POSTPONED!! Dutch Cousins 2021 Gathering

Dear Dutch Cousins,

It is with much regret that your board has unanimously voted to postpone our September 24-27, 2021 Gathering until September 2022.

It is the prudent thing to do as COVID is on the increase with new variants and constant changes.  Many members do not feel comfortable or safe traveling. 

Our other concern is our registration numbers do not meet our needed numbers to cover our expenses.

We certainly hoped for a much different scenario to play out.

Our Treasurer, Janice Cozine, will be refunding the registration fees that she has received.

Please be on the lookout for information to join our ZOOM Business Meeting on Saturday September 25, 2021. Details forthcoming.

Please stay safe and healthy so that we can have an enormous gathering next year!

Tamara Fulkerson
Dutch Cousins President 2020-2021