September 24-27, 2021 Kentucky State University Harold R. Benson Farm –More information to follow. –For specific questions please contact us at
Good Spring day Cousins! April showers bring May flowers. Here’s wishing for you a colorful garden. Leslie C. Jones wrote:Dutch connection:I am excited and look forward to receiving information about Dutch Cousins! My Dutch Line ….Myself (Lincoln County)Herrell, Eloise – mother (living) md. Frank Jones (dec) Franklin County, KYHerrell, Ira Pias – gf – md Ruby Harrod
Good day cousins: As more vaccines are distributed, we hope you are being encouraged. Carolyn Leonard wrote:03/15/2021 I might make it to Kentucky in September – you never know! The weather has been beautiful lately. I am looking at flower catalogs and continue to read continued stories! My blood lab reports go up and down. They
Good day Cousins: This newsletter is a month later than we intended. As the saying goes: “Life is what happens while you’re making your plans.” On Jan 18, our co-editor, Sharon, fell off the top of a two-step step stool and hit the floor hard. She broke her right shoulder and tore the rotator cuff.
Good Sunday cousins! We hope your days are filled with the peace that surpasses all understanding. Carolyn Leonard wrote: Just sending you a quick update because I probably won’t remember to do it later.25 Jan 2021I have to admit a little depression last week after the “No remission” bone marrow biopsy report. Dr Reitz said he was not
Good Monday Cousins. We hope you are staying healthy, happy, hopeful, and that the line ahead of you for your vaccine doesn’t appear unending. A reminder: Our two email addresses are (either is fine) Dutch Cousins 2021 Gathering – September 24-27, 2021 – Kentucky State University Harold R. Benson Farm We’ve had some replies to our Dutch Cousins 2020-2021 President,
Hello Dutch Cousins!Has cabin fever got you down? Are you ready for a breakout? We are happy to announce the dates for our 2021 Dutch Cousins Gathering! September 24-27, 2021 Your DC Board has approved some schedule changes based on input from various members at our 2019 Gathering. (October dates were not available at our venue.) We are shortening
Hello Cousins: Time for a break from the news and let the dust (and hopefully emotions) settle. First of all, please take note: The email address: info@DutchCousinsofKY does not work. This was connected to the software problems we experienced last month. Important – the email addresses to use—————————————————————– Tamara Fulkerson, sent out a Christmas message last month. For some
Hello Cousins, Happy 2021! Best wishes for a healthy and peaceful year. This is the first newsletter from your new editors. Yes, it’s been a long time coming. Figuring out the mailer application has been an unexpectedly difficult journey. Thankfully, Jeremy Westerfield came to our rescue! So, this is an introduction and a test. We
THE NEW ADDRESS TO SEND FOR DUTCH LETTERS IS: Wonderful news! We have a volunteer! Actually two. Our cousins King and Sharon Cole volunteered to take on this job, and I couldn’t be more pleased. I first met them in 2013 at the Cousins Gathering in Madison Indiana, where we became friends over a TOOTHPICK