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Letters 12/25/2023

Dear Low Dutch Cousins,I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! I hope all of you have had a great year and have continued meeting, learning and sharing about our ancestors of old!    I am looking forward to seeing you all at the gathering next year at

Letters 10/5/2023

Greetings Cousims:  Fall is finally here. It’s been a hot summer in Texas, so we are ready for the welcome break.   We are fortunate to have numerous contributions from Judith Smith Cassidy, who is an auther of many books and articles.  Here is her biography I found on Amazon Books, followed by contributions to the

Letters 8/19/23

Judy Cassidy shared this on facebook.Life not just in Pennsylvania and Conewago but all colonies, completely changed during the Revolutionary War Years. Land transactions were especially impacted. As I said before all Land Transactions were done by the British Method. Warrants, Surveys and Patents were not filed at a County level. They were filed in Philadelphia

Letters 6/25/23

Hi Cousins! Chris and Jon Canine here!       We just wanted to share a bit with you about this event that took place out at the Old Mud Meetinghouse in May!     Sing the Songs of Zion was the name of this event that was set up by Glenn Ferrell Retired, OPC (Orthodox Presbyterian

Letters 5/17/23

Dear Dutch Cousins,  On April 29, 2023, I visited with cousins Chris and Jon Canine as we participated in the Patriot Grave Dedication at Fairview Cemetery in New Albany, Indiana. It was a cold, windy, overcast day with the threat of rain in the forecast, but the occasion was marked with patriotic enthusiasm by over 120 attendees.

Letters 4/15/2023

Hello Dutch Cousins!! It’s been a while …….but just wanted to remind everyone, if any of you have questions, concerns or you’re stumped on something you found during your family history research; please send your detailed information to the Dutch Cousins newsletter at . If you put your needs out there, someone in our group will be happy

Letters 1/8/2023

Hi Cousins, I hope everyone had a great year in 2022 and I want to wish you all a happy New Year for 2023!  As we look back over last year, may we fondly remember the time we shared at the Low Dutch Cousins gathering and all the memories we made as our Low Dutch

Newsletter 10-14-2022

Notes from Dutch Gathering attenders: Neal Underwood wrote:A wonderful week in Kentucky. Was a pleasure seeing those I remember from three years ago and meeting new cousins, including an actual Shuck descendant cousin. The services at Mud Meeting House and Veterans Remembrance were especially meaningful. Then seeing the amazing job that was done cleaning up the DeMott Cemetery. At