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Swift Run Cemetery

My name is Maggie Olsen. I’ve been working at the burial ground on Low Dutch Road and have just recently moved to the one on Swift Run. Many of the graves on Low Dutch are in poor shape and I try to avoid anything that is not structurally sound so I avoid doing any damage.

Letters 5/5/2020

WHAT ARE YOU DOING DURING THE PANDEMIC? ————————————————————————————————— SENT BY: Diana VanNice Stephens (new cousin)My family has ancestors buried at the Old Mud Meeting House near Harrodsburg.  From there they emigrated to Indiana, in Hendricks County near Danville.  The next step was to Lucas County, Iowa, and my great-grandfather farmed at Strasburg, Saskatchewan, coming back to the United

Letters 4/28/2020

Cousins by the Dozens!Bill Demaree of Madison Indiana can tell you all about his Demaree ancestors and he has the photos and tombstones and records to prove it!  He just loves sharing his Low Dutch family history and has attended every Dutch gathering. The engineer and I visited Bill and wife Betty in Madison in

Letters 4/1/2020

It may be April 1st, but this is no joke! SENT BY: Beverly DeMotte SantellaThe parents of Dorthy Van der Beek DeMotte wife of Lawrence (Laurens) DeMotte  were: Rem Jansen (Jan) Remsen Vanderbeek and Dorothe Dorothea Dorothy (father Pieter Cortelyou). (I have multiple genealogical paternal and maternal lines back to Europe for both of these individuals if anyone

Note from webmaster Pam

There is a “Comment” feature in the online posting of the Dutch Cousins letters. Notice the comment from Judy Cassidy on the 3/22/2020 letters. **4/8/20- These posts aren’t as interactive as Facebook or other blogs. I have now disabled the comment feature. If you have comments to make on postings in the letters please send

Letters 3/22/2020

SENT BY: Carolyn (Herself)Please change my address in your address book to or I don’t check the Gmail as often as I shoul—————————————————————— SENT BY: Alan Weaner inre: Conewago north cemetery wallWall fixed….  till the ground hogs tear into it again.   One lost his life…scratched out 1 to many rocks.  10 bags mortar mix    nearly 1600 lbs

Letters 3/3/2020

Making plans for the next Dutch Cousins Gathering! FIRST, A word from our new president Tamara… SENT BY:  Tamara Fulkerson, President, Dutch Cousins 2019-2021                    FOR THE LETTERS EMAIL:Dear Dutch Cousins!The 2019 Dutch Cousins Gathering was a great time of getting together again and meeting brand new cousins.

What is Conewago?

SENT BY: Carolyn (herself)More for Tamara and Janice to talk about Monday! Some of these letters have been published earlier, but I tried to collect all the Conewago info here.What is Conewago and why is it important to us? The bones of our ancestors are there. Larry Voreis had some good info and photos of

Letters 2/21/2020

What’s happening in your life, cousins? HERE ARE THE PHOTOS FROM THE 2019 Dutch Cousins Gathering in Kentucky! SENT BY:  Pam Ellingson I did upload Charlie’s photos to the DC google account. The following link should allow access and people can download the file of 429 photos. Thank you Charlie Westerfield, immediate past president! ———————————————- SENT BY: Mr. Lynn Rogers,