seller and Pulitzer Prize winner Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt, who said: “When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I managed to survive at all. It was, of course, a miserable childhood. The happy childhood is hardly worth your while.” So says McCourt, born in Depression-era Brooklyn of Irish immigrant parents.
Graciela, No One’s Child is an account of the author’s life, which also began in Brooklyn, her illegal abduction to Mexico as an infant, and her quite miserable childhood. The author reveals the brutal, yet poignant picture of the severe poverty and abandonment she was forced to endure in slave-like conditions, half-starved, barefoot year-round, dressed in rags and denied education. She grew up without love and no one seemed to care at all.
Her female captor, Matilde, worked as a prostitute and would make Graciela sit outside the door or chain her to a tree in the yard until the male companion left. The child was left on her own to find the basics, like food or a safe place to stay. Most of the time Matilde could not offer shelter even in a one-room shack with a dirt floor. She had an explosive temper and often beat Graciela.
The story recounts the child’s amazing struggles to free herself from Matilde’s oppressive grip.
Matilde placed Graciela in a Catholic orphanage in Veracruz at the age of five, and never even wrote or came to visit for three years. Grace remembers the orphanage as a good place where her basic needs were met and life had a sense of order.
Just when the Mother Superior found a well-to-do loving family in Mexico City who wanted to adopt Graciela, Matilde reappeared with empty promises of a better life for the child and took her away.
Although the child felt certain Matilde was not her real mother, all attempts to learn the true story failed. One day she overheard Matilde tell a friend that Graciela was born in Brooklyn and didn’t have papers to be in Mexico. Graciela found where Matilde had hidden scant evidence of Graciela’s birth.
Her dream from earliest childhood was to escape, reach America, get an education, and find her birth family — but all she had to go on was one baby picture and two orange hospital visitor cards.
Graciela’s amazing recovery and accomplishment will inspire everyone who cheers for a rags-to-riches story.
Paperback $14.99; kindle $3.99. Order it from Amazon.com here:

Letters 10/14/2017
The Westerfields had the largest family group attending our wonderful Dutch Cousins of Kentucky in 2017.

Would anyone like to send us a list of names to go with the photo?
SENT BY: Carolyn (herself) Leonard
Maybe you noticed my Engineer walking “like a duck” at the Cousins Gathering last month in Kentucky. Jon had been having pain in his leg & hips, so about a month before the event (in August) an ortho doc gave him a steroid injection. That eased the pain so he kept walking on it. (Big mistake – but we didn’t want to miss the DUTCH COUSINS!) His hip was bone on bone and that friction caused a stress fracture in the joint.
We went to a different ortho doc. Dr. Jacob really gave him a lecture about staying off his leg until he could fit Jon into his operating room schedule. I didn’t realize how much I depended on my ol’ Blue Eyes. He was in a lot of pain and on a walker. We finally made on the schedule this week.
The Engineer had a total hip implant robotically on Tuesday noon, back to his room about 2:30 or 3, and could have gone home Wednesday afternoon but decided to stay another night just to be safe. The surgery went perfectly and his recovery is amazing. We came home from the hospital (Thursday) and he says on a scale of 1 to 10 his pain is about a 1. He has all those hip precautions – you know, can’t bend over, can’t wait on himself, can’t drive, can’t, can’t, can’t, for at least a month, and is on a walker for now. The former army Lieutenant re-emerged and keeps me running. Now it is Saturday, and he still says he has no pain as long as he is not doing anything strenuous.
The home health nurse visited today and started physical therapy. Even so, just a few hours after surgery the hospital PT had him up walking, full weight bearing. –of course, that was before the pain block wore off.
I had a total hip implant five years ago after a car accident, and there is a big difference since then. I would encourage anyone with a bad hip to stop dreading it and “get ‘er done.”
Thanks for all the prayers!! Now I promise to get on the ball and start sending more Dutch Gathering reports and photos as I begin to catch up.
Carolyn L. & Jon Heavener
Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say they would like to be on the list – and let us know their Dutch connection and contact info. Please send any pertinent info to be included in the next Letter. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me” — and I will do so immediately!I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.
SENT BY: Martha Banta Boltz
Dear Carolyn—- sorry I could not make it this year, just being sick and too much going on nailed it. I read below in Vince Akers note about Leah Demarest. All that was in the midst of the Indian forays and I am still trying to find out where my 1% of Indian blood comes from. I remembered something from a book that in those battles and attacks, at some time one of the Banta/Demarest bunch was kidnapped and kept by the Indians for a year or two and then released. That would or could be when a half-Indian was produced, IMHO. Can you pass this on to anyone who might have further info? I’d really like to know. The DNA chart does not name any tribe, but my usual assumption was Cherokee until I read about the Iroquois who also attacked us and that added another possibility. Please feel free to send this to anyone who might have information. Many thanks, Martha
Carolyn, Our property in Tampa came through with minimal damage; limbs
blown down, 1-2 trees down but no loss of power to my house and Oscar’s
house. Oscar’s daughter and neighbors did lose power for a week before
Tampa Electric were able to get it back on. We were so lucky. A more
distant cousin further south , east of Sarasota basically had her house
destroyed. Larry is in Tenn and only got some rain and wind from Irma.
Tom, in Lexington, and myself only got a moderate amount of rain and some
wind but no problem. We all enjoyed the Dutch Cousins get together. You
and the other executives did a great job in organizing and running it.
Thanks so much. JDW
SENT BY: Harold & Tracie Cornine
Left KY and came to Conewago…beautiful country. If Malcolm needs help with his Conewago project just give me a call.
SENT BY: Carla & John Gerding
dear Carolyn,
I was thinking so hard about all of you and wishing I could have attended. The program sounded the best yet. My husband John was in the Hospital four days this last week? . .my life is never planned any more. Hopefully I can rejoin at some time. Carla
NOTE from Carolyn: We all missed you Carla. Especially when we watched Mary Jo Gohmann’s video “Footprints to New York” again. Saying prayers for you and John Gerding.
SENT BY: Wayne Westerfield, New Orleans
Please add me to the Dutch Cousins mailing list. I am one of Claude Westerfield’s sons and my information is included.
SENT BY: Harold Carnine
The records at the Adams historical society had the cemetery annual reports only through the early 2000’s. The wall around the cemetery is in poor shape and will have to be fixed or it will completely crumble. However the yard was mowed, clean and looked nice. I will send you a couple of pictures from this week so you can see the problems.
Note from Carolyn: Good to know the Adams Co HS still has copies of Arthur Weaner’s “Taxables: The Low Dutch Settlement of the Conewago, York County, Pa., 1762-1799.” I couldn’t find it available anywhere on the internet.
Harold’s reply: The book cost $10 and they seemed to have a good supply. It was the 1997 revision with the index added, the remainder of the content remained (pretty much) unchanged. I do receive the newsletter. The records at the historical society had the cemetery annual reports only through the early 2000’s. The wall around the cemetery is in poor shape and will have to be fixed or it will completely crumble. However the yard was mowed, clean and looked nice. I will send you a couple of pictures from this week so you can see the problems.

Note from Carolyn: Adams County Historical Society
368 Springs Avenue,
Gettysburg, PA 17325
WEBPAGE: http://www.achs-pa.org/
FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/ACHS.PA
Public Hours: Wednesday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Additional hours on Thursday evenings from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Address for donations to the Conewago cemeteries fund, ask for an annual report and send to:
Donald Lott
140 Westview Drive
Elizabethtown, PA 17002
SENT BY: Yvette Hotink
There are HUGE digitization projects going on in the Netherlands. So if it’s been a while since you’ve checked what’s available online, check again. The record you need may be waiting for you.
For an overview of online records, see Digital Resources Netherlands and Belgium. (NOTE: if you can read DUTCH.)
- 30,000 scans of records about the Dutch West India Company (WIC) and Dutch East India Company (VOC) from the archives of the States General have been added to the gahetNA website of the National Archives. View the scans in the finding aid of the States General.(NOTE: if you can read DUTCH.)
These records are especially valuable since many of the early WIC records were sold for scrap paper, so the records in the States General records are sometimes the only surviving copies. The records include Adriaen van der Donck’s Beschrijvinge van Nieuw Nederlant [Description of New Netherland] from 1655, that was an important source for Russell Shorto’s famous book Island at the Center of the World.

SENT BY: Mary Townsend Bates
Hi Carolyn,
I found out while researching my Dutch lineage for DAR that I have five Dutch patriots that served in the Revolutionary War. This was researched through a geneologist by the name of Cindy Hays in Washington, DC. I will be happy to supply what I know to anyone else that is applying and has any of these ancestors. It has to be direct line for DAR to accept.
1. Garret Terhune
2. Barnet Rynearson, father of Garret Terhune, Jr’s wife Rachel
3. Baker Ewing
4. Isaac Van Nuys
5. David Morse/Moss
SENT BY: (where is YOUR report on the Dutch Cousins Gathering?)
Letters 10/28/2017

Frankfort KY, September 2017. Had a Wonderful time. Hope you were there.

SENT BY: Harold & Tracie Cornine
Left KY and came to Conewago…beautiful country. If Malcolm needs help with his Conewago project just give me a call.
SENT BY: Mary Jo Gohmann
Hello Carolyn,
We truly hope that Jon continues to progress in healing. After having hip replacement myself this past summer, I can not say enough about physical therapy for positive results. As my PT would often say “Motion is lotion!”

Duree descendants From left Amalie Preston, Mary Jo Gohmann, David Heathcoat and his parents Gene and Carol Heathcoat.
Thank you, Carolyn , Janice, and all the fine people who made the Dutch Cousins Reunion so enjoyable. It takes a lot of planning and work behind the scenes for such an event to be a success.
We had to leave before the service at Old Mud due to constant phone calls and concerns about our place in the Florida and Irma’s destructive path. We did have significant damage as it seems a tornado hit our porch and tore off the shutters. Our wicker furniture was found in the trees with the screens wrapped around the pieces. There was some water damage inside our condo but good friends mopped up the standing water and threw out the soaked rugs. Still getting estimates and contacting very busy workmen. Eventually, everything will be settled and we just need to be patient. Objects can be replaced but lives cannot, and we are thankful that the casualties in Florida were few.
Again, healing thoughts and prayers are sent to Jon and you, Carolyn as his TLC person!
Mary Jo

SENT BY: Rodney Dempsey, a Demotte descendant.
God bless you and Jon, Carolyn. You two have been through a lot with your health, but you are both tough old Dutch Birds. Okies know how to continue to exist. Tough people.
Please keep me on the list. The 2017 Gathering was one of the very best.
SENT BY: Carolyn Buruss (identifying Westerfields)
From Carolyn (not herself, but the other one: Carolyn Burruss)
I received your update of Oct. 14. Thank you for all the coordinating of information you do for our group. I have only a few names to add to the faces in the group:
(1) Carolyn Burruss (myself) is standing beside you, and my husband (2) Jim is standing next to me, wearing a light blue shirt.
(3)Next to my husband is a blond lady, Caroline Payne from my hometown of Owensboro. She is standing on the same row with us. She still lives in Owensboro, but I moved away after college. FYI she pronounces her name just the way you and I pronounce ours, so that makes three of us.
(4)On the same row, but on the other side of you are two sisters who now call Missouri home. They have a wealth of information about the Westerfield family and are very friendly. One of the sisters (the younger one, I think) gave me her name and address: Barbara Meredith, 335 County Highway 534, Caruthersville, MO, Zip code is almost unreadable but I think it is 63830.
(5) I also met a lady from Cullman AL about 70 miles from me. Her son had just seen some information about the “Gathering” and brought her. We have corresponded and exchanged information since then. I am not sure that she was there in time to get in the picture, but if she was, I would say that she is “mostly” there in the photo. She would be the lady who got cropped on the back row. And that does look like her face and the patterned blouse she wore that day. Her name is Sue Westerfield.
I hope this small bit of information will be of some help.
The other Carolyn
SENT BY: Steve & Heather Henry
Miss Carolyn. We just love you so much. Thank you for everything you do
SENT BY: R. W. “Wes” Westerfield
Thank you for all your work on the Dutch Cousins. I’m a newby and am still getting myself together on the history of the DC families. One thing that would be helpful to me is to be able to refer to a history of the cousins leaving New Amsterdam and moving west. Can you direct me to a source for this?
R. W. “Wes” Westerfield
SENT BY: Mary Elizabeth Cadei
My father John William Cadei is the son of Francis Livingston, born 1908 Frankfort, Kentucky and died 2004 Paradise, California.
I came across your Organization and I would love to join. Hendrick Banta is my 7th Great Grandfather.
SENT BY: Marion Bauer
Carolyn, just reading this and I am sure Jon is doing REALLY well with his new hip. Glad he “had er done!”
SENT BY: Mr Lynn Rogers, Dayton OH, Coordinator 2017
During the Dutch Cousins 2015 Gathering, there was discussion about the program for the next Gathering. There was interest in the Re-enactment of the Long Run Massacre and Floyd’s Defeat and there was recent research on the Westerfield Massacre. This was especially appropriate since the Dutch Cousins grew out of the Westerfield Family Association by adding collateral surname lines and finally welcoming all who are interested in the Kentucky Low Dutch Company Genealogy and History. The date was selected to coincide with the Re-enactment of the Long Run Massacre and Floyd’s Defeat produced annually by The Painted Stone Settlers, Inc., www.paintedstonesettlers.org The Capital Plaza Hotel for lodging and the Kentucky Historical Society for our meetings were selected based on favorable rates and our wonderful 2015 experience with them.
Mr. Lynn Rogers, a Ryker cousin and the excellent 2017 Dutch Cousins Coordinator.
The Saturday excursion included a full busload of 55 plus about 10 who traveled by private vehicle. The Re-enactment retells the story of Squire Boone’s Painted Stone Station and the real people – many of our Dutch ancestors – who lived it. There were various demonstrations of heritage skills such as spinning, weaving, fire starting, customs of the 18th century and blacksmithing. Militia life and a Native American campsite were also depicted. Visitors experienced an 18th century cannon, got a taste of militia life and engaged in lively conversation with costumed interpreters.
Vince Akers is the author of a three-part series beginning in the Fall 2017 issue of Bluegrass Roots; it provides extensive documentation that the Westerfield Massacre happened on April 3, 1781 at Clear’s Station (near exit 121 of I-65 in Shepherdsville KY). A Kentucky Historical Marker is being considered to commemorate the event.
Letters 12/9/2017

May your fun be large and bills be small!
Thinking warmly of each of you and wishing your family an extra measure of comfort, joy and hope this Christmas. We wish all our cousins, descendants of the Netherlands, a very Zalig Kerstfeest or Zalig Kerstmis (both mean Merry Christmas), Vrolijk Kerstfeest (Cheerful Christmas) or Prettig Kerstfeest (Nice Christmas)
Feel free to share these items, just credit DUTCH LETTERS (date), free genealogy round robin published by Carolyn Leonard. Anyone who wishes to be added to the mailing list, send an email to me at Editor234@gmail.com and say you would like to be on the list – and let us know your Dutch connection and full contact info. Please send any pertinent info to be included in the next Letter. If you no longer wish to receive our emails, I’ll be lost, confused and probably lose sleep at night. I mean, seriously. I will feel like I have failed somehow. But if you really feel that way and want to be removed from the mailing list, just hit reply and say, “remove me”. I will do so immediately! I promise we do not share our mailing list with anyone, and do not publish email addresses on the list because of possible scammers.————————————————————————————
SENT BY: Bob & Grace Banta,
…I was browsing your fantastic website “Letters” collection and came up with an interesting entry:
From Charles Vanorsdale of Saudi Arabia:
The emails about Arthur Weaner stirred a memory, and I think this list may be an ideal venue for this question. Franklyn Frick was another great researcher of the Dutch families (from NY to VA/KY) and had amassed a tremendous library and genealogical collection. He passed away about 10 years ago. I was curious as to whether anyone on the list knew what became of Franklyn’s collection? Thanks, Charles Vanorsdale (a very distant Dutch cousin in Saudi Arabia).”As you might remember, i mentioned that we had lived from the early 1980’s to 2000 in Saudi Arabia. I knew of several Dutch Cousin connections there (Van Cowenhoven/Conover, Demarest and Ackerman) but never Charles Vanorsdale. Do you have Charles’ email address? a way to contact him? We had a very active genealogy club in Saudi Arabia and perhaps it is still going. Love to have your help on this, time permitting.
SENT BY: Carolyn (herself)
How’s this for the “who are the Dutch Cousins? info on the website. Please let me know your thoughts:
Who are Dutch Cousins of Kentucky?
Our ancestors called themselves the “low dutch” because they came from the lowlands of the Netherlands and spoke a different dialect from the German groups who were also called Dutchmen. It was almost an unwritten law for the Holland Dutch group to marry within their circles up through the 19th century, so we are all cousins.
Immigration to the New World started in the early 1600s with the West Indies Company (WIC) offering farmland to European workers who would help settle the area that became known as New Amsterdam. After the English took over in the late 1600s and renamed the infant settlement New York, our ancestors migrated across the Raritan river to “the Jerseys,” mostly around Somerset County. Later, the Dutch bunch moved on West in the 1700s, to near Gettysburg, and settled the Conewago Colony. Beginning around and shortly after the time of the Revolutionary War, they began to populate the Kentucky frontier.
Most of the present-day Dutch Cousins are allied through Dominee Cornelius Cozine, the Dutch Reformed minister at Conowago Colony, and his eleven children who married into other church families: Banta, Vanarsdale, Smock, Brewer, Westerfield, and List. Even if they claimed varied nativity, the in-laws had been “hanging around” for years with the Dutch pioneers. The Dutch groups migrated to Kentucky in the 1780s and continued intermarrying—at least those who survived the Indian attacks and starvation did. Dominee Cozine was an “intend friend” of the Kentucky move, but he died before the land was ready. His children and church members followed the call of the wild west. They wanted to remain a separate people, to feel free to raise their families in their unique faith with a Dutch-speaking Dominee. Their first settlement was in Mercer County, their Dutch Fort near Harrods Fort (later Harrodsburg), until they were able to get title to several thousand acres north of there with its center at Pleasureville still know as the “Low Dutch Tract.”
What started many years ago as a Westerfield family reunion, expanded in 1998 to include Cozines, and in 2005 all Dutch Cousins were invited to Harrodsburg, KY, where we learned a little more about our history. We have returned every odd-numbered year since. Attendance has been above 100 every year with almost a thousand addresses around the world on the mailing list. The Riker family, VanArsdale family and Demaree family associations joined us in 2007, as well as the Darlands, Bantas, Brewers, Montforts and Vorhees.We are an all volunteer organization, non-profit registered in Kentucky, and do not require dues at this time. Our goal and mission statement is here: We are descendants of the Low Dutch who settled New Amsterdam, moved to New Jersey, migrated to near Gettysburg, and made history when they later populated the Kentucky frontier. Our Dutch Cousins goal is to research, share and preserve the genealogy and history of our common Low Dutch heritage, including but not limited to, the restoration and preservation of the Old Mud Meetinghouse near Harrodsburg, KY. Our mission is to honor the memory of these ancestors, and enjoy the friendship of cousins – both newly-discovered and long-loved.
Join our email list to stay updated on plans. Send an email to Buffalo234@cox.net and ask to be added to the Dutch Cousins list. Include your family tie with your contact info including phone numbers, US Mailing address, and your email addresses. (If you have more than one email, send it in case the first one bounces.)
I ran across the name, RYERSON, many years ago. That family has an old very large hardback book genealogy. As I remember, it is a New Netherlands DUTCH Family. And, it has the same many alternate spellings you find in my REYNERSON family as you would expect.
But, my line descends from Arent Teunissen van Hengel, the father of a family that arrived in the mid 1650’s and settled on Staten Island. That is my mother’s line. The best clue is the missing “N”. My line will have an “N” after the “Y”. But, it is more complicated. The original name was patronymic. The descendants, through several generations, adopted our present naming system. Some of the descendants took surnames based upon variant spellings of Rijner, or Arent or van Hengel. There are many variations of each.. I also ran into a similar Norwegian name. The difference in that name was a “T” before “son” as in RYNEARTSON.
Bottom Line, RYERSON is not a variant spelling of the descendants of Arent Teunissen van Hengel.
Thanks for thinking of me,
SENT BY: olive tree genealogy
Olive Tree Genealogy has recently updated its exclusive Ship Reconstruction
Project for ships sailing to New Netherland (New York) from 1624 to 1664.
Another passenger has been added to the ship Groote Christophel
<http://www.olivetreegenealogy.com/ships/nnship70.shtml> sailing from
Holland to New Netherland in 1654. http://www.olivetreegenealogy.
Another ship has been added (never before published) – the Jonge Prins van
sailing shortly after June 1647. http://www.olivetreegenealogy.
SENT BY: Harrodsburg Herald @ our Dutch cousin and forever Miss America,
Heather French Henry
The Mercer County Public Library is preparing to host local veterans for a special event on Monday, Nov. 6, entitled “Thank You For Your Service: Honoring Mercer County’s Veterans.”
A special exhibit will also display memorabilia from local veterans.
Lolita Short, children’s librarian at MCPL, says the event is a small token of appreciation for local veterans.
“In general conversation around the library, we don’t necessarily give enough support and homage to those people who laid their lives on the line to protect us and to make sure we maintain the freedoms we have,” Short said.
Heather French Henry, deputy commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs, is the special guest of the event.
Henry, crowned Miss America in 2000, is the daughter of a Vietnam veteran and has been recognized for her work on behalf of vets through the Heather French Foundation for Veterans.
She will read from her book, “Pepper’s Purple Heart—A Veterans Day Story,” to preschool groups at the library at 11 a.m.
She will then take photos and speak at the event.
Short says the events are just a small token of appreciation for all the veterans have done for our country.
“We just need to do more. Homeless and veteran just don’t belong in the same sentence to me,” Short said.
Those who would like to contribute memorabilia for the display are encouraged to contact Lolita Short at 734-3680 extension 107. Weapons are not permitted.

Veterans advocate Heather French Henry will read from her book and speak at the Mercer County Public Library.
SENT BY: Marilyn Douglas
On Nov 15, 2017, at 1:11 PM, Marilyn Douglas <Marilyn.Douglas@NYSED.GOV> wrote:
Flatbush Church Records available for sale by the Jacob Leisler Institute – order form attached
Records of The Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush, Kings County, New York, Volume I 1677-1720; Volume II Deacons’ Accounts 1654-1709. Translated by David William Voorhees
Records of the consistory minutes, baptismal and marriage records, and membership lists of the Dutch Reformed congregations located in the present-day New York City borough of Brooklyn.
Thanks Marilyn
Marilyn E. Douglas, Vice PresidentWebsite www.newnetherlandinstitute.org
SENT BY: Robert Hastings
I am a Desendent of Richard Whitfield Hastings who married Mary Polly Banta in Gibson Co. Indiana in 1823 done pretty good tracing back the Banta family. But not too good on the Hastings include me in the letter.
- “You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle three things: a rainy day, lost luggage and tangled Christmas lights.” -Maya Angelou
SENT BY: Carolyn (herself)
- Get your fat pants ready, it’s Christmas!
How about sending us your favorite Christmas and New Year traditions?
SENT BY: Carolyn Leonard
Editor, Dutch cousins of Kentucky
E-mail me: Editor234 (at) gmail.com
On my web page www.CarolynBLeonard.com
On the welcome page, choose DutchCousins and LowDutchHeritage.
Dutch letters are archived on our official webpage, www.DutchCousins.org by Pam Ellingson
Barbara Whiteside has a facebook page that you may find interesting, Dutch Cousins in Kentucky